
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Training and work continued on the construction and launch for the hospital's new pediatric annex and emergency services department. Like before, Sarge and Aina barely had time for their families. With the advancement in technology and methodologies, they both were also becoming quite busy and spent more time at their respective departments than with each other. There were even days when they had to live at the hospital for several days at a time.

And because of their work location, Sarge being in pediatrics while Aina at Emergency services, news about their relationship didn't really spread around their work areas. Even their best friends, Naomi for Aina and Eli for Sarge, weren't updated on their friends' relationship status.


On a mostly "quiet" time at the Emergency Room, a large bouquet of flowers was delivered. As Nurse Joanna received the delivery, she noticed that Mr. Arnold's skin was red, and his eyes were particularly watery. "Are you okay?" Nurse Joanna inquired as soon as she took the ePod (electronic proof of delivery device/e-receipt) from Mr. Arnold so she could sign it.

"I...I...HAAACHOOOO! Excuse me!" Mr. Arnold tried to respond but ended up sneezing. He continued sneezing and sniffling for a few moments.

"Oh dear! Why don't we move over here..." Nurse Joanna said and led Mr. Arnold to an empty bed across from the Nurses' station.

"May I use the restroom?" Mr. Arnold asked and was pointed to the toilets nearby.

Moments later, Mr. Arnold returned to the bed where Aina was waiting. A "Hello. I'm Dr. Athena. Nurse Joanna here says you were sneezing violently earlier?"

Blinking and drying his eyes with some tissues, Mr. Arnold nodded. "It happened so suddenly."

"Hmm. Can you describe what happened before the sneezing episode you had here?"

Mr. Arnold thought for a moment before speaking. "My nose and face started to feel itchy as soon as I entered the shop to pick up the bouquet."

"Okay. How was the ride coming here? Where did you put the flowers?"

"It my carrier. It's behind me."

"Lid closed?"

Mr. Arnold nodded. "I felt the itchiness again when I brought the flowers from my bike to here. But I feel a little better now after washing my face..."

"Did you remove your helmet?"

"Yes. The guard won't let me in if I keep it on..." Mr. Arnold said, adjusting his balaclava around his neck.

Nurse Joanna wrote everything down on her clipboard.

"It seems like you're allergic to the flowers. Are you aware of other things you're allergic too as well, like certain food like seafood or milk?" Aina asked.

Mr. Arnold thought for a moment and shook his head. "I just had some shrimps yesterday and I've been eating that ever since."

"Can you remember if you're allergic to other things like dust or certain plants?"

"No, not that I can think of."

"...you might be allergic to a specific type of plant, flower, or pollen. I'll prescribe some antihistamines but these will make you drowsy."

"Oh no! I can't afford not to work..."

"I understand. Since your symptoms are not that bad, you can take the medicine before going to bed. Avoid plant and flower deliveries first. If you can, try to get an allergy test so that you can avoid the things that might be your allergy triggers. It was a good thing that your reaction was just sneezing and you were able to wash off whatever caused it immediately. Other people react differently to their allergen which can be very dangerous."

"Thank you, doc."

"You're welcome. Joanna can help you find an allergy doctor..." Aina said. Joanna had already gone back to her station and Aina was about to leave to sign Mr. Arnold's release documents. "By the way, for whom are the flowers?"

"They're for a Doctor Athena Mendez..."

As Aina approached the station where the bouquet was, her eyes scanned the arrangement for a card. But instead of a regular card, a small scroll was tucked in among the yellow pansies, red carnations, yellow honeysuckles, and periwinkle hyacinths. Aina blushed, knowing who the sender was. The other doctors and nurses at the ER curiously smiled at her.

"Paging Dr. Athena Mendez. Please proceed to PEAR." An announcement came through the hospital intercom.

(PEAR – Pediatric Emergency Annex Region).

Normally, people just went about their business while hearing any message sent through the intercom. Specific departments or areas would spring into action upon hearing specific announcements and "codes". It was not unusual to hear doctors or hospital staff to be called out either. However, this was the first time Aina heard her name. Aina's heart raced as she tried to remember where PEAR was and how to get there. Having been quite busy in the ER for the past few days, Aina was not aware about the construction progress of the new pediatric annex.

"Did you hear that?" Aina looked for Naomi who was giddily smiling at her.

"Of course, I did...along with the rest of the hospital..." Naomi teased and giggled. Announcements were broadcasted throughout the hospital.


Naomi laughed and pointed to the speakers on the ceiling of the emergency room.

Aina shook her head and covered her face with her hands. She let out a groan.



"PEAR. Wasn't that the location announced?"

"Ah yeah..." Aina turned to walk away but immediately turned back."

"...It's past the main lobby, across the pocket garden..." Naomi explained. "Whoa!" Naomi exclaimed when Aina suddenly grabbed her by the wrist.

"You're coming with me!"

"Doc Naomi, bed 2" Nurse Cindy called. Naomi glanced at Nurse Cindy, "Coming!"

Aina let go of her and sighed.

"Go ahead. I'll try to catch up..." Naomi said as she walked toward bed 2.

"Fine!" Aina said, resigned. The sliding doors automatically opened, and she tried to walk as fast as she could, avoiding the crowd of patients, visitors, and hospital staff moving about in the lobby. She suddenly realized that the temporary wall that was put up during construction had been removed and the new building's façade was revealed.