
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Wakanda/ The League of Assassins - Part 1/?

"My fellow Wakandan's, today I stand before you in the golden city of our beloved realm filled with love for you all.."

Broadcasting across the entire country of Wakanda, from the 'Youth Academy of Wakanda' to the 'Extraction Fields', 'Vibranium Mines', and 'Techno-Jungle', all citizens of the great country are interrupted by T'Challa.

"Our many peoples have learned to live and prosper together, keeping our wonders hidden from the world for centuries of untold glory."

"But danger has always stacked against Wakanda. Since becoming king, I have learned that some of our brothers and sisters have been taken from the land they love."

"I will personally be leading the efforts to find our missing people. My search may take me…and Wakanda itself…into the very places we have secreted ourselves from."

"But I tell you that we need not fear. For we are Wakanda! Change can only multiply our glories, not impede them. I swear this….I WILL NOT FAIL!"

The minds of everyone of Wakandan blood is shocked at the revealing information, however their king continues. Word for word their minds are eased and even encouraged to help their king with his mission.

Many young men and women of Wakanda rush to their military recruiters. Government officials get ready to work alongside each other for optimal service to the ruler.


T'Challa had immediately taken off to a relatively recent abduction site. He had learned that whoever was taken here, was done only 2 days ago.

His claws retract up to his mid forearm along with his mask disappearing into his neck line.

Dropping to a single knee, his unclothed hand caresses the ground softly, running his hand through the grass.

"The ground here is too sodden, plus theres a salty vapor lingering..and the air…its..it tastes different than our native air." He says while investigating the site.

< You know how our air tastes? > Shuri asks in his ear piece, confused.

"I am the Black Panther, sister. Of course I know how our air tastes."

< UGH, why is that your answer for everything? Its weird you know how our air tastes. >

"Such is the down side of these powers, that and one other thing."

< Huh? What other thing? > Shuri asks intellectually.

"You..I have to smell you. You smell like clam chowder and the predators dreadlocks, you filthy animal."


T'Challa immediately hangs up on her. His sensitive ears a little sore from her shouting.


[ My king! ]

A video call interrupts T'Challa's silent stroll throughout the plains of Uganda, his suit not activated. Only wearing a purple t-shirt with black sweat pants, white socks on his feat and wearing Vibranium laced yeezy look-alike slides.

"Go on." He says, already expecting the call.

[ We're receiving odd alerts from your area, my king. ]

"Hmm..odd you say? How?"

With the white full moon in the air, a breeze blows over the plains, grass swaying with the wind, lifting T'Challa's shirt to the side. A slight chill shoots through his body.

[ Well..Its reading as if its a dead zone. A human shaped one. ]

"Heh, so that means it worked then?"

[ Uhh, yes, it would seem your plan worked. ]

"…Well..I can see that. Keep the channel open, while I fight off my stalker."

[ Y-yes…my king. ] The man on the call is a little exasperated at his kings laidback attitude at the stalker.

As if seeing the future, T'Challa doges a swiping attack from a figure behind him.

Rotating clockwise while dropping to the ground, he launches a sweep at the attackers legs. The figure jumps back from the sudden counter attack. If he was surprised, T'Challa couldn't tell.

He didn't have a particular look on his face, just pure focus without emotion.

'A trained and experienced killer then.' T'Challa deduced.

The assailant had no real armor on. No top with the lower half of a black karate gi.

'Is he so confident in his abilities that he doesn't need armor? Metahuman? His body is that of a martial artist

No words are shared between the two. The assailant moves his body to a form of T'Challa's recognition.

'Bacom? Peruvian then? He doesn't look South American. He looks caucasian, so born there to white parents and learned growing up? It's usually taught to military there so maybe that? Hmm interesting.'

The figure attacks with a eye poke, but is slapped away by T'Challa instantly. Now shock appears on the face of the unknown person.

'He wasn't shocked at my sweep, but is at my deflection of such a straight forward attack? No, he's shocked at my strength.' T'Challa deduces from the man.

Not giving up from his assassination, the man lunges at T'Challa and they both engage in a barrage of attacks. At least the man does, T'Challa simply Dodge's, dip's and duck's under the mans attacks, obviously not taking the fight seriously.

[ King T'Challa, are you alright? ]

" I've found the human shaped dead zone, W'Kabi." T'Challa days as he leans backwards from a fierc roundhouse kick.

"He gives off no scent or sound. Only the wind of his attack prompted me to dodge." He continues while the man aims for his testicles. Punishing the man for his attack to the sacred spot, T'Challa knee's the man in the bridge of his nose, breaking it.

However the man's face doesn't change into one of pain.

'Adrenaline or training for pain, most likely pain resistant. He's definitely a experienced killer, most likely training most of his life. Maybe not military since he looks my age, so…trained from a young age, killer mentality and pain resistant maybe even immunity?'

"Who are you? What do you want?" T'Challa asks but receives no answer.

< T'Challa! > Shuri's voice erupts into T'Challa's ear.

Seeing a window to attack, the man once again engages T'Challa. Blocking this time and sometimes counter attacking, still taking it light.

"Now is not a good time Shuri." He says, kicking the man in his right hip, making him stumble. T'Challa, wanting to test the man, goes for a double-leg take down.

Getting the man to his back, T'Challa maneuvers expertly into a full mount, taking control of the assailants midsection with his lower half. Raining relatively soft blows on the man. Turtling, the man hugs around the back of Wakanda's king. Thrusting his hips to try and take him off his balance.

Too bad he had a enhanced kinesthetic sense, easily flipping to land on his feet.

< I cannot believe you didn't tell me you were inviting people to attack you! >

"Ehh, no worries." He responds, laidback as he turns a throat chop from the assailant into a perfect triangle choke. "Talk or I squeeze." He says to the unknown man.

"DO IT NOW!" The assailant screams, a abyssal black portal opens up on the duo and teleport them from the area.


Now finding himself somewhere in a lot of snow. Feeling it harder to breathe.

'Snow everywhere while also being harder to breathe? High elevation, most likely a mountain.'

Still holding his enemy in a choke hold, he squeezes tightly. The man struggles intensely for 5 seconds until he passes out quickly.

[ Sensors have lost you sire! Are you there? ]

< Brother!? Are you all right? Answer us! >

"Hmm yes I am fine, the assailant wasn't as formidable as me."

[ I am scrambling forces to your location! ]

"No W'Kabi, just experienced some sort of chronospatial displacement. I am fine."

< A Teleporter!? Near Wakanda!? >

"Seems so, sister. You know what to do W'Kabi!"

T'Challa moves the unconscious man off him and stands up, knocking the snow from his body and clothes.

T'Challa begins to observe the man more closely, noticing some metallic materials on the lower part of his stomach.

" Theory one confirmed: assailant has cybernetic enhancements. Ill take material data with my claws." T'Challa says while summoning most of his upper body to be covered, swiping at the mans stomach, he continues on, " Data from my claws is inbound for theory 2, sister."

< Is this really the time for theories, T'Challa!? >

"Science under duress is the sweetest kind, sister."

< W'Kabi, what did my brother mean when he said 'you know what to do'? >

[ Well, Princess. First you need to understand that…I hate teleportation. We're a country that has stayed hidden for centuries. The idea that a teleporter can pop into the realm at will, gives me nightmares. So I designed a database that could catalogue all known and hypothesized teleportation energy signatures for my phd project at Tokyo University.]

T'Challa narrowly dodges another attack from behind.

"Well, aren't you a specimen." A female voice, laced with seduction and hatred come from the newest attacker.

T'Challa turns around and recognizes the face of the person, 'Chesire.' He says inwardly.

'She's an extremely ruthless mercenary with a pension for poison.' He remembers what he knows about the character.

His disappears into his necklace, once again confident in his win.

"Hmm, who are you, what do you want?" T'Challa asks the more seemingly conversational attacker.

< That is a really long answer. >

[ The king had me help with anti-teleportation ideas. ]

"Less explaining more doing, W'Kabi." T'Challa says a little irritated as he is once again defending against a fierce attacker. This time trying to cut his skin.

'Most likely poison.'

T'Challa continuously blocks and redirects her attacks like they're nothing. " Quite skilled aren't you?" Chesire says, trying to hide her surprise and annoyance at T'Challa's skill.

'I didn't know the fight would be so easy for him, I cant get a single scratch off.' She says, not believing he's dealing with her with so much ease.

' He reminds me of Slade.'

T'Challa smacks a sudden thrust from her poisoned sai and grabs hold of her clothes. Bracing for a takedown, Chesire grabs onto his clothes also.

Going for a judo throw, T'Challa puts his leg side ways between hers, rotates his body, presses his hip to her and perfectly executes the move. Throughout it, he could feel Chesire try and maneuver out of the hold.

Slamming her on the ground, she braces her body for the impact, taking the force as safe as possible. With T'Challa not putting his full strength into it, added onto the snow makes the move not hit as well as if could.

Now maneuvering on top of her with blinding speed, his right knee trapping her left arm against the ground while his left knee is on her waist, preventing any reversal using her legs.

With his left arm holding her right arm down, T'Challa uses his right arm to rip her mask off, revealing an asian beauty to his eyes.

"Prepare it." T'Challa says to the people in his ear. He continues on, "Who are you? What do you want?"

Struggling to move due to T'Challa's vastly superior strength, she says "Hehe, you're cute bug not THAT cute. As if I would tell you….well maybe I could..perhaps a date, your place?" She says trying another move in her arsenal, seduction.

[ Counter frequency profile uploaded to energy dagger, my lord! ]

"Hmm..*sigh*..Tell me what I want to know."

"Awwww, not moved, but I tried my hardest, give a girl a chance. Please?" She days once more.

Seeing no reaction she instead ops for, "NOW"

Seeing the portal pop up again, T'Challa slams a dagger into the ground, letting of an intense bright purple light for a quick second.


Once again finding himself somewhere else, he looks to Chesire.

"Hehe, so what do you say about that date-" Unable to finish her words because T'Challa punches her lights out. He stands to the new place he finds himself in.

'A forest? Park?'

[ There may be kinks to work out. ]

"Theory two update: counter frequency shattered assailants energy casing and caused teleport malfunction. Likely the same energy is behind both."

< You teleported again? Also beat that women again for suggesting such things! >

"Shuri I grant you Alpha security clearance, put it to good use and access N'Charu Silema servers. See if you can identify our assailants."

A moment later, Shuri responds…

< The only things coming up are rumors on multiple Asian, European and African country darknets about a mysterious figure called 'Deathstroke'. >

T'Challa nods at her confirmation of his thoughts. "The other one?"

< This one is Constantine Drakon, a greek-born mercenary. Apparently he's been killing since he was 10, not even out of necessity, just curiosity of what would happen. Sicko. >

'Never heard of him before.'

"So this unknown and Constantine is connected to this 'Deathstroke', looks like he's my next target. Get N'Jadaka on some intelligence for this guy, right away."

[ Yes, My king! ]

< Yes, brother! >