

In the year 2030, humanity finally managed to create a full-dive virtual reality game. A high school student and a gamer joined the game and rule over the world of games. Orーis it really a game? ❖Welcome to Olympus❖ The elements in the cover are not mine. Copyright to the owner. Note: There is a remake version for this novel. Please support it too. The continuation of volume 2 will happen in the remake version~ Novel Title: MMORPG: Olympus

Hydro_Contella · สมัยใหม่
120 Chs

Chapter 77: Silent Guild Branch and the Treasure Hunt - Part 1


"Haah, I finally finished it!" I sat down beside Ashton and [Cerberus] as I sighed while releasing the exhaustion out of my body.

"What a wonderful building!" The guardian compliments as she looked at the building similar to a treehouse. It may be looked small but I used [Enchantment] to embed the space element's [Separate Space].

I also enchanted the windows to feel the scenery as if they are in a high-rise building.

To protect the location of our guild even if this place is exposed to the public, I also enchanted that only part of the guild can enter--or to be more specific, only the members of the guild with guild mark are the only ones who can enter.

If leaving the guild but there are people are outside of the guild, they will become invisible using my rune. Now that my rune is level 7 since I kept practicing rune on a wood earlier, I can now create a 49-word rune.

I also created several benches and tables near the scene where it can easily be seen by people.

At the side of the guildhall, even though it is hidden, I also created a hot spring for men and women.

The place is hidden in the sunlight so I decided to enchant and use rune magic to make the trees invisible, soundproof and you can feel the heat from the sun or the coldness of the night.

When the trees are invisible, we can see through them and watch the sky, alongside the scenery of the [World Tree]

No one can enter the hot spring unless they entered through the guild, so the hot spring is only for the guild members.

"Maybe I should get a final touch?" I raised my hands as I performed carving magic from a carving monster called [Stone Treant] and imagined the [Sigil] of our guild.


The [Sigil] of our guild is now officially founded in the new relaxation spot for our guild.

[Guild Notification: [Ice Prince] Theo created a new branch of the [Silent Guild].]

Then it showed a map where it indicates the current location of this place.

I stared at a tree-house like a guild, I remembered that players can see this [Sigil] so I enchanted it with the only players of the guild can see this [Sigil]

"That is a great one, thy highness, thou hast talent for [Natural Architecture]" I don't know what is that but it seems like that profession is similar to what I just made.


"Maybe, I should make this place more fantasy-like!" I said to Ashton as I stood up. I just finished eating in the real world and practicing everything I need to practice.

So far, I am still at the evolution stage and I need something to obtain. I don't know what it is but it seems like it is somehow connected to our family.

'I should slow down, the evolution stage is the pinnacle stage of the aura cultivation...' I sighed as I observes the forest very carefully.

I asked the guardian to reform the trees and make them bend or something which she immediately agrees since the trees also wanted to help me, or so it seems.

Since it is currently midnight here and it is noon in the real world, I can only think of the famous [Enchanting Forest]...

"Ah!" I immediately remembered that there are firefly creatures that holds different light based on the elements they had.

[Summon: Elemental Firefly]

Several large [Elemental Fireflies] with different elements appeared in front of me. They are the size of my arm and they looked more elegant than I thought.

"Do you have a smaller race that can be transferred here?" They nod as I smiled and said, "Then, can you ask them to live here?"

They left immediately and I walked towards the guardian. "Can I ask those creatures to stay here?" I asked politely but she only replied with a nod.

"Then, let's make vines and more plants!" I used life element excitedly and provided them at the ground, the trees also grew, and then it seems like they knew what I wanted to do and they bent, shorten, elongated, and widened.

This place became a forest at the peak of the mountain which had a different variety of forest.

I also asked the trees to moves their trunks and roots with my support to create a pathway to become more romantic towards our guild and the scenery of the [World Tree]

I am grateful to them, so I rewarded them some more life energy, making them more live longer.


I also finished providing the trees from the side and base of the mountain.

Then, the [Elemental Fireflies] arrived towards me as I went back to the mountain's peak to prepare a barrier that repels all hostile monsters.

"Oh!" I noticed that there is a lot of small [Elemental Fireflies] came. The dark mountain immediately changed into a very beautiful forest with a variety of lights.

It is as if it is a real enchanted forest that existed right here.

"Thank you, guys! You can do whatever you want in this area!" I smiled towards them as they became excited.

They fly happily in a circular motion as their silhouette is fading away.

"Welcome, guys! Just fly freely or do whatever you want in this mountain, okay?" I exclaimed as I smiled at them widely. They flew in a circular motion which probably meant their excitement.

I sat down on the bench which the [World Tree] can perfectly be seen from here.

I sniffed my clothes--or armor as I noticed that my whole body is a mess.

'I should wash my armors first and wash my body too...' I said to myself as I remembered that there is a lake nearby.

Unlike some VRMMORPG where their armor will automatically wipe off the dirt, blood or some kind of debris to keep the armor looks the same. But on this game, you need to clean it yourself, your body will smell too if you are dirty for more than a month.

In my case, I fought a lot of monsters earlier and the only thing I can do is remove the blood with water magic.

[Cerberus] and Ashton are in their small form inside the guild so no one can see them even if I am outside, they fell asleep because it is currently midnight here...

I wandered down the mountain alongside the beautiful fireflies that fly around freely which makes the forest more mystical.

"There it is!" I immediately ran towards the lake and noticed that there is a river next to it too.

I unequipped the equipment and leaving only my wings. Of course, I am completely naked,


I jumped inside the lake as I also rinse my weapons and armors in water. My wings are hard to remove so the only thing I can do is wash them while wearing it. I am like a Dragonoid washing down the lake.

The lake isn't deep but it is high enough to hide my lower body.

"I will let my guard down for a while. I want to relax this feeling. I can't wash into the hot spring because the natural heat that I transferred from a volcano is still not that hot yet..." I leaned on the edge of the lake and feels the temperature of the water as I looked up the starry night.

There are no clouds so the stars can be seen very clearly.

'It is rare to see this in the real world, it is usually cloudy there...' I sighed inwardly as I feel disappointed in what humans are doing to nature.

The factories that produced smoke and chemicals are affecting nature too much, making several forests dried up and some water bodies are now poisonous.

I wonder when will humans learn the lesson to keep nature intact and don't harm them? Millions of trees are burnt ten years ago (2020) and then another wildfire happened 5 years ago (2025), making the trees regressed so much.

That is also why I think the world is stupid.

They are telling the students to create a slogan or illustration to keep the nature safe but the object that they are consuming are papers which came from trees.

100 to 140 thousand trees are getting cut every day just to make paper. How cruel is that? I wonder if the gods are real, I want them to punish us. Of course, I am a human too but I can't help to exclude myself from these people who abused nature.

I love nature, I love animals but I hate humans. I wonder if that is the reason why is my bloodline here at this game is a dragon, not a human?

There is no way, it is almost impossible to read someone's likes and dislikes. Well, it is impossible with our current technology.

I stared at my sword as I pity humans.

Suddenly, I noticed that someone is watching me from the woods.

I reflexively stood up as I look for the one who watched me.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I said with a cold voice,

A woman showed herself from hiding behind the tree.


[Lizie Lv. 1,099


Loves the freedom inside the game. Loyal



'Her traits are kind of suitable for our guild... If she will join, the leader will accept her. Well, it is our requirements so it is kind of obvious.' I relaxed as I stared at her stats.

Her intelligence stats is the only stat that is very good. She doesn't have much defense so no party will probably recruit her.

She is a pure magic damage dealer.

NOTE: The forest fire that happened in 2020 is true.

Sorry for late updates in a week xD

Hydro_Contellacreators' thoughts