
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

CHAPTER III: Preparation

~Relle's POV~

I woke up at 7:45 in the morning. Same routine, taking a bath, brushing my teeth, wear my uniform, and then go to the academy's cafeteria where breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served. After eating breakfast, I hurriedly walk through the hallway towards the academy's garden. I see Sesi's standing figure in front of the wisteria tree.

"Sesi, what are you thinking so deep?" I said and I stood in front of her waving my right hand.

"Oh you're here. I didn't notice that you've been standing in front of me." She said while blinking many times while tucking some of her hair behind her ears.

"I just arrived in here…like 3 minutes." I said and then I look at the wisteria tree. Seeing the leaves waving and dancing through the wind, it was the most relaxing area of the academy.

"I really love this tree. I love this specific area of the academy. It feels like all of my worries, sadness, or weariness…just melted away. Haha anyway, now what are we going to do?" I said and then I faced her with a smile.

She smiled at me and says,"I already passed our papers. And now, later at night, we can leave the academy." She looked up at the tree still wearing a smile. A smile that was both excited and sad. Maybe, she will miss her academy life?

"Then… what's next? It's still early in the morning for us to go outside the campus." Now, we are slowly walking away from the garden.

"Mmm yeah, you're right. I think, let's start early with the orientation thing?" She said while avoiding students who are moving and walking fast in the hallway with us.

"Yeah. Let's do that." I shortly said then we went to her room in the dormitory.

×××(Inside Sesi's room)

"Anyway, Sesi? Do we need to pack up our things? Like clothes and any other personal stuffs?" I said while waiting for her answer, I prepare my notebook and pen, for me to take note all the important reminders as preparation.

"Mmm you can do that, but do not bring to much. Actually…most of those usual clothes we wear at this world, is not the same or in short called "unusual clothes" if we wear it in that world. So we better just secure the most personal things. Like for hygiene and undergarments. That would be enough." She said, sat across me and sipping her coffee. She gave me juice, yeah cause I'm not a coffee addict.

"So…do you mean that we buy new clothes in the another world? How? Do we have budget for that?" I said with a worried tone. Yes, I'm not rich. I'm a scholar too in the academy which means… I'm just a simple citizen. My parents has a farm but we are not that wealthy enough to pay the tuition fully of the academy.

"Yeah." She looked at me like reading my thoughts. She put her mug on the table and sigh showing that it's a pain in the neck to explain everything to me.

"You don't have to worry about that. I have too many clothes to spare for you. I am keeping everything, all our needs in my house inside a called dimensional space." She pointed on my notebook.

"Now we will talk about that after the orientation about our life together in the another world. Get ready to take all what I will tell you. Don't you ever complain. And I will answer all your questions after I discuss everything." A follow-up sermon from her. I just give her a deep sigh, inhaling and exhaling and nod as a response to her that now, I'm willing to listen. After a few hours of the long discussion, we decided to continue our talk to the academy's cafeteria as it was now lunch time. My head was throbbing with all the information that I have to digest, keep on writing on my notes, and to comprehend.

"Argh…my poor brain. Even though I'm quite above average in my academe records, still I can't fathom all those information that I have to comprehend. Now, my head was throbbing, I felt like my brain nerves are going to snap." I said while pointing the foods that I wanted for my plate as the server of the food also doing her job. "And now, you're telling me that you're at most a 600 yrs old in that world?" Of course I whispered this statement.

She sat across me and put down her plate. She immediately started eating. I also started to eat. Then after a minute she spoke.

"Yeah… 600 years of suffering and enduring all those problems. Building a nation and giving them a chance to grow. I taught the people in there ways of surviving. And I created a magic system that they could follow, for them to build up a power. A power that could help them fight against the demonic realm. All of them are desperately clinging on me when I stood up against the demonic realm, 400 years earlier of my years existing in there." She take a sip from her grape juice, put it back on the table and take a bite from her apple. "Of course, I was just fortunate that I was reborn in that world, suddenly possessed magic and skills, fight against the demonic realm for 600 years, I got tired, then decided to make 3 ways to get back here in my birthplace. The world I really came before dying here once. And now, here we are… getting ready to go in that same world that I've been tired of." She said, while eating her apple, she also looked outside the window where the academy's wide ground can be seen.

"Do you regret…" I stop on eating my food. I said while just staring at it. "Perhaps, you regret on telling me all of this? And on taking consideration of my selfish request?" I bit my lower lip, just to control myself from shaking it too much. I don't want to hear an answer like "yes, I regret it" or "yes, your selfish".

I heard her sigh. "Relle…look at me." I followed her, slowly look at her. I see her smile and rested her right cheek on her right palm. "Even it was a selfish request. Still, I will help you to solve that ancient magic circle. Because you're my only friend, Relle. Even though your quite annoying too…" She laugh a little and she smiled genuinely at me. I pouted at the annoying part.

"You made me realize something that I have already forgotten for a long time." I looked at her blankly. I gave her a 'questioning look'.

"There are still people In that world that I wanted to see. I thought back the people that I cared about. And now, I thought of the adventure that I will be taking with you. I just can't contain those feelings. I didn't regret anything from my decision on considering your plea, it makes me happy. It makes me happy that maybe in few years of spending again my life in there with you, will not be boring and I have someone I can rely too." She said then she continues on eating her apple while looking back at outside the window.

I felt my eyes began to produce tears. I sigh satisfied with that answer she gave. I'm grateful that she's not regretting anything about her decision. Now, I could drop the guilt that I've felt after hearing all her story. Being immortal is not a great thing to be proud of. That's why she worked hard to find ways just to get back here. And working hard on living normally with us. I can't fathom of how deep is her wound, emotionally. But, I've already decided that I will be with her always, as her only friend. Though I'm not immortal like her, I will still work hard for me to be able to fight with her.

Later in the afternoon at 3 pm, we decided that we will meet at the gate of the academy. After we ate our lunch, she said that I should prepare the things that I needed; so that after our few hours of bonding here in this world, at least we've seen the lively town we used to go during weekends.

After 2 hours preparing my personal things, I brought it to Sesi's room. If you ask me, how did I get in, that's because she gave me her spare key. She said that she will wait at the gate after some errands that she planned to do after lunch. After a few minutes, I am now walking towards the academy's gate. I can see now Sesi's figure standing beside the gate. I hurriedly walk towards her.

"Done?" She said. We started walking outside the gate. I just nodded and smile.

"Now, let's enjoy for the rest of the free time we had for today before 8 pm." I cling on her right arm and smiled.

"Yes~yes, let's enjoy for the rest of the afternoon." I said. Then we continued our afternoon enjoying ourselves in the lively town of Zircon.

*7:50 pm*

Currently at Sesi's room.

~Third Person's POV~

Sesi showed her dimensional space to Relle. For such a long time, it was like a spark of electricity for Sesi. The feeling of activating again the magic system inside her body and soul was enough for her to remember all the years she spent in the land of Andromeda where the Kingdom of Urania stand. They entered the dimensional space and immediately, there is a stunning tree house (but its appearance most likely a mansion) in front of them. She enjoyed watching Relle that was astonished just by looking at the tree house.

"Wisteria tree house?" Relle said finally after 5 minutes from being speechless at the site she witness. "No...a mansion, a freaking mansion attached on a wisteria tree?!" Both excitement and astonished expression visible on her face.

"Yes, it was my favorite tree. Actually, I didn't expect it to exist in the academy's garden. So, everytime I need some personal space, I just found myself under the wisteria tree of our school." She said, then they climb up the stairs for them to reach the house. She opens the sliding door and entered the place.

"This is not a simple tree house. Just now, I realize that this is really...a mansion!" Relle said excitingly and looked around like a lost child.

"Mmm if that's what you think. Now~now, I will show you your room, for you to put your stuffs." Sesi, she then open a spacious room. It has a single-bed, a big wardrobe cabinet, a sofa, a round table for tea and snacks, a stylish lamp stand, a stylish vanity and etc., all things that are usually used for a noble guest. "I hope…you like it." Sesi said worriedly.

"Sesi, am I dreaming? Tell me I'm not. C-Could you pinch my cheeks?" Relle said while still looking around the spacious room with stylish and elegant furnitures.

"I can't do that. Instead of pinching your cheeks, I will gladly slap you." Sesi said sarcastically yet for her it was a joke. Relle shudders on the thought of Sesi slapping her hard.

"Wait-wait-wait! Fine fine! This is not a dream." Relle said almost choking at her words.

Sesi laughed and Relle was like shrinking at Sesi's joke, but for her it was like a death threat. Fast forward. After they went on the Wisteria tree house inside the dimensional space, they now prepare themselves to leave. And they agreed to do the opening of the magic circle in front of the wisteria tree of the academy's garden. When they get in there, Sesi immediately draw the magic circle using her point finger. It was like drawing in the wind. Relle just stay calm and observed on what will happen next.

Sesi feed some of her magical energy to the magic circle. Half of the circle was glowing in gold while the half of it was no sign of glowing. "Now… let's wait for the magic circle to complete. If we are lucky today, the magic circle will find the fuel to complete itself." Sesi said while crossing her arms against its chest.

Relle look at her then to the magic circle. "So…for it to function, it clearly depends if it finds the necessary fuel? I hope…we will not wait here till tomorrow morning?" She anxiously said. Worried that it will take time for them to make their trip.

"No. Any minute now, I felt some strange energy. Be ready, and don't forget your class. I think, the energy I've felt was from…a battle!" After Sesi said those words.

The magic circle was now complete. As they close their eyes from too much brightness of the magic circle, the last thing they remember after that, was they are like falling to a pit.