
Waiting for my sacrificed lover

Chapter 1

Catherine walk gently through the wood's Glade, she wore a Large garment of multiple colors made of ribbon. Her hair flies across her face as the gently wind pass. She looks tired and pale even the gently wind attempt to blow her away.

As she move along, she noticed a fast and rushing step from behind, her heart lighted up in fear and she increase the speed of her legs. Although she was tired but her feet never denied her whenever she increase her speed. Soon the unknown gets nearer .

After a long race, the anonymous move closer and grab Catherine by her hand. "hey wait can I have a moment with you" .

Catherine retrieves her hand and struggle to leave but the man re-hold her hand.

" leave me alone, I don't talk with strangers "

The man had a wild smirk on his face, he looses his fist but still grabbing her. The man replied

" I am a friend"

Catherine snatch her hand away from the man, she move a few step backwards then she proclaim

" Young man, I am not a friend to strangers so bye bye ."

She said this and return on her way but the man rushed to her and encamp around her with his large arms. He did this with a strenuous force.

" you don't have to run away from me since I claimed to be a friend "

Catherine replied feeling troubled, her eyes portray some soft anger, she said

" so what did you want? "

The man put on a mischievous smile

"don't ask me that, no one is here to save you "

Catherine's eye got wide open she looks scared and millions of thought ran through her mind. She couldn't believe the man has evil intention in his mind. she took more step backwards but the man drags her closer, he brought out a wooden knife and sways it across Catherine face.

Catherine took to her heels but she unfortunately ran into the man's arm.

" Try to comport your self or else you will get hurt."

Catherine struggle to get out of his hand but all efforts were futile.

" listen, I am not a friend. I am here to collect what you have."

" I don't have any thing with me , i plead you just leave me alone. "

The man began to use his hand to search Catherine's body not even sparing the sensitive parts.

" what are you trying to do"

Yelled Catherine. The man remain silent and continue. As the man persisted, Catherine kicked him in his scrotum and he fell towards the ground.

Catherine get back to her journey as she ran as fast as she could. After running through a long distance,she felt something appeared behind her. Soon, she realized some hard steps moving close to her as she turns to check whether it was the man, the man has grab her already. He pulls her chin up lifting her whole body with it,

" Did you ever think I am a human, I don't need your belongings anymore now I need fresh blood go suck."

Catherine got chocked and tries to gasp in air but she failed. The man shifts his hand from her chin down to her neck, her hold her tightly. After loosing much oxygen, she tried to talk but was unable to.

The man hand also began to strain, so he drops Catherine.

After this his eyes got burning red.

" are you a vampire?" asked Catherine.

The man replied with a nod, long fangs and claws elongated from his mouth and fingers. He move his head towards Catherine's neck and reeks out.

" I am a vampire not a friend neither am I a thief"

He said this and suck his teeth into Catherine's flesh. A shiver went down Catherine's body as she expects the man's action.

Suddenly Catherine felt a strong force thrust the man away in an extreme speed the movement of the force seems to be like that of a mighty wind. She opened her eyes and found out that the man far away on the floor.

with a gasp of surprise, she turns back to check the cause of the incident. As she turns, she saw a young,tall handsome man. The man wore a garment made of silk, he had a long dark hair which never disarrange has he took each of his steps. He had a round oval face and a wild eyeball. His two eyeball seems to be watching two different locations at a time. His small nose sniffles air in like a searching hound.

He walks majestically towards the vampire. As he did the vampire mocks him with a loud scoff

" you handsome man, it seems you want to waste your Life."

The man turns to Catherine who is sore confused he gave her a mime to shift.

" Young lady please give us enough space to fight."

Catherine rush to the young man, she knelt before him rubbing her shaking palms

" please don't fight him, he is a killer"

" And so am I" declares the young man

Catherine pleaded further with tears rolling down from her cheek.

" I mean he is a vampire "

The man pushes her backward but Catherine keep yelling. " please don't hurt yourself he is a vampire!!."

As the young man move close to the vampire, the vampire roared out reeking out his disgusting fangs full of blood.

" it seems you don't know who vampires are. I need to teach you a lesson."

The vampire then uses his mysterious power to lift a fallen wood from afar and directs it towards the man.

The wood got lifted and driven towards the man but as soon as the wood reach near the man, for no reason the velocity stops and the wood remain in the air.

The vampire tries to move the wood but it isn't going forward. Soon, his hand began to strain. He tries to keep it up and hopes that the wood will land on its destination in no time but he couldn't bare the pain.

After a loud blasting groan, he realesed the wood and it falls right on the ground without rolling forward. The vampire seems amazed but hide his expressions.The new man then dive out his sword he seems to be ready for the contest.

" did you still have anymore tricks " asked the new man .

In response to this, the vampire flies into the sky and Target to land an the man's head without the man's awareness with the aim of piercing his skull with knife.

As the vampire returns,he noticed the new man wasn't there anymore so he landed on the floor. He looks tremendously shocked. He turns around to see where the man is. Just as he turned, the man thrust his sword from behind into the vampire's spine piercing his abdomen. The sword's edge was showing from the front view of his stomach. with a mouth full of blood and fangs, the vampire talks

" did you think a mere sword can kill a vampire."

The man then announced as he pulls out the sword.

" Man, your spine is broken"

Upon hearing this, the vampire cried out in agony

" yeaaaahhhh !!!!!"

The vampire falls slowly to the ground as flood of blood emanate from his corpse.

The man brought out a piece of cloth an wipe the blood on his sword with it. He thereby returns the sword back to it sheath that is tied around his waist.

He turns to Catherine

" are you okay"

With indeed happiness, Catherine appreciates

" thank you very much for saving my life"

The man replied with a serious tone

" i didn't, it was mine."

This statement looks ambiguous to Catherine but she skimmed it off. She further invest time in asking about him.

" who are you and what is your name?"

The man prepares to leave as he walks slowly through the glade. Catherine also tailed behind him closely.

" The name is Tyler "

" But why didn't you ask of mine at least you should know the name of the lady you saved from death. "

said Catherine with the expectation of Tyler asking for her name.Tyler talks with a low voice

" I knew your name already, Catherine but I would like to call you Catthy "

Catherine's eye got wide open in shock she replies enquiring how he knew her name but Tyler didn't utter a word. He rather dip his hand into his pocket and bring out a bottle he gives it to her.

" Catthy use this to cure your father's illness."

Catherine became more shocked and suggest that the man must have know her more intimately. To clear her doubt, she asked

" how did you know my father is ill?"

"please take care of your beautiful self, I have to go now" Said Tyler

Catherine held him from moving she said

" you didn't even answer my questions"

Tyler replied, he said.

" when it is full moon expect me, we will talk more better."

He said this and increase the speed of his legs, Catherine tries to catch up but she failed.So she returns to her normal speed as she wacth Tyler fade off in far distant.

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