
waiting for LOVE

Meet cute happens in many settings and circumstances. Everyone has dreams of find "the one." How far will you go to present yourself to the one you think is your perfect match? Sarge and Aina work at different departments at the same hospital. Because of their different work schedules and an upcoming big change in their work environment, they barely have time to talk. Exciting changes are happening in their lives. Are they ready to face the challenges that are coming their way? We often fall into a trap we unconsciously make for ourselves. However, the answers to these questions are all just there right in front of us.

einsy1c · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Because they worked in separate departments, it was easy for both Aina and Sarge to hide their "relationship". Even their workmates and friends did not suspect anything. They were just doctors doing their work at the hospital while they built their friendship at home.

"Hey Charley! Pay up!" Maxwell, called out while counting the bills in his hand. The apartment's security personnel had been "closely monitoring" the residents of the building. The day when Sarge left flowers at Aina's door, roving security guard Charley immediately called dibs on a "deep hallway kiss..."

"...not going to happen..." Technical Specialist (CCTV Operator) Maxwell said. He was responsible for the CCTV monitors in the control room. "They're nowhere near the way the Morans are...didn't Turner catch them making out in elevator 6?"

"...he said Jake Moran tried to cover the camera with his hand..." Charley acknowledged.

"Sarge is too much of a gentleman to even steal a kiss..." Maxwell added.

"I don't think so...anyway, I bet fifty...they'd kiss by the end of next month..."

"Fine. Get your cash ready coz I don't think that's ever going to happen..." Maxwell leaned back on his wheelchair, resting his head on his hands.

By the end of the next month, Maxwell was fifty bucks richer. Sarge and Aina were very keen on keeping to their agreement. They always made it a point not to walk side by side or enter each other's apartment together. Even if Sarge started a routine of bringing or preparing breakfast, and Aina would sometimes bring or prepare dinner, they always had the presence of mind not to show affection outside their apartments.


"Are you okay?" Aina asked one morning when she noticed that Sarge was less chatty and kept on clearing his throat as he prepared their breakfast.

Sarge glanced at Aina, smiled, and nodded. "How do you want your eggs?" Sarge asked in a raspy voice.

"You don't sound good." Aina replied, feeling Sarge's neck and forehead, checking his temperatire against hers. "Have you taken your temperature?"

"I'm fine. I'll up my vitamin C and take some zinc..." Sarge said, pointing to the medicine bottles on the counter. "Can you please get the butter and jams?"

Aina got the items from the refrigerator and poured them some glasses of juice. "Let's skip coffee this morning. I'm also adding some lemon and lime slices in your water bottle, okay?"

Sarge just smiled and laid plates of food on the table. They ate quietly and then Aina excused herself from the table so she could do last minute work preparations. "What do you want for dinner?" Aina asked before leaving Sarge's apartment.



"Whatever you feel like preparing..."

"Okay. See you later. Bye."

"Love you"


It was another busy day at the hospital. Aina didn't notice that Sarge hadn't replied to her messages all day except for a reminder for her to take some breaks and drink water which he normally did at random times of the day. She remembered how Sarge looked in the morning so she decided to make some chicken soup. At dinner time, she wondered why Sarge had not come. She texted him but he didn't immediately so she thought that he probably was just finishing up at the hospital.

Aina usually checked her mailbox before going up to her unit but because she was rushing earlier, she wasn't able to pass by the mailroom. As she crossed the lobby to go back to the elevators, she noticed Charley, the guard, receive a paperbag from a delivery rider. She followed him to the elevators.

"Oh. Good evening Doc."

"Good evening."

Charley lifted the bag up, "I'm taking this up to Doc Sarge...I don't think he went to work today..." Charley said as the elevator door opened.

"...I can take it up..." Aina volunteered.

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem." Aina smiled as the elevator doors closed.

Aina rang the doorbell. When Sarge didn't come to the door, Aina keyed in the door code and let herself in. "Sarge?" Aina called out as she entered. No response. As she moved toward the living room, the apartment looked as neat as it was when she left after breakfast. Sarge was a stickler for neatness and order that it cleaning Aina's apartment became a weekly weekend morning routine activity for them. Aina deposited the bag on the cabinet by the wall. She only realized that Sarge was on the couch when she heard him stifling a cough and sniffling. He was in his track suit and socks but curled up like a fetus, hands tucked in between his knees. She immediately went to him and checked on him.

"Did you go to work?"

"...felt dizzy when I was about to leave so I lay down on the couch. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my phone ringing."

"Have you eaten?"

"Leftovers..." Sarge replied. Aina knew that there really wasn't enough food in both their refrigerators because they were just going to do food shopping in a few days.

"I cooked some chicken soup. Let me prepare some. I'll be back."

"Thanks..." Sarge smiled. "I love you."


Aina fed Sarge and assisted him back to bed. "Let me take care of you." Aina said when Sarge resisted help. "For a doctor and a pedia at that, you're just like your patients..." Aina chuckled when Sarge whined and said he felt unwell.

Aina tried to pry herself out of Sarge's embrace but he whispered, "...stay...please..."

5 days shy of four months, Aina "moved into" Sarge's apartment and they officially became a couple.