
Vyr's journey through the multiverse

The story of a girl named Vyr's path through games, anime, and movies. I don't really like to write but I though why not give it a shot I'm waiting for stuff to update anyway right? Right now the plan is at least 1.5K words per chapter preferably 3K. I don't know how long ill go for but hopefully it will be a good bit. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

AlucardVonHellsing · วิดีโอเกม
54 Chs

CH 32 Introductions And reunions

As Vyr left Josh sent a worried look at team RWBY and said "hey red."

"Uh Yeah?" ruby responded still a bit nervous as they followed vesemir through the keep.

"Ruby yeah?" Josh asked before continuing getting a nod from Ruby. " Vyr said you two are together. You know if she has any wolf or dragon friends?"

"Uh no? Does it matter?" she asked confused as she was speaking with Vesemir when the two were talking earlier.

"Kinda? See me and Geralt , he is a witcher here you'll meet later, we had this bet going. If Vyr brings a wolf or a dragon back, he wins. If she doesn't, I win, simple right?"

"What does the winner get?" Blake cut-in joining the conversation.

"Oh… uh … sorry i must've missed your name. Sorry but you mind giving it again?"

"It's fine, Vyr didn't get a chance to introduce us before she ran off. Im Blake Belladonna, that's Weiss Schnee, she is Yang Xiao Long, and you already met our team leader Ruby."

"Really? Red here is the team lead? Good on ya short stuff."

"Hey! I'm not short!" Ruby said with an afronted look.

Josh laughed her off good naturedly before saying "Right, thanks Blake. Now back to your question. See the loser had to pay for the winner's next gear upgrade. If i win im gonna get geralt to pay for me a better blade. I 've been using mine for a bit too long, worn down and all."

While Ruby and Blake were conversing with the future pauper, Yang and Weiss were speaking to Vesemir about the training Vyr went through as a kid.

"So Vyr has been teaching you eyh?" Vesemir asked as he led the group towards the dining area.

"Just my sister Ruby and me." Yang answered.

She didn't know why but she liked this old guy already. Which is understandable as after spending years with Vyr he had mellowed out a fair bit. Spending time with her, Josh, Trey, and the other surviving witcher trainees had changed his view on the world. It wasn't a huge change but it was noticeable.

"So how did that come about?" Vesemir asked getting comfortable on a bench and motioning for the others to take a seat at the table as well.

Yang took up a chair and began to tell Vyr's story from her point of view with Ruby's help. This led to many different emotions being aired.

*\A couple of hours later/*

Geralt was returning to the keep as the sun was beginning to descend. It was only an hour or two past mid-day. He had been helping the elves in their settlement. Something he had been doing alot lately.

It felt like only yesterday when his daughter had summoned the elves to the valley. But if you compared the elves of the past to their current counterparts you would hardly associate the two together. The house elves had started as small, disproportionate, trembling messes, who looked to have been starved from birth. Now though, it was a different story. The elves of today were beginning to resemble the elves that geralt knew, though they were still quite short. He had once congratulated Aleos(who was the most advanced in the recovery process) only to be told they were still nowhere near fully recovered. Aleos himself being barely a quarter recovered and that was being optimistic. The biggest problems the elves were facing in the road to recovery was not the physical aspect, but the mental aspect. The centuries of enslavement and mental devolution had made some "interesting" obstacles for their recovery. One of the biggest was the remaining compulsion to "serve" Vyr and those close to her. Anything from cleaning and cooking, to tring to improve her living conditions. Things like enchanted faucets and bathrooms had appeared rather quickly after vyr had complained once to Trey and Josh. Though to be honest no one had complained about the changes after trying it.

Getting back on track Geralt walked to the doors of the keep only to hear sounds of merriment and laughter. As he had to go past to make it to his room anyway, Geralt decided to see what was happening. He closed the keep doors and relaxedly made his way over to the dining area only to see Vesemir, Josh, and Trey talking to some girls.

' they don't blend in much do they?' he asked himself when he saw the girls. This saddened him a bit as it reminded him of Vyr who didn't blend well either.

He walked over and pulled up a chair next to a girl dressed in black with white clothes underneath. She was the only one to notice his entrance as she saw his approach. Years of training had long since dulled his footsteps.

"Geralt! Great! Are you ready to pay up?" Josh asked, getting excited imagining his new weapon.

Geralt only gave him a confused look as he filled himself a mug of cool water from the pitcher on the table.

"The Bet. you can't worm your way out of this one. I had Trey be a witness, no tricks this time."Josh said.

Geralt sent his confused gaze at the girl next to him hoping she could jog his memory to this bet he had apparently made with josh.

"He said you made a bet about Vyr?" Blake said looking at the man's cat-like eyes. She hadn't noticed until now, but after noticing it she realized all the witchers had cat eyes.

Geralt hearing Vyr's name didn't change his expression but to those who knew him closely noticed a change. His eyes turned sharper and he began looking around trying not to be obvious about it.

"Hahaha. Calm yourself Geralt. She ain't here right now, but she said she would be back. So just hold your horses." Vesemir said with mirth seeing Geralt looking around.

"What was that bet about again?" Geralt asked, focusing back on Josh while brushing Vesemir off with a grunt.

As Josh went about reminding Geralt of the bet between them. Vyr had returned and was walking back to the keep. With her were Sif (obviously), Artorias, Ciaran, and finally Kalameet (in human form).

"So this is where you come from, the home of the witchers. Right?" Ciaran asked, looking toward Vyr riding on Sif's back.

Fun fact, apparently when Vyr used her dark mark on Sif, the boost in potential also led to a boost in size. So while not the size he was from the game, Sif now stood about 6 foot tall at the shoulders. This allowed Vyr to ride on Sifs back, something she began doing as soon as they met once again.

"Eh~ you're not wrong. Yeah this is my home, and yeah this is A witcher school. But the thing is, it's not the ONLY witcher school." vyr said, turning around on Sifs back.

"Oh? And what is the name of this school?" Artorias asked joining in on the conversation.

"Ha. you'll love this." Vyr said to Sif as she patted him on the head. "This whole of Kaer Morhen is home to the Wolf school of the witchers." Vyr said, throwing her arms out in a wide theatrical gesture to the surroundings.

Sif gave a happy bark, while Artorias threw his head back and laughed.

"We'll be going to the keep up ahead to greet everyone for now. But tomorrow yall are free to wander the valley as you like. Just stay away from the forest on the right side of the lake from here. We keep some dangerous beasts in there. I don't want them dying so if you want to go in, then please ask me or one of the witchers. Everyone in the valley can be counted as friends, at least that I know of. I know some of them may look different but they are friends too."

"You do remember Gough was our friend right? He was a giant! I'm sure it will be, as the prince would say "Jolly!"" Artorias said chuckling at the memory of one of his old friends.

"Jolly Cooperation?" Vyr asked thinking of a certain sun bro.

"You know him? But how?" Ciaran asked with a confused face.

"Ah i'll tell you later. There are a few more people I should probably pick up from lordran anyway. For now let's get inside and introduce everyone. Hey Artorias. See that boot print? Kick it. That's how we get these big ass doors open." Vyr said motioning Artorias forward with a smile.

Artorias didn't think much and went to do as asked but ciaran noticed vyr smiling and felt something was off. Before she could stop him Artorias had already launched a firm kick into the metal reinforcing the door.

With a loud boom the doors slammed open bringing all conversation to a halt. When everyone inside looked to the entrance they could see a huge silver wolf looking around curiously. Vyr was on top of the wolf laughing. Following the wolf was a pale foreign man wearing a strange black and white robe. Bringing up the rear was a very strange sight. A Beautiful woman wearing dark blue and blake robes that seemed to be combined with plate armor. Her long golden hair was tied together in one long braid that ran to her shoulders. But that was not what made the scene strange. What was weird was the beautiful woman was dragging a knight in full armor in a headlock with her.

"Girl! What did I tell you about kicking that door?!" Vesemir yelled at Vyr.

"Hey don't look at me. I didn't do it this time." Vyr said with a smile.

"Who else but you would do it?"

"Him!" Vyr said pointing at artorias while simultaneously throwing him under the bus. "But lets forget all that. Look at this big wolf i found!"

*sigh* "Yeah i see the wolf. Speaking of wolves, Geralt is here waitn' for ya."

"Dad's here?! I thought he would be on a contract! Come on sif lets go over there. Quick!"

Sif feeling her excitement rushed at where she pointed. Leaving a windswept Vesemir reeling as they passed by. As she came upon the table she could see everyone was looking her way with various emotions.

Most were shocked but the notable few who weren't were Ruby who had stars in her eyes looking at Vyr riding on a large silver wolf. Josh who looked to have been emotionally crushed by the world itself. And Geralt who didn't even seem to notice the wolf as he was focused on Vyr.

Seeing Geralt Vyr launched herself off Sif with wide arms and performed an amazing flying tackle wrapping her arms around the surprised Geralt.

"I missed you old man!" Vyr said while trying to bear hug Geralt and lift him off the ground.

"*hmmh* I missed you as well." Geralt said, amused at Vyr's attempts to pick him up while he gave her a quick hug in return.

"How long have you been here? Did you get to know everyone? They didn't talk bad about me behind my back did they?" Vyr asked, shotgunning geralt with questions in her excitement. She used to talk with Geralt everyday more or less but now after such a long time apart Vyr couldn't help but be a tiny bit excited talking with Geralt again.

As the two were talking Sif had started inspecting the other people at the table. Trey seemed a bit wary while Josh looked like a fish without water. I would describe Weiss as paler but let's be honest any paler and she would be bloodless. Blake had already stood up and started inching away towards the shadows of the room trying not to be seen. Yang seemed to be more interested in the new group that was approaching. But Ruby … well Ruby was being Ruby, and had already jumped on top of sif and started petting him into oblivion. Whether Sif wanted it or not.

When Vesimir and company had walked up Vyr had already gathered her normal metaphorical cool. Now that everyone was together she started going around introducing everyone to each other. This led to everyone talking and conversing about different things they had in common. Especially Vesemir, Ciaran, and Artorias. Kal and Trey had an odd conversation going as Kal would ask a question and Trey would answer in a sentence or two at most. Team RVBYS were talking with geralt and Josh.

It seemed Lambert was still away and had not made it back for the winter yet. Eskel it turns out had taken Ula to do some smaller contracts and monster clearing nearby outside the valley. Ula is one of the animals Vyr had summoned a while back. It was one of the more expensive purchases she had ever made from the system. Yennefer had to go back to the Wizard council or something so she wouldn't be coming this winter probably.

At first she had thought the prices of the worlds were high but the prices of the items within the worlds were astronomical in comparison. This had led to her rationing points and making plans for spending them. Sadly impulse buys like her buying all of her favorite weapons and armors from dark souls 3 had left her in a large amount of debt.

(A/N she doesn't actually owe the system points. She just spent more than her plans allowed, setting her back a bit in points to freely use.)

*\Vyr pov/*

"So how'd you too meet?" Josh asked, probably hoping to get some dirt on me.

"I crashed at their place when I first got there. Ruby is a, let's say "weapon enthusiast". So when she saw my witcher swords she naturally wanted to check them out. Man you should have seen her face when i said they were magic. Sooo~ cute~"I said, teasing ruby a bit.

Ruby threw a chip at me and I caught it in my mouth giving her a cheeky smile. This was something that had become a normal occurrence with us lately. She would throw bite sized snacks at me and see if i could catch them in my mouth. She apparently found it fun so i normally play along, plus i get snacks so it's all good.

"Oh yeah grandpa Vesemir!" Vyr said, getting the attention of Vesemir. "We have to change the name of the witcher's swordplay."

"Why would we do that? It's been the Wolf school swordsmanship since this school was founded." Vesemir said, looking confused.

Vyr just smiled at him, took out a large sword, and said "Hey sif! I wanna see if you have gotten any better. Want to have a quick spar later?"

The big wolf looked up and barked happily before taking his sword into his mouth. He seemingly wanted to spar right away. Probably to show off how good he has gotten.

"That's why. Can't be the wolf style if an actual wolf uses it differently. "Vyr said, turning back to Vesemir with a big smile.

Everyone around laughed as Vesemir facepalmed himself, even the stoic witchers chuckled a bit.