
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

CHAPTER VI: Back to Triangulum

~Third Person's POV~

"Hey…Arriah." Alice said in a hesitant voice. "Tell me the truth. Is that your core?" She added. Arriah looked at her for a moment and then she looked away continuing what she was preparing. "Let me rephrase it. Is it one of your cores?" This time Alice said it suggestively.

Arriah sighed lightly and then she continues on slicing a vegetable for their dinner.

"Yes, you're right. It is one of my cores. It was the first core that I have given to another person." Arriah paused for a bit then she said in a feeling of nostalgia. "It was Lillian, the first person I saved by giving her my another core. You know…when I have my 20 cores back then, I don't plan or even thought about giving someone a core. It's a very risky procedure to put a core inside a fragile body." While continuing what she's doing.

"W-Wait! What? You don't only have 2 cores and now your telling me that you have 20 cores? T-That's… monstrously amazing!" Alice said stunned and at the same time astonished by the fact of her friend having more than two cores

"Are you amazed by it or you're just telling me that I'm literally not a normal human being?" Arriah said in a monotone voice.

"No-no! I mean really, that was unbelievable and amazing at the same time Arriah, my friend." Alice cheerily counteract.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Her friend replied plainly. But for Alice, she was getting sarcastic.

"Anyway, educate me about cores and all related to magic. I need to be fully equipped too of such knowledge that you had for those 600 years. Please? I hope you'll be more patient on me Arriah, my friend?" Alice said while blinking her green eyes for many times like acting like a puppy whose trying to gain the approval of its owner.

Arriah stared at her while her eyebrows are creased for a minute, then she heavily sighed in defeat.

"Fine-fine. I get it. Just get yourself away from me or just help me prepare the dinner." Arriah said in an annoyed voice but internally, she was quite happy how Alice was taking initiative on learning about the world they came for. It was also a good sign that Alice was trying her best to adjust herself living in an unfamiliar environment.

"Yay~! You're the best Arriah!" Alice said like a child who had her favorite candies.

Arriah chuckled and both of them continued on cooking their dinner for today's first day of their journey, in another world.


On the other side, in the camp where Lillian was, after a few hours of holding a meeting with Sir Adrian the sage, Sir Evander the vice-commander, Sir Neita the platoon captain, Anibal the scout leader and of course now, with the Andromeda Knights Commander and lord of Triangulum—Casimir Sanguinus, husband of Lillian.

"Can we really trust those people? How sure you are that they're saying the truth?" Casimir said in a harsh tone while arms crossed against her chest.

"I know you would not believe it, that easily. But how can we not trust those people who saved us from the brink of death? Even I am a sage, I cannot single-handedly kill that demonic dragon and other demonic species. It was beyond my power. I've been treating the wounded soldiers and knights from morning to night." Adrian said in a convincing tone as it was an attempt to convince the hard headed commander.

"Sir Adrian was right, Casimir. I can't even move myself when I was on face-to-face with the demonic dragon. I can only managed to protect myself and kill one goblin using my magic." Lillian said calmly as she can but under the table, her hands were trembling in fear that her husband may burst in anger, any minute. As she knows that her husband was known like a walking roaring lion, he was a hotheaded man, strong willed, a gallant knight.

Casimir was also a hard headed man, no one can easily convince him— except the king or the emperor who will be the one to convince this knight. He bear intimidating aura, quite unsociable, a blunt man, direct to the point and he will do anything in his power that no one will take advantage on him in terms of negotiations—totally a cunning man.

Even though he was known for that, he was also known by his comrades and fellow knights that he is obviously obssesesively in love to her wife, who love his land, who was always concern to the welfare of his people, he has sharp and observant look on his face thus he prefers that his knights and soldiers are skillful than being boastful of their noble blood.

"What?! You almost got killed by a demonic dragon? Did you do things that are beyond your duty?! I thought I told you many times that if you wanted to help then you just have to be inside the camp!" Casimir said angrily, he roared like a hungry lion and now hunting his prey. He stood from his seat and slammed both of his hands on the table. Others jolt in response to his sudden bursts.

Adrian and Evander immediately stand to control the hot-tempered commander. All of them except Casimir, saw the scared and trembling figure of Lillian.

"Sir Casimir! Don't get mad at Lady Lillian. Please calm down. She didn't do the things that are beyond her duty. When there was a commotion outside the tent, it was a natural response that she had to look on the situation. It was just a coincidence that when she was standing near the entrance of the tent, the demonic dragon appeared in front of the camp." Adrian said defensively. While Evander was keeping himself ready for the worst case to happen just because of his obsessesive commander.

"Casimir, Sir Adrian was right. You have to calm down, okay? We have to talk and discuss everything in a calm manner. We can't finish this if you always get your anger run wild in your head. Besides, your wife was safe. Even if Lady Arriah and Lady Alice didn't came, you know that, that I can guarantee you the safety of the lady." Evander said in a calm manner yet part of his tone was convincing the man.

Casimir looked at them, and lastly landed her eyes on her wife whose noticeably trembling in fear. He slightly shook his head in disbelief then breath in breath out to calm himself. He then tried to talk in a calm manner.

"Fine. Tell me everything. Straight to the point, for I have no time for this to take long." Casimir said in an annoyed voice.

Everyone get seated and continued on their cut off discussion.

Adrian and Lillian was the one who are changing in turns on speaking and telling about Arriah and Alice. They told them everything except the fact about Lillian having a magic core which is impossible for normal mages or even sages in their world to achieve. It was their agreement, only between Adrian and Lillian who talked longer to Arriah and Alice earlier that day.

When they finished what they have discussed, they decided to call it a day, eaten dinner and all rest for the day. Early in the morning, the commander dispatched some of the scouts and few soldiers who will be with them. It is the work that he gave for Anibal the scout leader— a dispatched team made to surround the area to look for any signs of demonic species. It was one way for them to safely return in Triangulum as the battle was ended earlier than they thought.

~Casimir's POV~

We are now on our third day journey back to my land—Triangulum. It was the land that was given to me by the empire as what the king of kingdom of Urania recommended me to the empire, as the new leader of the Andromeda Knights. Before, I didn't want this title and the work of having a land and to lord over it. It was a pain in the ass for me. I only thought about myself and was satisfied the work I had before, being a mercenary.

That was my thoughts before. But when I met Lillian again when I was in a job as a hired mercenary, the fate was cruel. It makes me feel again the longing that I felt for Lillian that I thought was already gone. Fast forward, now here we are, we are now husband and wife.

On the other hand, I was anxiously thinking who are those people that saved my wife and my people, three days ago? It was an unfortunate event when it happened while I was on doing my other part of the battle— to subjugate the demonic dragons on their nest. I can't believe that there was one dragon that escaped from our grip.

Over and over again while we hurriedly back to the camp, I thought of my wife. I thought that something worst really happened and then I was too late. But fortunately, there were mysterious guests who fought against the demonic species, and even perfectly healed all the severely wounded men in the camp.

But still, I have to make sure that this named Arriah and Alice are really had a good motive. I have to know them, personally.

"Lord Casimir, the gates can be seen here. We will arrive in no time." Neita said as he was riding his horse along side me that was also riding Swift, my horse.

"That's good." I replied shortly and plainly.

We arrived at Triangulum almost afternoon in the third day of travelling. It was the fastest ride we had as we make haste and didn't want on staying in that area where the battle happened.

When we entered the gates of Triangulum, everyone in the city welcome us cheers of joy and throwing white and pink flower petals in the aisle that they make, as we walk in between the people from our right and left side. We could see the happy faces of my people as they were cheering the victory we had from the battle.

"Glory to our lord! Glory of the battle led by lord Casimir Sanguinus! A victory for the mighty Knights of Andromeda!" The words that we could hear as they shouted and continuously cheered.

I looked from my right to left and raise my right fist a bit, just to show a thankful and sincere gratitude to them for the warm welcome and cheers.

After that small entrance ceremony in the gates. We made our way to the castle Sanguinus. I ordered my men to rest and prepare themselves to attend the banquet that will be prepared for all of us, for as we returned home safely.

I gave the reigns of Swift to our castle stable man. Then I walk to the carriage where my wife was.

"Do you feel tired?" I said while assisting her to get down safely from the carriage. She looked at me and nod slightly.

"Y-Yes. I'm a bit tired. But I can manage." She said and safely landed her feet on the ground. She then smiled at me and softly said, "Thank you." As it was a thank you for assisting her.

And that moment, I felt my heart skipped a beat and I was like… "she's so beautiful, I could die any moment." I shake the feeling internally as I realized that I was staring at her for too long. I just smile and held her right hand.

We walk inside the castle, still holding hands. When we are welcomed by the castle maids and the butler, she still had the energy to tell everyone the tasks that they have to prepare for the banquet. Still working hard, even though her complexion was obviously tired.

After everyone disperses and busily working, we continued walking towards the stairs to the second floor. It is where our bedroom was located. But before she could step her right foot in the first tread of the stairs, I swiftly carry her like a princess.

"W-What are you doing, Casimir? I'm heavy. I-I… you're tired too, so please put me down. I can walk, I have my own two feet." She said continuously panicking and stuttered for a bit.

Cute. The only thing that I thought of her embarrassed expression right now. I just laughed at her obvious embarrassed act and blushing cheeks.

"No. It's too late, my dear wife. We are now in our bedroom." I said as I closed back the door and locked it before putting her down to our bed. "Anyway, start on stripping." I added while busily taking off my silver armor, boots and socks— putting them away in the corner of the room. Now, I'm starting to take off my black tunic that was soak in 3 days of sweat and dust from travelling.

I noticed that she was quiet for a while. I looked at her. I noticed she was red like a tomato and was fidgeting sitting on the corner of our bed. She looked at me and immediately looked away.

"Lillian? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I said as I was slowly walking towards her.

She jolted and held her head high looking at me, as I was standing in front of her. I tilted my head for a bit and just stared at her while waiting for her answers.

~Lillian's POV~

It was an embarrassing moment for me as I let Casimir carry me like a princess. The thought of "I'm quite heavy" or "he's stunning and handsome" —in earlier's angle when he was carrying me, was running wild in my head that time.

The heat that I felt from that is still in me even now that we are inside our bedroom, I totally felt ashamed about getting red from it. When she put me down gently on the bed, he then started on taking off his silver armor, boots, and socks in the corner of the room. I was stunned, nervous and thought of blushing red like a tomato was now evident on me— when he said the words…

"Anyway, start on stripping."

Now, I unconsciously fidgeting my fingers, together. I felt the heat earlier was now even hotter. Imagine like fuming in mixed nervousness and shameful thoughts caused by those words from him. Even though, we are on our almost 2 years being together, as husband and wife— I couldn't still make myself used to it. Especially, I'm not that vocal related to marital duties that I had to do to my husband.

I looked at him and almost looked away immediately as I realized that he had already taken off his tunic.

His stunning perfectly shaped abs are now visible in the eyes. An eye-candy body of my husband. I internally shake that thought. What a shameful of me! I said internally.

I didn't noticed that he was already standing in front of me, not when he ask me.

"Lillian? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He said in a calm and curious tone.

I looked up at him as he was towering me over, as he was standing while me was still seated on the corner of the bed. I froze at the thought of his shirtless body was near my face.

"I-I-I'm okay. What do…" I said in a stuttering voice. I looked away from him and gulp a chuck of saliva that I felt like was stuck for a moment in my throat. "…you mean by stripping?" I added.

Oh my gosh…I obviously let him see my shameful self. I internally said again.

For a minute of deafening silence. I heard him laughed. I immediately looked at him with a curious expression on my face.

"Why are you getting nervous? Dear wife, are you thinking steamy and dirty thoughts?" He teasingly said while showing me his pervert grin expression.

Now, I was utterly ashamed!

"W-What?! N-No way! You pervert!" I said, defensively and hurriedly laid down on the bed and like taking shelter under the covers. I felt my body burning in shame and embarrassment for almost there, thinking marital stuffs.

"Oh! Why are you hiding? Don't be ashamed  or feel embarrassed. You know, you can freely think those things, I would like that dear wife." He said and I heard him saying the dear wife like tempting me to think those things.

"No! Y-You! Just take a bath or whatever, Casimir!" I said defensively while still feeling the shame and the heat of my burning cheeks and ears.

He tried to grab the covers. I tried my best not to give in but even with all of my strength, I couldn't hold the covers any longer. And now, my reddened face and ears like tomato was now exposed. I just closed my eyes just to hide my teary eyes from shame.

"Lil…" He said then I sensed that both of my sides are being bent. It means he was on top of me, towering me, cornering me on the bed. "Are you saying that…you don't want this body of mine?" He said it near my left ear, in his husky voice.

"W-What are you…saying?" I replied in a whisper mode. But I know, he can still hear it. As he was also so close to me. I felt him staring at me.

He slowly breath on my shoulder after making me face him. I feel his soft kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, ears, then down to my neck, collarbone, and to my shoulders. He paused from doing soft kisses and said.

"Then…let me hear you say…" He stared at me. He look deep in my eyes like reading what I feel through it. He stared on me eye to eye for a minute then he now stared on my lips. I bit my lower lips as to prevent me give in to the temptation. "Say…that you need me, Lil." He said in a husky voice. The voice that was both tempting and soothing in ears.

I can't look away from his tempting ash-gray eyes. I felt his thumb was softly touching my lips.

"I…Casi…" I  said shyly.

"Mmm~" he said still waiting and staring at me intently with such desire and heat in his eyes. And he was doing soft kisses again on my neck.

"I…If I say that…can we take a bath first?" I said. It was a sudden idea to came up with as it was for me to avoid saying that. I felt that he paused and got stiffed. He then raise his head from being buried on the side of my neck, then looked at me like the expression of unbelievable look.

I'm sorry, Casi. But I'm not confident on my body right now. I said that only in my head. Cause it's been three days without proper bath and change of clothes.

After saying that, he then suddenly carry me again, like a princess or newly wed couple and didn't say any word. He just swiftly stripped me after getting inside the bathroom. I was shocked by his fast movements that I couldn't even react on time. Then he hold my hand, and guided me to sit in front of him, inside the bath tub.

We fell silent for a few minutes.

I realized that, I killed the mood.

I sighed lightly and leaned my back to his chest and closed my eyes feeling the warm water, his warm body, and while feeling, hearing his heartbeat that was like a music to my ears.

"Casi…" I said softly while still feeling all of it.

"What now?" He said plainly. I sensed that he was now quite annoyed or disappointed from earlier.

But I still thought, that I have to say it.

"I love you, Casimir Sanguinus." I said and I shifted my body facing him, I smiled sweetly at him before kissing his lips. I stared at him and saying softly and in a sincere tone.

"I really do." The last word I said and remember, at the same time.


Then after that, it was indeed a lovely afternoon.