
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Aina tossed and turned in bed. Everything that happened just a few hours ago was delightful yet bothersome. The food was "unique". Something Aina and everyone else would just consider ordinary . In fact, everything on Sarge's table was just very simple but somehow, because it was Sarge who prepared it, it suddenly became 'exquisite'.


Sarge was...Aina couldn't put down the right words to describe him. He was perfect. Too perfect - Tall, with toned muscles; his eyes were clear and bright; his fair complexion was smooth like a baby's bottom; his dimples were so deep, Aina wanted to poke them to check its depth. In their conversation, Sarge mentioned about him preparing their whole meal by himself. Aina always imagined him to be one of those boys who grew up with a nanny watching over him and taking care of everything. But, according to Sarge, as he toured her around his apartment, he did everything himself – from cooking to cleaning; he did his own laundry and ironed his clothes. He also did some occasional handiwork, too.

"What more can one ask for? He's a doctor. He looks nice and decent. He smells good. He speaks well and seems to have very good manners...and he cooks!...and cleans!" Aina thought to herself. "Note to self, clean out refrigerator and clean bathroom..." she mentally added to her growing to-do list. "But I promised myself...and Dad and Mom, that I won't have a boyfriend until I'm settled in at work...that's 4 months away..." Were Aina's thoughts when sleep finally won and she dozed off with a smile on her lips.


Sarge stared at the spots where Aina sat and stood around his apartment. In his mind, he kept on replaying what happened over dinner.

"I hope you don't mind..." Sarge said as he welcomed Aina into his unit. She was still slightly dazed and surprised learning who her next door neighbor was.

"Corned beef?" Aina said as soon as she sat down at the table.

"...and luncheon meat, and hotdogs. I can cook some sunny side up eggs, too. If you want." Sarge said, moving to the stove, a few steps away.

Aina glanced at Sarge after being pleasantly surprised by the breakfast spread on the dining table. "Yes...please..."

"Sure!. How do you want it cooked?"


"I usually like mine slightly crispy on the edges and the yolk not too overdone..." Sarge shared.

"Hmm. I'll have what you have"

"Okidoki! One or two eggs?"

"Huh? Just one is good. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sarge acknowledged and started cooking. Aina took it upon herself to pour juice into the glasses when she saw the pitcher on the counter nearby. "Please?" Sarge said. "I just put ice in it so you might need to stir it a little..." Sarge nodded toward the big spoon next to the pitcher.

Minutes later, the eggs were ready. "Would you want some ketchup?" Sarge asked, getting the bottle from the cabinet before sitting down at the table.

"No, thank you. I don't think I've ever had breakfast food for dinner." Aina said as they ate.

"Where I used to live, I used to host what we called 'Spam Nights' at least once a month."

"Spam nights?"

Sarge pointed to the luncheon meat on the plate. "We basically have breakfast food for dinner. Sometimes, we'd add some canned soup or if someone else was being a little extra, we'd have a salad or macaroni soup. But basically, we stick with the Filipino breakfast fare."

"If you think about it, Filipino breakfasts are full meals. Rice, some meat, an egg, and sometimes, a salad of tomatoes and red egg. You can have tapa or tocino for any meal – breakfast, lunch, dinner..."

"...or merienda..." I remember having tuyo and rice as midnight snack as a kid. We went up to Baguio and I ate our yaya's baon late at night." Sarge was impressed at how Aina seemed to slowly become comfortable. Earlier, she was a little shy and anxious. She wasn't expecting Sarge to be her neighbor – right across from her apartment for that matter! A million thoughts flooded her brain – Why? When? How?

"Go ahead and have a seat on the sofa. We can have dessert there..."


"Yup. Ice cream. Or rather, sorbetes. Nanay Marings's husband makes and sells it."

"Nanay Maring?"

"From the hospital cafeteria. She's one of the servers."

"What flavors?"

"They have all sorts. But for tonight, I just got cheese and chocolate."

"Just a little of each please..."

"Okay. On a cone, I mean, apa?"

"You have?"

"It comes with the order."

"Okay. Apa please."

"Okay. One cheese-chocolate combo."


They spent the next few hours just talking. "When did you move here?"

"About a month ago."

Aina was eating her ice cream when Sarge added, "Sorry." Aina paused and looked at Sarge. She tilted her head and looked at him questioningly.

"I...I was the one who was playing the loud music that made you leave your apartment one Saturday."

Aina recalled that day. In her mind, she pictured what transpired. She was about halfway through a page she was reading but couldn't concentrate because of the loud music. She tried to ignore it for a few minutes, but her annoyance was escalating. She rushed outside her unit, but her neighbor ignored her knocking. Sarge came to the park about an hour after. And because of schedule changes, she was hardly home. Aina reported it to the building administration but she hadn't been able to follow up about it anymore. And, she hadn't heard any loud music from the other units on her floor since. "Oh."

"I was trying to drown out the sound of the vacuum cleaner at that time. I guess I overdid it."

Aina nodded.

"I got a new one though. A new vacuum cleaner. It doesn't make as much sound; plus, it's compact and easier to manage." Sarge said.

"You told me about that – your new vacuum cleaner. I got one for myself, too."

"Isn't it just great?"

"My parents were shocked to see my apartment clean!" Aina shared and laughed.

Sarge smiled and laughed. He remembered how messy Aina's apartment was when he cared for her when she sprained her ankle.

"Oh wait. Your crutches. I wanted to return it to you already but I just walk to work...I didn't want to carry it..."

"Ah, no worries. I can get it another time. Unless it's taking up space..."

Aina shook her head. She glanced toward the loft.

"...that's my reading nook..." Sarge said. "I usually hang out up there when I want to relax. You can drop by any time and hang out there if you want...even if I'm not here. You know my door code, right?" Sarge added, referring to his invitation.


"I had a wonderful time. Thank you." Aina said when Sarge walked her back to her door.

"You're welcome."

"What?" Aina said when she noticed Sarge not moving from his spot even if she already stepped inside her unit.

"Do you want to have breakfast tomorrow? I can pick up a few breakfast sandwiches after my morning run. The deli downstairs makes good sandwiches."

Aina thought for a moment. "It's my day off..."

"...mine, too. I'll come by around 9? Or we can do brunch..."


Sarge nodded. "Okay. Goodnight. Don't forget to lock up."

"Goodnight. Thank you again."

Sarge turned and returned to his unit after Aina closed the door and he heard the lock click. Aina stood behind the door, holding her chest, and feeling her heart flutter. Sarge couldn't stop smiling as he cleaned up before preparing for bed.