
Wakanda Forever

Random black dude reincarnated as his one of his favorite superheroes in the dc universe. I am a native English speaker, from the U.S Prolly not harem.

Jaquaviontavious · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Meeting/Contingency - Part 1/?

T'Challa POV——

"Its good to see you, Black Panther." Superman says, excitedly. I nod at his words and sit down beside Batman, taking a moment to greet the others I hadn't seen in a while.

"Shall we begin?" Batman asks, now with me here.


3rd POV

"The weapons master. The key. Now Scarecrow, The Scavenger, Captain Cold, The Cheetah…There've been over a dozen reports of our enemies being attacked, tortured and interrogated by shadow figures. 1 week ago, Azrael, a villain, was attacked relentlessly by someone impersonating me. I believe these are connected." Batman addresses the gathered heroes.

"So some guy is kicking our enemies collective butts and you see a problem? Why?" Lantern asks Batman from his seat. Leaning back into his chair in a relaxed manner.

"Because they are searching for information on us, lantern." Cyborg answers.

"Information like what?"

"..Our weaknesses." Cyborg says exasperated.

"What weaknesses?"

"What do you mean 'what weaknesses'? They want to know of all of our weaknesses, including our close ones." T'Challa chastises the green lantern.

"No way they would know that!" A face new to T'Challa says. Dressed in green archer gear. Green Arrow.

"They might." Batman defends T'Challa.

"They know of Flash's identity, and his relationship with a 'Iris West'. He knows about Diana and her friend at the Apache reservation." Cyborg lists off.

"And what of us?" Another new face asks.

This time a woman, wearing biker fitted combat suit with yellow and black coloring. A specially made choker around her throat.

"As far as we know, they don't know anything about, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Hawkman and Girl, and Black Panther." Cyborg informs them.

"They can't know everything, they dont know that Batman trusts me." Superman says.

"Ughhh, who cares bro?" Green Lantern once again.

Wonder Woman-"We need to fix this now! Who knows what would happen if they uncovered all of our private lives."

Batman-"She's right, we need to handle this quickly, I've created a database the Justice League could use to recruit so more members to help."

Batman pulls up a screen with multiple faces across it. Faces of all genders and Ethnicity pops up.

"This is Ronnie Raymond-" Batman clicks on a picture of a black dude, roughly 18-20 years old.

"The hero Firestorm. From my observations, he has the power to transmute any element. He also has considerably powerful pyrokinesis." Batman states.

He moves on to a next candidate. This time landing on a caucasian man of huge porportions, on the level of Superman. Many leaguers already guess his powers.

"This is Shazam, a hero in Michigan. He has strength, speed, and durability only comparable to Superman. He has also show some from of electricity or lightning manipulation. He does however show large amounts of childishness and clumsiness."

The group of heroes nod at his words, taking interest into his childishness.

"Now this one is the one I would recommend the most-"

"Pretty obvious conflict of interest there, huh?" Canary asks.

"-I recommend him due to his skill. Nightwing, a hero of Bludhaven. Excellent fighter, detective, and acrobat, among other things."

"Well, I vote for…"


"This is Batman." A de-helmed Bruce Wayne sits in his batcave. A giant monitor with multiple smaller monitors all around it, mounted on the rocky surface.

"Security Level: Omega" Bruce says to his supercomputer. "Password: Delta Charlie - 2 7 - 5 - 1 939."

"Enable New Protocol, Title: Agamemnon Contingency." He says while removing his bat armor, piece by piece.

"Description: Should any of the core members of the league turn rogue, we need to have plans in place to handle each and everyone of us, should we become a threat."

"Red Son: Kryptonite that is exposed to him briefly, will incapacitate him. Prolonged exposure would, most likely do permanent damage, even death."

"2814: Green Lantern is one the most potentially dangerous members of the league. His power makes his imagination his weapon, however my studies have come across a weakness. Hal needs to see his creations come to life to make them work, so some posthypnotic suggestions could make Hal think he is blind and the ring would make that a reality.

If that doesn't work, perhaps a specially made fear toxin exposure? More research is required for this one."

"Olympus: Diana is a good friend, which would make it difficult to face her in combat. A thought I dont relish, but if it must be done, she could be made to think she is fighting a perfect equal to herself. A unending cycle of combat, with a phantom opponent, testing with neural-virtual reality technology."

"Basic countermeasures to other members:

Flash: Paralysis? Perhaps I could make a nano-bug to cause him selective and controlled seizures.

Green Arrow: Immobilize one or both of his arms.

Black Canary: Trachea Trauma, well timed blow would easily do the trick. Also tear gas.

Firestorm: Phantom Zone? Clark has recently given me information about such a thing.

Aquaman: Hydrophobia, a modification of scarecrows fear toxin.

Batman:…..He is human, the best way is to distract him. His parents and the innocent.

Unknown Contingency:

Hawkman: mental manipulation? His wife? Seemingly overconfident. Magic?

Hawkgirl: her husband? Seemingly overconfident. Magic?

Black Panther:…A dangerous foe indeed. Skilled in multiple martial arts. King T'Challa has had numerous appearances at top universities of the world when he was still a prince, so incredibly intelligent or his father payed his way in? No…he has show his intelligence that last question was illogical. Biggest I could think of is his kingship.

Endangering of his people could make him act irrationally, although no real harm would come to them under my watch. Perhaps turning his people against him? How loyal are his people? Vibranium was thought to have been in small portions, but he has an entire suit made of it?

Something like Hawkman and Hawkgirls unknown metal could help? If I could get a hold on Vibranium I could maybe make a solid contingency. Direct confrontation is NOT ADVISED! Highly skilled in combat, Im not confident a hand to hand fight would go in my favor."

After he finally finishes his recording he sits down exhausted. With a sigh of reluctance he, "Computer, bring up the footage of the Black Panther in combat." Footage of barely visible videos pop up, one of a museum battle, a drone view of Black Panther fighting Darksied, of his fight with Aquaman. He had seen Aquaman's barely controlled rage at the sight of King T'Challa.

"Run them back, I want to know every martial art he knows, how deadly is he truly?"