
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

CHAPTER VII: Sandwich Made with Love

~Third Person's POV~

Arriah and Alice was staying inside the wisteria tree mansion, specifically inside a dimensional space. It was the most convenient space for Arriah than practice such common adventurers do. Like camping in a place, could be inside the forest, in an open area of the mountains or camping near a river.

"Arriah? What's your plan today?" Alice ask born from her curiosity. "Don't tell me, you planned being stuck here for years? I thought were going for adventures. But here you are reading books and me, washing the dishes here?!" She added and said it desperately in need of adventure. Even though she was complaining, she still finished doing the task of being a dishwasher.

"Just wait for the meantime. It is all about timing. As for this moment, they were on their journey returning home to their land— Triangulum. Of course, with her husband. You don't want to interfere in a time of Lillian's marital duties, right?" Arriah said plainly like no trace of embarrassment on what she said.

Alice stiffened and looked slowly to Arriah who was still reading a book while cozily lying on a sofa. Embarrassment and reddened face was evident on its face.

"M-Marital…duties?" Alice said, stuttered.

"Yeah, it is what it is." Arriah replied to her without a hint of embarrassment and shame of directly saying the word marital duties. "So, just stay quiet. Wait for the right time. It's for your own safety and…" She intently looked at Alice. Alice who was still stiffened, gulp a chunk of saliva, and evidently getting nervous. "it's for the sake of your innocent eyes, my friend Alice." Arriah in a quite teasing tone, said to her ever innocent friend.

You thought Arriah was the innocent? Or you always had the thought that Alice was the innocent of the two? Who knows.

~Evander's POV~

Waking up early in the morning was a pain in the neck. My whole body was aching and especially my head was like splitting into two. I think, I gone overboard yesterday night in the banquet— drinking alcohol. But, I could say it was worth it. As it was like a first time feeling of being able to enjoy again alcohol for these past months. Thanks to the unexpected help from Lady Arriah and Lady Alice, we ended the battle earlier than we expected. I slowly got up from the bed, and prepared myself on doing my rounds around the city then half of the day went for the training grounds.

After last check of my armor— the whole get up, was now complete. Then I will first eat my breakfast before doing my tasks for the day.

Inside the dining hall. I've noticed that there were only few soldiers and knights. The only knights were Anibal the scout leader, Neita the vice-captain and Cillian the captain. There were no trainees, maybe because the early training as new schedule made by the commander.

"Yo! I thought you'll be lying down on your bed till afternoon?" Anibal said while enjoying his meal.

"You've gone overboard yesterday night in the banquet." Cillian said and sipped on his coffee.

"Almost. Thankfully I had a nightmare so…now here I am! Though, my head was like splitting." I said then sigh heavily then seated across Neita and started to eat.

"Oh! By the way, Sir Evan. Where's the two guests that you all said, that saved you all from the demonic species?" Cillian said as he was not present when that heroic feat of Lady Arriah and Lady Alice, happened. As Cillian was assisting the commander during that time.

"After they had a long talk with Sir Adrian and Lady Lillian, as what they said, they just disappeared without a trace. But they leave a message to Sir Adrian and Lady Lillian." Neita said as he paused to drink his coffee. "They said that they will be back soon, before we know it. So yeah, we don't know when as it is what they said." He continued and finished all of his meal.

"Is it really true that named Arriah, single-handedly killed the demonic dragon and all other demonic species? And the lady named Alice healed perfectly all the severely wounded of our fellow men?" Cillian said like 50-50 being amazed and had the doubt if it really happened.

"I can't blame you if you had a thought of doubt about them. But you know the evidences and we are all witnesses. All people who had been there was even stunned as they personally experienced it all." I said then gulping my cup of water. "Sooner or later, as we have no ways how to communicate with them, the only option we have is…to wait." I added and stood up from my seat as I was already finished eating my breakfast. They looked at me and followed me as they were also finished on eating. "Now, let's do our designated tasks before our commander bombarded us with sermon and punishments." I said and slightly sighed of the thought, being punished like double to triple difficulty during training. Specifically, sparring session with the commander.

They also sighed but heavily as we walk and parted our ways to continue the day doing our own individual tasks.

Half of the day was gone, I didn't even noticed that it was lunch time. Of course, I've done my rounds for this day. After I gave my horse to the stable man of the castle, I walked on the hallway towards the dinning hall for lunch break. I noticed that Sir Adrian was also walking on the other end of the hallway, dragging a small cart full of books and his other hand was holding a lot of scrolls.

"Sir Adrian, need help?" I said then he was surprised seeing me that it caused for him accidentally dropped the scrolls.

"O-Oh! Sir Terra. You scared me to death! You just popped from nowhere." He said while picking up the scrolls.

I help him on picking up the other scrolls that rolled away and gave it to him. I hold the handle of the cart as a gesture of helping him.

"Why are you…somewhat in a hurry?" I curiously ask at him while we are still walking towards…his tower.

"Just quite busy for today. Because of Lady Arriah and Lady Alice, my motivation to learn more about magic was triggered that day. I don't want to be left behind. I want some greater improvement as a great sage." He said like his eyes were burning in passion, passion for magic.

"Oh! That's good then. As for the last months you shared one time that you are losing motivation for learning more about magic. Like you said, you felt stagnation in your magic capacity." I said reminiscing what he actually said that time.

"Yeah. It's a problematic event on my life, as a sage." He replied and then we are starting on climbing the stairs of the tower, spiral staircase. After a few minutes, we arrived at his room's door. "Here's my door. Anyways, thank you Sir Terra. It was fortunate for me meeting you in that hallway." He said while giving me thumbs up even though he was struggling holding the scrolls.

I just laughed for a moment then slightly nod. "No problem, Sir Adrian. I'll be going then." I said then wave my right hand.

He nods and smiled as he also wave his hand.

After almost 3 minutes, walking back to the hallway towards the dining hall, then another 2 minutes before I finally arrived inside the dinning hall. I get my food at the server's section then take a seat where the knights were laughing and eating.

"Where's Sir Casimir?" I heard a fellow knight said just from the table I seated. "I didn't see him. This would be the second day that he didn't eat his meal with us."

"I saw him in the training grounds alone. Maybe, he'll be training?" The other knight said.

"They said that the commander was acting more diligent in training, today." The other knight said.

"More diligent? Do you mean, more diligent than he was before? I don't know but his always diligent and always serious in training." The first knight who asked earlier.

"Now, I'm thinking the worst. He could make our training today, more difficult as it was more difficult before." A fourth knight who heavily signed and who was like losing his appetite on his meal.

"Yeah. I think I'll die sooner than what my fate dictates." A fifth knight added to the mood.

Then all of them sighed heavily.

I can feel you, my fellow knights. That was the words I say in my mind and after a few minutes, I finished my meal and then make a haste to the training grounds.

My fellow knights were right. Casimir Sanguinus was here in the training grounds. Practicing his swordsmanship.

"Sir Casimir, am I early or you're the one who was still here without eating your lunch?" I said while my arms crossed against my chest, waiting for his answer.

"My lunch w-will come…here." He said still doing his swordsmanship movements. It was amazing that until now he was not tired and losing his balance.

"What do you mean by your lunch will come here?" I repeatedly say and walk to the rack of wooden swords.

"Casi? I brought you, your lunch."

The words I heard from the distance. It was Lady Lillian's voice. I looked where it came from. And Lady Lillian passed from a castle's wall and now she was walking in a moderate pace towards Sir Casimir.

"Oh, you're here Sir Evander." She said then Sir Casimir kissed her left cheek. "You're soaking wet on your sweat. Change your tunic after eating, okay?" She added and handed a new tunic for Sir Casimir, a change of clothes.

I get a wooden sword and then I stand in a 3 meter distance from them, who are lovey-dovey sitting on a bench.

"Should I leave? It looks like I'm a third wheel." I jokingly said and laughed at the thought.

"No-no! Just continue what you always do Sir Evander. Don't mind us here." The lady said defensively and I noticed that she was blushing from embarrassment.

"Third wheel?" Sir Casimir said, he paused then after swallowing what he was eating— he then added with a grin on his face. "There's no such thing as it was clear, that you can't reach the level of my handsomeness." A sarcastic and boastful words.

I was stunned. As for the first time, he said those words. The serious Casimir Sanguinus talk like a someone whose like a weirdo admiring itself.

It made me stepped back, wearing a shocked face and I heard an applause near me. I looked where it came from.

"D-Did y-you hear that? Did I hear it wrong? T-Tell me!" I said while holding both of his shoulders and shaked Cillian who was the one who made an applause and amused expression hearing what Sir Casimir said.

"Yes-yes! You heard it right. It was Casimir Sanguinus, who said that you can't reach his level of handsomeness." He repeatedly said like it was the truth that I should believe. I loosen my grip on his shoulders and I unconsciously kneel on the ground and bowed down like a defeated knight in a battle of "who's the most handsome knight in Triangulum" contest.

~Lillian's POV~

It was unexpected and I felt the embarrassment of what Sir Evander said earlier. But now, I laughed out loud when he was soundly defeated by Casimir. Though, it was my first time hearing Casimir said that, boasting his handsome face to his fellow knights and comrades.

We all laughed at the moment of defeat of Sir Evander, with Sir Cillian who was like comforting his friend but at the same time teasingly consoled the latter.

"Lil, are you the one who made this sandwiches for me?" Casimir asked, out of the blue. I stared at him for a moment and then looked at him worried.

"Yes. Why? Is there something wrong? The bread? Or the sausage or the—" I was cut off when he touched my right cheek by his warm palm then he removed some strings of my hair blocking my eyelids. "Casi…"

"Nothing's wrong with it. I love it, really. Thank you for doing this." He said sweetly and smiled genuinely.

"I…I make it with…love." I said in a whisper.

"What's that? I didn't hear it." He said then he slightly tilted his head staring at me intently.

"T-That's! Nothing! Nothing. Really…nothing, Casi. I think I should go. I have other works to do in the infirmary." I said in a panicked and immediately stand up. Now, slowly felt like a heated kettle from embarrassment. He also stand up, put down the sandwich, and hold both of my shoulders— making me look at him.

"Lil? What's wrong? You're getting red. Are you sick? Are you okay?" He innocently said and I stared at him. While staring at his handsome face, I felt my cheeks like burning.

"I heard that. Don't forget, we are still here. You two, love birds." Cillian teasingly said.

"Please respect us. For we are single in status." Sir Evander added but still sounded like defeated.

I looked at them and looked at Casimir who was waiting for my answers.

I can't! I'm burning from embarrassment! I said internally.

"What single in status? Don't include me in that, for your information Sir Evander Terra, I have a lover." Sir Cillian boastfully said.

Before I heard their own argument, I escaped from the hold of Casimir and run as fast as I can while holding and raising a bit the sides of my dress— for me to prevent from falling.

When I entered the infirmary I look immediately at the mirror.

There! My face was red as a tomato!

I said internally. And I repeatedly inhale and exhale the air in and out of my lungs. I seated on a chair near the table then laid my head on my folded arms above the table. It was like sleeping but in a seated position.

"Ahh…that was embarrassing. My cheeks and ears are burning from shame. And I'm red as a tomato and that happened in front of Sir Evander and Sir Cillian!" I said to myself as I was the only one in the infirmary, for now.

A sandwich made with love.

"That was…embarrassing. Yet…sweet, I guess?" I said to myself as I thought I'm the only one here in the infirmary.

Then, there was a sudden presence that I felt standing at my back. A hand touched my right shoulder. I jolted, immediately stand and looked at the person who touched me.

"Sweet? What's sweet, Lillian?"

"Oh my gosh! Lady Arriah! It's just you! Please don't do that. That scared me a lot." I said and heavily sighed as a relief, knowing it was Lady Arriah.

I just awkwardly smiled and slightly tilted my head.

Please don't ask further details, Lady Arriah.

I said internally in my head.