
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


"What are our plans for Sunday?"


"Yes, Sunday lunch?"

"...the usual, mass then lunch at the mall. Hopefully, Nana joins us. I miss her."

"I miss her, too. Oh, and Ric's son, Archie...? I think that's his name...also works at the hospital."

"Doctor? Specialization?""

"Yes, he's a doctor but he supposedly just started his residency...Anyway, Ric is inviting us for lunch on Sunday. He said he wants to discuss about a project we're both in and he says his wife knows you..."

"Ric's wife, Rio."

Mommy Minerva face lit up when she realized who Daddy Zeus was referring to. "Rio! She did mention about her son being a doctor at the hospital. Wait..."


"...I think she said her 2 sons were doctors..."

"Really? Ric and I didn't talk much about our families. He only mentioned about Archie when I said our Nana was a doctor at the hospital. Hopefully, the kids join us on Sunday so we can all meet. I'll message Ric to confirm."


"Coy? Cocoy?" Daddy Ric called out.

"He's on his way home from basketball practice."

"Ah, okay. Can you call to reserve a table for 7 on Sunday at our favorite Japanese restaurant, please? If we can get a private room, better."

"You have another meeting with some foreign friends?"

"...lunch time...12-1230? Ah no, my friend Zeus..."

"Ah, Minerva's husband..."

"And their daughter...plus us 4 – you, me, Cocoy, and Igi..."

"Igi? Has he finally confirmed to spending Sunday with us this time? Hasn't he been very busy at the hospital for the last few weeks?"

"Maybe...or not...or maybe busy with someone else..." Corn walked into the living room where his parents were. "Good afternoon..." Corn greeted his parents.

"What did you say?" Mommy Rio looked at Corn.

"Kuya Serge...Igi...Cappy said he saw Kuya Igi with a girl..."

"Really? Maybe she's just a co-worker"

Corn shrugged his shoulders. "Kuya never likes to talk about his personal life. Anyway, I'm going to take a shower. We have a game on Sunday. Championship."

"My son, the MVP!" Daddy Ric exclaimed proudly. However, he only fully understood what Corn said after the latter closed the door. "What time is the game?" Daddy Ric looked at Mommy Rio.

Mommy Rio shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.


"Babe?" Aina called out as soon as she entered Sarge's apartment.

"In the kitchen. How was your day? Wash up so we can have dinner." Sarge replied. Aina paused by the kitchen to buss Sarge on the cheek before walking into the bedroom.

Minutes later, "...Sunday's plans changed again..."

"What's that?" Aina asked over the shower spray.

Sarge repeated himself while he covered his mouth and nose with a towel because a big sneeze just came over him. "Excuse me! I said, Sunday lunch plans have changed again." Sarge clarified as he pulled the shower curtain open.

"What do you mean? Can you help me scrub please?" Aina asked then handed him the bath sponge. Sarge started gently scrubbing Aina's back.

"Corn texted. He has a game on Sunday..."

"Hmm..." Aina moaned both to acknowledge what Sarge said, and in pleasure as Sarge dropped the bath sponge and was now gently massaging Aina's back. Enjoying the massage, Aina spoke slowly. "Davey requested for me to come to his game on Sunday..."


"Have you forgotten? Our brother's are classmates and now, they seem to be in the same school team..."

"Oh, yeah..." Sarge chuckled. He was distracted by Aina's nakedness and her reaction to his massaging. "So, are we watching the game?"

Aina turned and nodded. "Even if Davey and I always fight, I try to make it to his school events and games when I can..."



"Have I told you...?" Sarge asked as he slowly moved closer.

"Your clothes..."

"...I used to play basketball with Corn a lot when I still lived at home..."

"But don't you still play with Eli and your friends at the hospital?"

"Not as much...I could show you some of my quick moves, though..."

Aina giggled. In the few minutes between the moment she turned to face Sarge, he was now completely naked and enjoying some intimate moments with her. "Oh! You're pretty quick indeed..." Aina giggled in between their caresses.

"And you, my love, are slick..." Sarge said as he gently closed the gap between them.


"Rich! Over here!" Daddy Zeus called out when he saw Daddy Rich at the court bleachers.

"Zeus! Thank you. This is my wife, Rio. Our son, Cocoy is the one wearing the blue #21 jersey." Daddy Ric said as they approached the center of the row.

Daddy Zeus assigned their seats, making the moms sit next to each other while the dads sat on opposite sides. He then pointed Davey out who had turned and acknowledged their presence with a wave and a smile. Like typical, excited parents, the 2 mommies and 2 daddies waved and cheered excitedly.

After the first half of the game, Aina and Sarge spotted their parents from the top of the bleachers. They walked down the opposite aisles of where their respective parents were seated, Aina needing to pass in front of Sarge's parents, and vise versa.

"Excuse me." Aina said as she neared Daddy Ric and pointed to Mommy Minerva. "...so sorry...." Aina said as she moved nearer her mom.

"No worries, dear." Daddy Ric said.

"Thank you...Mom!"

Mommy Minerva was pleasantly surprised by Aina's arrival and they hugged. She then hugged and kissed her dad. "This is Athena. Davey's older sister." Mommy Minerva introduced Aina.

"Good afternoon" Aina greeted.

"Why don't you sit here between your mom and I?" Mommy Rio invited. Aina smiled and nodded. "Thank you" She said and signaled Sarge to start moving down the row.

A few moments later, the similar way of how Aina needed to pass by Sarge's parents to cross towards her parents happened.

"This is our other son, Sarge. These are Zeus, Minerva, and their daughter, Athena..."

After pleasantries were once again exchanged, Sarge was "assigned" to sit next to Aina. Aina and Sarge casually greeted each other as Aina moved a little to allow Sarge to squeeze between her and his mom. The game ensued at it was pretty exciting and intense. They cheered at every good shot and booed at fouled ones. In the end, Davey and Cocoy's team won and were declared champions.


At the restaurant and after they had ordered, Aina excused herself to use the restroom. After a few minutes, Sarge also asked to be excused.

"...I'll just go and pick up my girlfriend..." Sarge said as he walked away from the table.

"Did he say girlfriend?" Mommy Rio glanced at Daddy Ric, beside her.

Cocoy and Davey were already suspicious very early on so they both chuckled at their parents' cluelessness.

Moments later, Sarge and Aina walk back to the table, hand in hand. "Mom, Dad, this is Sarge, my boyfriend."

"She's Aina, my girlfriend."

The parents look at the couple then at each other. As the excitement over the news built, a sudden emergency happened at the table next to theirs – a child was choking on his food and his mother turned hysterical.