

One day a young man named Lanka was wake up inside the game that he use to play a lot when he was still a child. But why is his dress similar like a witch? Wait a sec-!! it too revealing for such a cloth since a adult man like him to be wear. Elf? orc ? knight? Why can't he be at least wizard for a magic weilder! He a man!!! what happen here!!!. "Hello master! Im your assistant and right now you inside a game call as hero of fantasy!". "First of all! why my cloth were like this system!!!."

Liaymme · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


"Congratulations!!! This is wonderful news!! to be the first ever guild to witness an SSS+ grade born here with us today." the clerk can't hide her excitement and bring out a lot of quest that have been piled up that seem to have the same grade as his. "HERE ARE ALL THE WORK THAT AVAILABLE!!" She listed all the possible jobs that Lanka can work with and even give the detail about them. She even lines it up from the easy to the hardest quest. Based on what he see, the easy quest was collecting some herb but still sue his grade, it quest seem to be the rarest herb that was hard to find, and well then since that was the easy one. He decided not to look at the hardest since he was still a level 1 witch.

'She seems excited...' Lanka just keeps listening to the clerk talking nonstop about the last few minutes until he feel that his ear is about to fall off.

As the clerk try to explain, some people had an idea about stealing him as the new member of their party. The room was heated up with the pressure of recruiting him as fast as they can after he finishes pick up his quest. Their eye pierced his skull and similar to a hawk hunting its prey, they can't leave him alone since to gain someone that grade was a huge chance get a rare reward from the quest that they help him.

On the other side where he was standing, Lanka didn't seem to realize his situation as he was focused on the clerk.

"Wow Lanka as your system, even I'm impressed!! no wonder you were able to get hung with the spell so quickly!" said Bun who seem to realize their situation. "Be careful there a lot of eyes pray on you Lanka," he said with sight and just let it slide.

"So which one do you pick?" said the clerk with a big smile.

"You can take your time.... also it is better to make a party since your level is still 1!" the clerk reminded him since he was still not strong, even with that grade his level was the same as an ordinary person so she was afraid that such a beautiful person to be hurt on her first quest just because her grade was high, she has to deal with it by her self.

When the clerk told that the other ear perked up and was anticipated this and eager to introduce themself to Lanka. 'THIS THE TIME TO SHINE' they were waiting for the right moment to do it, just as they were about to take action... Lanka's voice can be heard.

"Then, I pick this...Also don't worry I'm strong." he points to the easy quest that he had his eye laid on since the clerk has explained it to him and takes the quest paper. He smiled softly to the clerk, which seems make the clerk flutter and flush red on her face from it.


The sound of the people's hearts in that room when see his smile and confidence on his face make their hearts beat fast.

He did not know that he already bewitched the clerk and the other by this time and what more it was 100%.


"huh?" Lanka heard the notification system again and a sudden pop up screen show infront of him.



Lanka who was in stupefied situation on reading the notification was shock as them. He feel like his body floating in air. He never think that the skill was this powerful enough that can cause people to like him with few word and smile.

"WOW!!! TALK ABOUT LUCK!" said Bun who seem to be proud of him.

'THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE PROUD!' Lanka can't talk back to Bun since it will make it weird to other since they can't heard Bun or see him talk.

This cause the clerk to be dumbfounded by Lanka's words but she dismissed it and smiles. The same goes for other, they were speechless and was kind of think he was goddess with those confident.....

"I'm sure you strong since you were SSS+!"

After he manage to pick up his first quest and run from the huge crowd of people that try to help and try to recruit him. He rush out from there and walk toward the road. He try to find a inn to stay for today since the day was about to end. But it was his luck that day all the inn was full, even with his skill, they can't give him a room.

"It seem the skill not 100% work...or else they already give me a room.." Lanka said to Bun and was kind of relief, but at the same time was disappointed since he don't have place to sleep.

"Well if it was that easy...then you don't have to work at all and people will do for you...." Bun explained to Lanka about his skill and he seem to understand that his skill seem to work mysteriously. "Yeah, you right... that won't be fun.." Lanka think this as a positive situation, with or without the skill he need to adapt in every situation that can happen. Just as he was about to went away to the forest a familiar voice been calling him from afar.... The person run toward him as he try to catch up his breath.

"LANKAAAAA~" the person who was calling him were Ren. He seem to be alone and was not been accompanied by his party member. He take a deep breath and look at Lanka, it seem he saw that in his hand was holding a quest. He try to look at him more saw that he was still holding the rabbit doll, what more he didn't bring anything with him other than that.

Ren smirk.....

Lanka look at this person with unamused face but look friendly can see, Ren who is wear a light cloth and not wearing any amor was standing there catch other people attention. He was really handsome man and with his amor off which other people can see. They sure realized that he have a well built body. It actually because of that it cause Lanka to really envy him since his body was slimmer like a model, with this cloth it even make him more like a woman.

That is why he was making that face....

Ren seem to realize Lanka facial was changing and it make him more interesting on him. That cause him to look at his face gently and hold his hand. The rough hand touched his skin cause him to flinched a bit but he ignore it. People on the street can seem to take their eye off them and what more, they were standing in the middle of the street everyone can see them clearly.

"Where are you going Lanka?...you were just arrive here. Why not rest today and went out tomorrow? Plus it dangerous since it almost night."

"Since I don't have nowhere to stay... might as well do the quest now..." he said it without hesitation.

At that time Lanka didn't know that with those word he might dig up his grave. The look that was seen from Ren perspective was... Lanka look like about to cry and he was flustered with blush on his cheek. His eye were like mellow dew and was enchanting in his eye... To see a girl like him unable to gain a room and about to go to the forest alone was not a good choice. They might be dangerous creature and what more bandits... what will happen if they catch her and do who know what! As a gentleman and someone with high dignity he can't let her alone in the night like this!!!

When Ren heard what Lanka said it cause his heart aching...

"Then would you like to stay with me..."

It seem like Ren was making an excuse to be with Lanka...

well let see what happen...

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