
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


It was another weekend, and Aina's parents were coming over to visit. They usually came over in the morning to pick Aina up and they went to church and had lunch together.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Mommy Minerva walked quickly toward Aina's apartment; Daddy Zeus liked to walk slowly and look around. As Daddy was approaching the end of the bridgeway that connected Aina's apartment building to another apartment block, he was surprised to see Mommy Minerva rushing back toward him.

"What's the matter?" Daddy Zeus asked. Mommy Minerva had a surprised and confused expression.

"We're on the right floor, aren't we?" Mommy Minerva said while looking around the other units, checking the numbers on the wall beside each door.

"Yes. We're on the 16th floor. Aina's unit is 1601...turn right at the end of this corridor." Daddy Zeus said while looking past Mommy Minerva and toward the direction he just mentioned.


"But what? I don't think she's moved out. She hasn't told us anything. Besides, weren't we here just last week? She also hadn't mentioned about moving out from here...unless she's told you and you forgot to tell me...again..."

Mommy Minerva shook her head. "No, she hasn't said anything. She loves this place! It's so near the hospital and one of her favorite restaurants is just downstairs."

"Precisely. So, why do you look so surprised?" Daddy Zeus said while keying in Aina's door code.

To his surprise, Aina's unit looked very different! Notes and books were neatly stacked or returned to the bookshelves; there were no clothes lying around just anywhere; no trash or used plates or glasses anywhere either. Everything looked neat. To top it all, Aina was busy washing the dishes!

Daddy Zeus immediately turned around and faced Mommy Minerva. "What's going on?" he exclaimed again.

Mommy Minerva could only shake her head and shrug her shoulders. Although Aina tried to keep her apartment neat and clean, it always had some 'stray' items lying around. However, this time, everything looked different! Plus, Aina was humming while doing her chores! Something that never happened before!

Aina sensed her parents' arrival so she immediately finished washing up and dried her hands before greeting them both. "Good morning! Where are we having lunch today?" Aina greeted, then asked.

"What...where do you want to go?" Daddy Zeus asked.

"Hmm...I think I want some Japanese." Aina replied.

"...the restaurant doesn't accept reservations during Sundays..."

"Oh. Let's leave immediately after the mass..." Aina suggested. "Let me get ready...Oh, I just vacuumed the sofa but you can sit on it..." Aina said while moving to get clean clothes from the laundry area. "Let me take a quick shower, then we can go."

Mommy Minerva and Daddy Zeus just absent-mindedly nodded and moved to sit on the sofa. When Aina's bedroom door shut, they looked at each other in disbelief. Daddy started looking around, scrutinizing every space, while Mommy made the sign of the cross then fished out her phone.

"Fr. Mike is available. I told him we'd treat him to lunch then we can come back here for the blessing."

"Good idea." Daddy said while sitting back down again.


"We're inviting Fr. Mike to join us today." Daddy told Aina after communion.

"Ah, ok"

After mass, they slowly approached Fr. Mike who was speaking to another couple. Fr. Mike saw Aina's family so he excused himself and approached them.

"Good morning, Father." Aina's family greeted the priest.

"Good morning. So, Aina, your mom said that you're going to have your apartment blessed?"


"Ah yes, Father. It's been long overdue." Mommy Minerva interrupted.

Aina couldn't say anything but nod in agreement, although she was surprised and confused by what Fr. Mike said. As they waited for Fr. Mike, Aina looked around and thought she saw Sarge at the church's driveway. The person who looked like Sarge but in 'regular clothes', approached the couple Fr. Mike just spoke with, then they all walked toward the church's parking area.

"...Freya and Serge's son just moved to his new apartment, too." Fr. Mike said as they sat at the restaurant. "I think it's also at the same place where you have your apartment." He told Aina, who was seated across him.

"Which building? There are a lot of buildings in the complex."

Fr. Mike shook his head. "I'm not sure. Anyway, how is work at the hospital?"

They talked some more over lunch, then soon headed to Aina's apartment for the blessing. Aina was silently thanking the gods that she cleaned her apartment spotless before her parents arrived that morning. In fact, since Sarge left the apartment after the sprain accident, Aina became inspired to clean her apartment. She was embarrassed at her laziness to do basic chores around her own house after Sarge's unexpected visit.


"...so, you haven't contacted her since?" Eli asked as he and Sarge worked on some charts at the pediatric wing's conference room.

Sarge didn't reply. He was slightly embarrassed about kissing Aina 'unexpectedly'.

"Seriously dude, do you really ever plan to kiss someone?" Eli asked in disbelief.

"I don't know...what if she's mad at me now?"

"Have you talked to her?"

Sarge shook his head. "No, I haven't messaged her either."

"What if you send her something to apologize?" Eli suggested.

"What do you think she'd want?"

"How would I know? You're her neighbor, right? You've been to her apartment. What do you think she'd like? A cake? Her favorite food? How about some flowers?"

Sarge stared at Eli then picked up his phone and browsed for a good present for Aina.


After lunch and the blessing, Aina's family treated Fr. Mike to afternoon snacks and then brought him back to the church. "Thank you" Fr. Mike said as he got out of the car.

"No. Thank you, Father." Mommy Minerva said. "Thank you for everything even it was on such short notice."

"You're welcome. I'll see you all next Sunday?"

"Yes Father. See you!" Daddy Zeus waved at Fr. Mike.

As soon as they drove away from the church, Aina moved between the two front car seats. "Why?"

"Why what?" Mommy asked.

"Why did you have my apartment blessed all of a sudden? Father even pulled me to the side and blessed me, too." Aina said, recalling how Fr. Mike quietly invited her to one side after the house blessing and told her he'd pray over her.

"How do you feel?" Daddy asked.

"Feel? I'm not sick. I don't feel anything. I'm happy to see you. I kinda glad to have the apartment blessed but I'm still confused. What's going on?"

"Well, Dad and I were also surprised at how your apartment looked when we arrived this morning."


"We know that Yaya Dang hasn't been able to clean for the past weeks because she's been sick, too." Mommy continued. Yaya Dang was Aina's nanny and she normally went to Aina's apartment once a week to clean. However, for the past month, Yaya Dang hasn't been able to clean. "The apartment looked different the moment we entered. And you were happily washing the dishes?!" Daddy added.

Aina was stunned for a few seconds, then she giggled. "Well, uhm, I suddenly had a guest the one time and the apartment was in shambles. It got me thinking that if ever someone surprises me again, I wouldn't want them to see the apartment looking gross..." Aina explained, being careful not to give too much detail. Her parents just nodded but didn't fully believe her.


Sarge rang the bell at Aina's apartment twice but didn't get a response. As Aina neared the end of the hallway toward her apartment, she saw one her neighbors going into their door. This was a common sight so Aina didn't think much about it even if the leg and foot looked a little familiar. When Aina reached her door, she found some flowers hanging on her doorknob. They were yellow, her favorite color. She opened her door and went in.

*from Pinterest

"Good evening, this is Max from the lobby, how may I help you?"

"...oh yeah, this is Aina from 1601...was there a delivery for me?"

"...one moment please...no, ma'am, nothing for you today."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Aina saw a small note taped to the back of the card on the jar.

"1602, where?" Aina said to herself. Curious, she opened her front door again to peek and, standing at the doorway of his unit across, stood Sarge.