

THE STORY IS ABOUT....,this story may be a fantasy may not be may be just an imagination of an authour ...., hello everyone here is a story of love of different empires with blood relationship the characters have a stong role of emotions and and ... lets go through the love pages,

There is a king name rajendran with beautiful heart all the pepole in the empire liked him as a rasagullas of their empire rajendran got married to Urmila the princess of vrishalam its been years since urmila doesnt have a child since years rajendran is not interested of getting married to another princess as he loved his wife to the core ....., inspite of the welfare of the pepole of the empire he married shstrani the princess of maragam ,

the day of the marraige Urmila met the king with a good note that she is pregnant the king is upset of marring shastrini 

shastrini is jelous of urmila and hated her 

days later urmila gave birth to a baby girl the empire overjoyed the news of the new born but laters it was know that the girl babies where twins!!!

the king overjoyed in the happiness 

urmila got both the babies in the hand and named her first one as vaishali and the second one as vrishali.....

hers is the heroine of the story vrishali ,,,,,

urmila left her last breath immediately later on tha day on the hand of rajendran 

meanwhile a month shastrini gave a birth to a beautiful baby boy ...,

and named him as ishwardhan 

meanwhile the people of the dynasty is not happy becoze of the dead of urmila...


Yaminisri_Murugancreators' thoughts