
random thoughts in imagination world?

yukabay: okey me and the whole cast of characters have the same thoughts so we won't have them as much because the story would have to much characters.

so as a kid we did wired things as a child like being a perv.

people: boo be ashamed of your self.

doctors: could he have mental health issues.

parents: o my gosh what is wrong with his parents.

yukabay: I know I was just a kid and kids are curious as fudge but also I was really scared of alot of things but every time there was a perv they always died just kidding that's not the reason I stop being a perv is because I my life was lonely.

Arthur: let's stop because nobody cares and I would not like a person that actually found my address of the house we live in.

yukabay: fine because a hacker could trace our step.

Arthur: we should really sleep because it's like 5:00 am I'm not saying the real time but we really need to get some sleep okey.

yukabay: oky because I'm getting lazy to write story's peace out.