
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


As she walked away from Ryk and Maia, Aina received a text message saying that there would be a tour and orientation of the annex facilities in 20 minutes. She thought about contacting Sarge just in case he had not read the text message. However, try as she might, he was unreachable. Aina strained to hear if the hospitals' main announcements paged them, but what she heard were some code calls to certain rooms, and announcement of other hospital-sponsored events not related to the new annex or department. Aina wondered what happened to Sarge but at the same time, she didn't want to miss the tour and orientation. She went straight to the lobby and joined the small group of hospital staff who were waiting for Dr. Ana, the pediatric attending physician.

After a short introduction, Dr. Ana, started the tour, pointing to the different areas and doors along the corridor behind the reception area. As they were about to turn the corner, Sarge came out from the first floor staff lounge and discreetly joined the group. Aina didn't notice him because she was somewhere in front, and Sarge waited for the group to pass before he opened the door. When they took the elevators, Aina still didn't notice Sarge even if she entered first and automatically turned to face the front of the lift's cabin.


"Did you and Doc Sarge fight?" Naomi whispered after the tour was over and the staff was dispersed.

Aina shook her head. "Was he able to join the tour? I tried calling him, but his phone was off." Aina said, shaking her phone in her hand.

Naomi glanced over her shoulder and they both saw Sarge turn the corner and disappear.

"He might just be busy." Aina said.

Naomi shrugged her shoulders. She then clung on to Aina's arm. "I'm hungry. Let's grab dinner before going home."

"Sounds good!" Aina agreed and they walked toward the main hospital to get their things.


Aina thought she saw a familiar figure through the glass panel on the staff lounge door as they walked past it.

"I want to check out the staff lounge…" Aina said.

"I'll go ahead. I'll meet you out front in 20 minutes?" Naomi replied.


"Okay. See you!"

"See you!"

Aina turned and walked back, carefully opening the door. She was amazed at the layout and design of the room. She made a mental note to praise Ryk and Maia for all their work on the building, which really impressed not only Aina, but the others during the tour earlier.

"You'll get to meet the architect and designer during the inauguration dinner next week." Dr. Ana said.

She saw Sarge standing by the window. He was talking on the telephone.

"…Papap!" A small voice squeaked over the speakerphone. Aina stopped in her tracks.

"Hi Princess!"

"Papap come? Cook tapeti?"

"…come over tonight…" a woman's voice said in the background.

"Ta-nayt! Papap come tanayt!" the little girl said.

Sarge looked at his watch then out the window. "Okay, what else?"


"Yes, spaghetti. Do you want chicken?"

"…kiken…en fenfays!"

The adult chuckled in the background. "…how about a salad?"


"Okay, spaghetti, chicken, and a salad…you have drinks there, right?"


"Okay! I'll be there in about an hour…"

"Papap! Papap!"

"Yes, baby?"

"…ting? Papap ting…piiiis…"

Sarge chuckled. "Now? How about we sing later?"

"Otay…tater…Papap sip wit Te-yah?"

Sarge chuckled again. "We'll see…"

"Say goodbye, Dea…"

"Babay Papap! Ababooo"

"Love you, baby. See you."

Aina was confused. She moved to the side of the room where the beds were so she was shielded by the curtain that divided the space. She tried to think of the topics they had talked about over the months of their relationship. Has Sarge been really honest with her? Aina sensed that Sarge left the room; she saw the door close behind him as he exited.


"Where's your boyfriend?" Naomi said as they rode the taxi to the mall.


"Extended shift? I hope our shift schedules will be better when we move to the annex."


"Well, they hired more staff, too…"

"They did?"

"Didn't you notice the two new nurses and residents who joined us on the tour earlier?"

Aina shook her head.

"…I think the nurses are from the pedia department, too. If so, then they're familiar with the doctors and staff from there…"

"I…I guess…" Aina said, looking out the taxi window.

"Anyway, what would you like to eat?"

"Anything…you choose…"

"Hmm…I've been craving for some pasta…spaghetti! Kuya, please drop us off by the Italian restaurant at the mall…"

"Yes, Ma'am!"


"I'm having dinner with Naomi." Aina texted Sarge enroute to the restaurant.

"I'm out. Might not go home tonight." Sarge replied.

"What's wrong?" Ryk asked when he noticed Aina's expression change after reading a message on her phone and tossing the gadget in her purse. He and Maia bumped into Aina and Naomi at the same restaurant.

"…ah…uhm…nothing…do you guys want to drink?"

Naomi turned to Aina, surprised. "Was that…?"

"…I know of a bar not far from here…let's just share a bucket…" Aina continued, ignoring Naomi.

"Sure!" Maia replied. "I've actually been craving for some super cold apple beer."

"Me too! Or maybe red horse." Aina squealed.

Maia was surprised with Aina's reply but laughed it off when she saw Aina suddenly looking excited.

Ryk looked at Naomi questioningly. Naomi shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.