

Raven woke up in a puddle of her own sweat and cum. Her fingers were still in her pussy and asshole. She took them out. The room smelt of sex even if there was only one participant. Last night, she discovered that she has a fetish for anal. She got out of bed and put on her clothes that were scattered throughout the room. She soon left the room to go the bathroom.

Passing by the living room, she was shocked. Everyone in the room was covered in cum. Esdeath and Yuno had blood as well as cum covering their bodies, indicating their taken virginity. Adam was peacefully sleeping in the middle of this, still with a massive erection. Raven saw this and once again, her lower body felt hot.

She quickly ran into the bathroom and stripped. It was currently 4am, and although Raven had only fell asleep at around 2am last night, she was still very energetic. Thinking back to Adam's 11-inch cum-covered dick, Raven once again began masturbating with her ass.

At this moment, Adam was awoken from a system notification.


Raven's Affection Increased!

In Denial ---> Refutation of Facts


He woke up in the living room, the smell of cum and sweat filled the air, looking over to Esdeath and Yuno, he also smelt iron (blood smells like iron) emanating from them. He wasn't tired in the slightest. After remembering what happened last night, he was both ashamed and proud. He was ashamed that he couldn't control himself but proud that he was able to ignore Raven's advances.

He woke up all of the girls, they had a major mess to clean up, but beforehand, they all went to the bath. Adam was in the lead, he opened the door to see a pale ass in the air with fingers being dug into the asshole. Raven noticed the noise and looked behind her. She saw Adam and the girls, fully naked and all looking at her. Adam's erection from the morning hadn't calmed, it seems he was still slightly under the influence of Raven's power. Stares were exchanged, Raven looked at Adam's large erect penis and Adam stared at her ass that had three fingers inside of it.

Raven snapped out of her stupor and sat down in the bath, the bath was more than large enough to accommodate everyone present. Adam sat down in the bath, Raven's eyes not breaking from his crotch. He now understood the system message, although she wanted to, she didn't succumb to her own impulses and instead kept them bottled up. Mostly because of her suspicions of Adam manipulating the girls and some being because of her pride. The girls all funneled into the bath and didn't mention Raven's previous actions. Raven, at this moment, felt like shit. She had masturbated to the man she suspected of being a disgusting criminal and he saw it! Her internal conflict was noticed by Mamako.

"Honey, it's fine if you can't face your feelings just yet. God knows it took me many years to accept the fact that I was completely seduced by my own son." Mamako comforted her. Although Raven didn't want to admit it, she was comforted by her words. Now, Adam stood up to speak.

"Raven, you aren't entirely wrong. I possess an ability that speeds up the rise in affection women have for me. However, it doesn't force women to feel different about me, it simply strengthens emotions that were already there." He announced. No one felt betrayed by this piece of information. At the end of the day, he was right, he didn't force them into emotions they didn't have for him. Raven began to cry and was promptly comforted by Mamako.

"Here, here. It's okay darling, you can take your time." She said. Mamako was referring to both taking her time to admit the fact that she had almost given away her body to someone off of a false assumption and also to take her time admitting her feeling towards Adam. No one was in a rush. They still had their whole loves to love Adam after all, they could stand not getting fucked by him for a couple days.

(A.N. Just because Raven had seen them all fuck doesn't mean that she feels comfortable about it. She'll accept everything soon just don't rush the cutie!)

Everyone got out of the bath to clean the living room and Mamako's bedroom. Mamako and Raven went to clean the bedroom while everyone else got to work on the living room. In the bedroom, Mamako was shocked.

"You really did a number on yourself last night didn't you?" She asked. Raven's face turned red.

"It's okay darling, but I'm fairly certain that you are just holding back something inevitable at this point." She added. Raven's cum had soaked the sheets, some of her cum even coated the walls. Raven thought a while before responding.

"I know about my feelings but I don't think I'm ready to accept them." Raven replied. She definitely wasn't easy.

"Okay darling, but in the future, please lay on a towel or masturbate on the toilet." Mamako said. She wasn't at all mad or even annoyed at Raven. Mamako had done way worse to her room after all. Raven started to silently clean up with Mamako.

Out in the living room, everything was being steadily cleaned. The trash bin was full of wet toilet paper. Yuno and Esdeath were much more clingy than usual. After losing their virginities to the beast last night, they pledged their souls and bodies were forever his to use. Soon, he got a notification from the system.


Raven's Affection Increased

Refutation of Facts ---> Knows But Doesn't Accept Her Feelings


The affection now had quite the long name but he understood it nonetheless. At 7am the rooms were devoid of liquids although the scent still lingered. Mamako started to make breakfast while everyone else went back to their hobbies. Soon, breakfast was served, after the exhausting exercise yesterday, today's breakfast was a hearty one. The table was filled with a variety of bowls. Adam sat down, and before Albedo could claim a spot next to him, Raven sat there. Albedo squinted at the girl but understood that she was currently developing feelings for her husband and backed off for now.

During breakfast, Raven made a move. She grabbed Adam's hand under the table. She was doing her best to show her affection, although she had love for Adam, it was only at the tipping point and not quite enough to quite enough to qualify as truly 'In Love'. She was currently doing her best to accept her feelings and breakthrough that last barrier.

Soon, the breakfast was finished, Adam and Eve stood up to leave for school.

Hopefully y'all enjoyed the chapter. Raven is finally accpeting her feelings!

BillNyeThePGGuycreators' thoughts