
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


"Hey! How are you?" Sarge said when he saw Aina at the cafeteria the following week.

"Hey! Thanks! I'm good. Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome. Here, I got you a muffin, a power bar, chocolates, and a sports drink. Bring these with you and don't forget to eat, please." Sarge said as he placed a big paper bag on the table between them.

"Uh, thanks. You didn't have to."

"I know. I just don't want to have to rush you back to the ER ever again. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"...nevermind." Sarge mumbled. Suddenly, he chuckled.


"This was the exact same meal I had last week when I found you!" Sarge laughed and posed like how he found Aina before taking a bite of his sandwich. "They make the best roast turkey sandwiches!" he exclaimed while chewing.

"You're disgusting!" Aina giggled. Sarge was already quite comfortable around her and it had only been a week since they 'met'. "Roast turkey? That's so dry!"

"Yup! I love it!" Sarge said and took another bite of sandwich, smearing some sauce on the side of his mouth.

Aina immediately took a tissue from the table and wiped Sarge's mouth. This took him by surprise, but he let it slide and said, "Thanks!"

"I prefer the chicken asparagus sandwich. They make their own mayo..."

"Oh really?"

Aina nodded. She liked to read about trivia and food. This was one of the many info she learned from her readings. They didn't know it yet, but Sarge was a budding cook. He spent most of his free time searching for recipes and reading about food from other countries. When he came across a new recipe, he'd experiment and cook the dish for his friends and family.


Aina was trying to read her notes like she usually did on her rest days. It was a hot summer day and the sound of everything around her seemed louder than usual – like she could her almost everything around her; from the sounds of her electric fan, to vehicles passing by the busy street in front of her building, to neighbors down the hall who were leaving their unit. She normally ignored these sounds and went about her day. However today, the sounds were a little louder and somehow annoying. Aina looked up from her reading and thought about her monthly period. Maybe it was just her hormones. When she couldn't take it any longer, she got up and knocked at her next door neighbor's door.

For as long as Aina could remember, the unit across hers wasn't really being used by the owners. If ever there was someone in the unit, it was only temporary. As she opened her door, she noticed lights and the sound of the shower running from the window almost directly across her front door. Loud music could also be heard. Aina rang the doorbell. When no one answered the door, she knocked. She repeated these three times more but still didn't get any response. She stormed back into her unit, got her books, and immediately left.

"Hey! Where are you?" Sarge texted.


"Park? Which one?"


"What are your plans for today?"

"Not sure. Was planning to just veg out and get some reading done."

"Why at the park?"

"Neighbor. Apparently, I have a new neighbor."

"Oooh. Nice."

"Not. Nice."

"Hmm. Anyway, will you be staying there for long?"

"I don't know yet."

"Wait for me. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"What?" Aina exclaimed as she read Sarge's last message before this reply. "10 minutes? Was he driving while texting? Or is he somewhere nearby?" Aina thought then she looked around. The park was surrounded by shops and restaurants. There were also some offices nearby. In fact, the hospital where they worked was just a few blocks away.


Ten minutes later, Sarge arrived with lunch boxes for both of them.

"You prepared these?" Aina marveled at the artistry of the designs of the lunches were. They looked so nice that it seemed like a waste to touch and eat.

Sarge nodded while giving Aina her utensils and a water bottle clinking with ice. "Making these is one of my stress relievers." Sarge said while digging into his own lunch.

Aina hesitated for moment then started eating as well. The flavors were perfect! She had not tasted food like this in a long time! "OMG! THIS IS SO GOOD! SO SO SOOOOO GOOD!" she gushed.

"I'm glad you like it." Sarge beamed. "Ah! I have an idea!"


"What's your work schedule?"

"I'm on another 24 hour shift..." Aina sighed.

"I see."

"How about you?"

"...almost the same as you...why don't you text me when you go on break so that we can eat together?" Sarge suggested.

"Okay?" Aina was a little hesitant. She suddenly remembered what her mom and lola would always remind her of about boys. "Keep your guard up."

"Don't worry. I don't bite. And I promise not to poison you." Sarge teased when he noticed how Aina reacted to his suggestion. He then lunged forward and took the food that was on Aina's spoon as she was about to put it in her mouth.

"See. Not poison." Sarge said while chewing.

"...just making sure..." Aina replied. A mixture of disgust and thinking that it was fresh of Sarge to lunge at her like that to that came to mind. If it were her younger brother, Davey, she'd have whacked him hard. Aina suddenly remembered how she and Davey would constantly fight because he was just utterly disgusting like anything. Aina only got to finish a whole order of her favorite drink or food after she had moved out of home. Back home, Davey would always grab her drink, saying he'd just taste it or take a sip, but proceed to either take it away or finish everything!

Since then, she began to be a little hesitant to offer her food to anyone; thus, she was also wary of accepting offers since Davey often teased her when they were younger. But this time, with Sarge, a giddy feeling overpowered her loathing. For the first time in her life, Aina didn't mind sharing especially with Sarge.