
Waiting to meet with you

Berry_berry · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

No Enclosed rooms

It was two days after Christmas and Alyson noticed how busy the maid were. There was a lot of decor to take down and some were strung along in high places. A teenage girl maid was attempting to reach the string lights when he foot slipped. It was a long and hard fall as the sound of her body hitting the ground echoed.

Alyson ran down the stairs and felt worn out by the time she reached the lobby. The girls body twitched as the pain overcame her. A few maids gathered around her and they mumbled against one another. There came a shrill scream as an older women ran and knelt beside the girl.

"That must be the mother" Alyson thought. At the chapter she was on from her book didn't mention anything about healing. It mentioned about being able to transfer pain and subdue it but only on herself. All she could do it transfer the pain but she needed to hold her hand.

Once she held hands with the young girl the effects were immediate. With a blank look the teenage girl looked at her mother with a smile.

"Hurry and clean the wounds then bandage her up." Alyson hissed as she collapsed next to the girl. The pain was something she never experienced and felt. Reckless is something one would say but she didn't think twice about helping someone in need. The commotion made reached everyone inside the palace including Travis.

"Sir there has been an injured within the palace." Travis was looking at the map before him not thinking twice about the news.

"Since when have I cared about injuries by maids." The air felt awkward as one of the guards cleared his throat.

"Well it was the lady you brought with you. She's been screaming in agony and she got a fever." This grabbed Travis's attention and knowing what took place he grew annoyed.

"Prepare the cold water to help her soak in and send mai with Mei as well. It's laughable that a witch can't heal herself."

As Alyson laid on the bed she felt her body burning up. The door creaked and in walked mei and mai with concerned expressions. A couple of maids came in and began taking her clothes off leaving her in undergarments. The faded injuries mirrored the ones that the young girl had received.

Alyson screamed as she was carried to the bath tub that had cold water. Mai and Mei held hands and places the other hand in the tub.

"Disperse thy chains that weigh heavy on this body and heal for I command." They chanted as the water began to glow and Alyson felt better with every second that passed. Feeling exhausted by the use of her magic she fell asleep. The door opened to the restroom and in walked the young girl. She felt so grateful that she wanted to help in anyway she could. Alyson was dried off and changed into a different clothing before being laid in bed.

Once everything was good and settled everyone left.

Alyson was still sleeping by the time Travis came to check in on her. Seeing her sleeping like that made him roll her eyes. But his attraction to her was getting hard to deny. He was after all a man and can recognize beauty when he sees it.

"Stupid. Stupid women," he sighed sitting by the edge of her bedside. Who would dare put their own lives over someone in the ranks of the palace employees. Clearly she's that type that wants everyone to be safe and enjoys a happy ending. This was reality not some fantasy world where everything was peachy.

Her rose like lips really held his gaze as he felt himself being drawn. She held an intoxicating smell that really drew him in. Travis's own self control was faltering and his fangs started barring.

Alysons eye fluttered open as she gained a bit of her energy back. The scene she saw before her should of scared her seeing as how much desire was in Travis's eyes.

Yet she felt entranced by his gaze and their closeness. The look Wes gave her and his dog behavior repulsed her. Even the other young man who attempted to try the same thing repulsed her. So why isn't she repulsed or even scared. This man is dangerous and very serious not the mention he kills people cold heartily.

They held each other's gaze until Travis broke eye contact. His fangs retracted and Travis cleated his throat before composing himself.

"It was quite stupid and reckless to put yourself through that." He snarled remembering why he came to this room. Alyson sat up and noticed he was giving her his back. She wanted to see his emerald green eyes but she knew he probably wouldn't look at her.

"It was reckless but I call it a learning experience."

This made Travis scoff as he looked at her very annoyed.

"A learning experience you say? Is it to never act impulsively and get yourself in dangerous situations. Even knowingly that you can't even heal yourself-"

"Yet... I can't heal myself yet but I will. Also I say learning experience freely since I am better at hands on. I'm not much of a visual learner, hands on is more of my cup of tea." This made Travis's annoyance fade away and he was interested now. She truly was a stupid women.

"There are easier ways to do that rather than jumping in and getting yourself hurt." This stunned Alyson as she noticed his gaze change.

"Are you saying you care about my well being?" Alyson feigned being shocked as she held her laugh. Travis chuckled and shook her head at her.

"Take it how you want it but make sure you rest up. Stay in bed for the next 3 days to ensure you heal." Alysons eyes widened as she wanted to object and not stay enclosed in this room. She didn't like being confide since the basement took thirteen years of her life.

"I promise I'm okay-"

"That's my word and it's final." Alyson saw the determination in his face and felt defeated. An idea popped into her head and she edged closer to Travis.

"Let me prove to you I'm okay." The way she inches closer on the bed to him made a lot of ideas pop into his head. None of which he would say out loud for anyone else to hear.

"I'm not sure you know in what context that can be categorized with." Alyson rolled her eyes as she grabbed Travis's hand. Before he could question her he felt his body calming and his arousal dispersed.

This astonished him as he felt this reaction washing over him. So Alyson really was okay and he was maybe worrying too much. But why?

"Alyson you-" he stopped as he noticed her cheeks flushed pink and the look she was giving him. Travis being Travis knows how to contain himself but who knew about Alyson.

"I feel something burning within me. Did you have a fever too?" Alyson questioned as she looked at Travis worriedly.

This caused him to cough in embarrassment and he tried hiding his smile. Who knew she would try her powers on him?

As he opened his mouth to make up an excuse he stopped. The way she looked at him made his desires grow and biting her lip was making things worst.

His palm rested on her face as his thumb released her lip. Her questioning eyes never broke contact with his face as she was mesmerized. The words were stuck in her throat as she wanted to mutter out something. Yet nothing came out and this frustrated her.


"Stop teasing me." Travis muttered as he knelt on the bed and leaned closer to Alyson. Unknowingly she kept moving back until Travis's body roamed over hers.

Her neck was fully exposed and her blood smell so delicious to him. Everything about her was pulling him towards her, like a drug that he can't get enough of.

His fangs bared again and he leaned towards her. She gasped as he first licked the intended spot. Once his fangs pierced inside of her she moaned. His hands traveled down her dress as he began undoing the strings.


"Travis? Travis?" This snapped him out of his daze as he noticed Alyson looking at him confused. Was he daydreaming? None of it actually happened?

"Well I see you are fine- of course meaning great and well." Alyson smiled at him and blushed as she noticed his palm was still on her face. The distance was making her feel a warm emotion in her chest.

Travis noticed the position they were in and immediately backed off.

"Alright. Make sure you're honing your powers and you will report to mai and Mei . They will be your instructors until further notice." As he was half way out Alyson called to him.

"So I'm not being enclosed right." Her voice trembled and this didn't go unnoticed. The things she said when she got drunk replayed in his mind.

"You're not being enclosed. No enclosed rooms for you to be locked in again."

No enclosed rooms.

This made her smile and she heard the door closed she feel asleep.