
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 4

A week later*

Lawliet is starting to wonder if his place will become the new main setting since Nabiki and Ranma are before him.

"Why the angry face, Nabiki?" Lawliet raised an eyebrow when he saw Nabiki growl, causing Ranma to flinch.

"This..." Nabiki glared at Ranma for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "Let's say that Ranma learns not to look up a girl's skirt without one's permission, or else he gets punished."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault, and you know that." Ranma responds in a firm tone, making him look tough if he isn't currently trying to keep a reasonable distance away from Nabiki.

Lawliet is curious about what Nabiki do to Ranma to make him fear her like this. Unlike in the canon, he only fears her due to the number of forced debts placed on him in the name of his honor.

"Which is why I'd only given you a warning instead of going through with my threat. Do. Not. Test. Me." Nabiki glared at Ranma, nearly wanting to bite his head off.

"Alright, I got it." Ranma held up his hands in surrender.

Again, this made Lawliet curious about what Nabiki's threat could be.

"So, want to tell me why you two are here?" Lawliet asks the two and notices that Ranma doesn't have any injury like in the canon. Then again, he wasn't attacked by Akane after he badmouthed her. However, from the outside view, he uses the Charyeok: Na Bongchim to examine Ranma's body condition.

Sure enough, Ranma has some internal injury, and some of them are older that still recovering. In addition, Lawliet can see some of Ranma's pressure points have been triggered to cause many long-term effects. One of them is sealing away Ranma's sexual urges, which he thought was a fanfiction thing only. But he is in a Ranma 1/2 AU, judging how different things have been.

"Well, other than that, Ranma is a walking mess with injuries. Pretty sure most people at your age would be in the hospital for treatment that could go on for months or something." Lawliet said calmly.

"You're hurt?" Nabiki looks at Ranma in shock, knowing Dr. Lawliet would never joke about someone's injuries. "Why didn't you say anything?!"

"What do you mean?! I'm fine!" Ranma shouted back.

Both Lawliet and Nabiki can see he is being serious.

"Ah, someone messed with one of your pressure points for your pain tolerance." Lawliet, still using Na Bongchim, poked one of Ranma's pressure points around the right bicep, causing Ranma to scream in pain and begin sobbing. "Yeah, that is the reaction I expect from most people with that kind of injury."

"Dr. Lawliet!" Nabiki shouted, then moved to grab a set of acupuncture needles and stab a few into Ranma's right bicep. That would make many feel uneasy about how fast she is doing it without checking which pressure points she is sticking the needles in.

Lawliet, with Na Bongchim's knowledge, looks at Nabiki's works in approval and can't deny that Nabiki has talent in acupuncture.

Ranma breathes out slowly, then inhales sharply as he watches Nabiki pull out the needles slowly without blinking. By the time Nabiki finished, Ranma had exhaled after holding his breath during the process.

"Good work, Nabiki. Although there are some pressure points, you were a few seconds late, but overall good." Lawliet praised Nabiki while fixing the leftover mistakes she didn't notice.

A poke here and there without giving Ranma or Nabiki the time to act in time.

"There. Your pain tolerance should be back to normal in a couple of days. For now, do you want to go to the hospital for those internal injuries, or should I fix you here?" Lawliet asks Ranma, then look over to Nabiki. "Are you going to take notes like always while I'm working?"

"Ranma, as your fiancee. It's my duty to ensure you're at your peak condition." Nabiki pushes Ranma to the back room without any hesitation. She has knowledge to gain, and she isn't giving this up. Even if it means she has to cause more harm to Ranma to allow Dr. Lawliet to let her watch him do his job.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Ranma panic, but for some reason, he can't stop Nabiki from pushing him in. It's like all his strength is gone!

Nabiki replied as if she could read Ranma's thoughts, "Don't bother trying to escape. Dr. Lawliet has already hit one of the few pressure points to weaken you temporarily. So don't worry about being weak permanently. Dr. Lawliet always ensured his patients wouldn't cause problems while being treated. You should be glad he didn't make you so weak that you can't even walk alone. Trust me, I've seen many of his patients who couldn't move a muscle throughout the treatment."

Lawliet begins to wonder if it's because Ranma here is what makes him give Nabiki an easy chance to view him working. Then again, she always has this near-perfect moment to appear whenever he is treating someone and learning how he works by watching from the side quietly.

"I don't like the sound of that! Not one bit!" Ranma screams in fear, trying his best to get out of Nabiki's grip but fails due to the loss of his incredible developed strength gained over the years of training in martial arts. "This isn't what you told me, Nabiki! You said this guy will help us with our problem, not stick needles into me!"

"Yeah, he will do that after he treats you of your injuries." Nabiki paused in her step, causing Ranma to sigh in relief, "Hey, Dr. Lawliet. How much are you charging us for Ranma's treatment?" That got Ranma's attention as he looks at Dr. Lawliet. Sweating a bit at what's the cost of the treatment.

"Including the fee of you learning from me, don't try to deny it." Lawliet cut Nabiki off before she could argue. "I didn't try to hide much and even told you some stuff that can't be found in the books for like three years now." That got Nabiki to shut up even further. "I would say roughly five million yens, and I even round it up for you."

"HOW MUCH?!" Nabiki shrieked as she pushed Ranma to the ground with more force than she normally could in her life. Leading to Ranma screaming in pain again, but for a different reason. "Why is it so much?!"

"Did you not check the tuition fee for the average student learning acupuncture? Ranma's case is rare; I wonder how he still walks before coming here." Lawliet looks at Ranma on the ground in wonder, thinking maybe it's due to Ranma having semi-unlocked his ability to use Ki to keep himself in shape without breaking down completely.

"O-Of course, I-I did!" Nabiki's eyes look everywhere but Dr. Lawliet's. Not wanting him to know that she didn't know at this point and wasn't so invested compared to how she was in the beginning.

"So, how do you want to pay?" Lawliet looks at Ranma and then back at Nabiki. "I mean, I could treat Ranma for free just to do some tests on him for research purposes. But it won't reduce the price of your tuition fee."

"Why are you charging me anyway? Didn't you say that you didn't even want me as your student?!" Nabiki shouts at Dr. Lawliet, trying to devise many ways to escape this bad situation. "Wait... a second, is this another trick to make me stop bothering you to become your student?!"

"In a way, yes." Lawliet replied calmly. "It still doesn't change the fact that, technically, you have been stealing my knowledge this entire time, and I could bring you to court for stealing important family knowledge."

Nabiki couldn't argue, which is one of the main reasons she keeps trying to become Dr. Lawliet's student.

"So what would it be?" Lawliet asks Nabiki, eager if she will pay or find an excuse not to pay.

"Are you serious about me having to pay you?" Nabiki narrowed her eyes, frowning at how much she had to pay.

"Yup." Lawliet replied, then paused once he thought of something.

"Fine. I'll pay you a monthly rate." Nabiki said before Lawliet could take back his words. "Also, Ranma will be working here too to help pay off the debt."

"Why should I?" Ranma looks at Nabiki from the ground.

"Because of many reasons. One of the top reasons is that Dr. Lawliet could also help you with many things you wouldn't be able to get help elsewhere." Nabiki said to Ranma, causing the latter to raise an eyebrow.

"Like what?" Ranma challenge Nabiki.

"For example, like right now." Nabiki points this out, causing Ranma to blink a few times. "Yeah. Forgot about that, huh?"

"Fine...!" Ranma growled, then struggled to get up on his own. Sadly, he is still too weak even to do that alone.

Lawliet just grabs the back of Ranma's collar and lifts him like he weighs nothing as he carries him to the backroom for treatment. Nabiki followed right behind with her notebook out for note-taking.

An hour later*

"Dang, I never felt better, and that's saying something." Ranma commented on how great he felt as he stretched his muscles.

"You should be glad he didn't hold back. Otherwise, it would last like half an hour and require further sessions in the future." Nabiki said to Ranma as she noted the last words in her notebook. "Also, he made sure to shut down your ability to feel pain during the whole process too."

"I guess. So what do you need me to do, Dr. Lawliet?" Ranma looks at the acupuncturist that fixed all the hidden injuries he never knew he had, and because of that; furthermore, he can sense his control over his body better than before the treatment. No stain, nor does he feel any stiffness.

"Do delivery for me." Lawliet replied, knowing full well how fast Ranma could be. "I've checked your muscles, and you have enough strength and speed to do roof-hopping. Unless you can't?"

"Sure I can, Dr. Lawliet." Ranma snorts. "What do you need me to deliver?"

"Lots of things. Nabiki, since you are now technically my student and have already looked through my records by now." That earned a rough cough from Nabiki. "Help Ranma deliver all the medicine needed to be sent off today. Afterward, I'll start teaching you more about the basics."

"Understood, teacher. Come on, Ranma. I'm not to allow us to waste any time, especially when I'm paying for my study now." Nabiki frowns as she drags Ranma to the side of another room that stores many pre-made medicines and materials.

Lawliet shakes his head in disbelief that he finally accepted Nabiki as his student. All it took was to have Ranma involved. Then again, this way, he won't have to keep dealing with Nabiki consistently trying to blackmail him.