
VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)

Roran A retired Marine Scout Sniper finds a VR system that gives him a second life in the Walking Dead world. Follow Roran on his rise to be an Apocalyptic Overlord. (This is my first time writing a story, I will appreciate any advise or criticism. Also I do not own the cover picture, if you're the owner and want it taken down just tell me.)

endless · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
29 Chs

Fire Fight

"I would stop there if I was you." (Rick)

"Who is this? I told you guys not to talk on the radio unless there was something to report." (Raider)

"I'm not one of yours and this base is now part of my territory. So stop now before I make you stop." (Rick)

"Everyone slow down!" (Raider)

The raider convoy came to a slow stop.

"Who am I speaking with?" (Raider)

"This is the south and it is rude to ask someones name without giving yours first." (Rick)

"You know what you are right. My name is Eli, now may I have yours?" (Eli)

"My name is Rick, and you have entered into my territory. I suggest you turn around and leave." (Rick)

"Well now, you say this is your territory, but we didn't see any markers or signs on the way in. How were we supposed to know something like that?" (Eli)

"That is why I am telling you now. Next time there would be no warning or words spoken." (Rick)

"Well seeing as we are neighbors why don't you invite us over for to get to know one another." (Eli)

"Get know me huh? Like those people or whats left of people strapped to your vehicles. This is the last time I am going to say it turn around and leave." (Rick)

"Leave, the way I see it. You just got to that base, and you probably don't have more then a dozen people or so. We are many, we are all armed, and we have Gods divine protection against the unclean such as yourself. So I suggest you lay down what little weapons you have and open the gate and let us in. And maybe I wont fuck your eye sockets while you scream for mercy." (Eli)

"Hermes range, and wind speed." (Rick)

"You there Rick?" (Eli)

"Range 850 yards, wind speed 7 mph" (Hermes)

"Hello. Rick are you there?" "He must be pissing his pants." (Eli said to his men)

Bang...Splatter...."What the fuck!" (Raider)

"Sir we are under fire!" (Raider)

Rick did not know which one Eli was, but he knew that there was no getting out of this without a fight. He figured the best action would be to try and take out as many drivers as he could before they reached the base.




Rick was like the Grim Reaper whenever he pointed his rifle at someone they died. The raiders began charging at the armory at full speed. Once the raiders reached within a hundred and fifty yards of the gate. Rick told everyone to open fire. Shane was on top of a hummer operating a .50 cal machine gun. Every vehicle he shot at would be ripped to shreds. Xiang Fe, was behind another vehicle shooting anyone he could. Sasha was telling people to take cover. Glenn was trying to make his way to one of the box trucks they had loaded weapons in. Merle and Daryl were taking cover near one of the warehouses, it was taking the most fire. Michonne was trying to get another heavy machine gun to the front line, and Jesus had slipped off somewhere.

The raiders got into position quickly and began returning fire. Rick quickly realized his group was outnumbered more then two to one. His only saving grace was his people were better equipped and better trained. The Raiders were using cheap AK47s, Mac-10s, or whatever else they could find, and had little to no body armor. About half the raiders had arrived and were getting out of their vehicles. The other half was still driving up and trying to go to other sides of the base.

Ricks group was picking apart the raiders and almost every shot was hitting someone. The problem was that the raiders were fearless and were firing continuously. Ricks group was having a hard time getting out of cover to shoot back.

At the back of the raider convoy two men with RPG-7s came out and were aiming at Shane. Rick noticed them and dropped the first one just as he was going to pull the trigger. The Raider fell to the ground and still shot off the round. The RPG was shot into a group of raiders and blew them apart. Unlike in the movie there is not a huge explosion from RPGs or grenades. There is a flash with the explosions followed by a lot of shrapnel. The second man fired the round and while it was in mid flight a drone flew down and intercepted it. Rick knew that Hermes had predicted what was going to happen and stopped it in its path.

The Raiders were quickly being picked apart. The part that concerned Rick was they still had not retreated. They were actually braving the gunfire and trying to rush into the base. Xiang Fe saw that they were still pushing in so he made his way back to the Abrams M1A2 tank. He brought a couple of his team with him.

Rick continued to shoot anyone that popped their head up. He was quickly running out of ammo, by his count he had killed at least fifty of the raiders. He was now down to his last magazine. He still had two side arms both of them Sig Sauer p220 .45 Cal.

Rick told Sasha through the nano-link, to be prepared to give him cover fire. He would be too exposed in the tower with just two handguns. She told him she was ready when was. Rick had two rounds left and lined up his sights. He was going to make them count. He noticed one of the radios that was behind an old Pontiac had a grenade on his belt. He waited until the man stood up to fire from behind cover, and took the shot. The grenade exploded and took three people that were also behind the car out. Rick shot another raider in the heart, and dropped his gun.

Rick drew one of his pistols and readied himself to leave the tower. He told Sasha to give him some cover fire. She and her team opened up and laid down the cover fire. Rick ran out of the door and sprinted across and open field to cover.

When Rick was less then a few yards away from cover. He was knocked down hard. It felt like he was hit in the chest with a hammer. Struggling to catch his breath he was looking around.

"Rick be still we are on the way!" (Xiang Fe)

Rick moved his head to the side and saw the tank they had found was pulling up to him. Sasha was running along side of it, and when she got to him she pulled him into her arms.

"Are you hurt? Where were you hit?" (Sasha)

"My vest. It hit my vest." (Rick)

"You are a stupid lucky bastard. (Sasha)

Sasha leaned down and kissed Rick on the lips.

"Now get your ass up and fight!" (Sasha)

Sasha pulled Rick to his feet and tossed him a M4 rifle. Rick still shaken and breathing heavily started to follow behind the tank.

"Sir it is advised you stay out of the fight, you have sustained damage and three of your ribs are broken." (Hermes)

"I know Hermes, but we can't. How many of them are left?" (Rick)

"There are exactly twenty seven enemy combatants left." (Hermes)

"Xiang Fe take this tank and ram it down their throats!" (Rick)

"Gladly!" (Xiang Fe)

The tank began to move towards the fence at the south side of the base. Xiang Fe operated the turret for the cannon, and pointed it at a car with several people hiding behind it.


The tank let loose and blew the car apart. The remaining raiders saw this and began to scatter. Rick ordered all but two of them killed.

After the battle, Rick was sitting in a office in the base. He wasn't wearing a shirt and had his ribs wrapped up. He was drinking a glass of whiskey they found on the base. Shane was giving him the after action report with all the other team leaders.

"Rick we had thirty three casualties. Fifteen injured, three of which will probably die. Everyone in one way or another has some sort of minor injury but they can still fight if needed." (Shane)

"We cleaned up the battlefield and have collected all of their weapons and ammo. We also have a couple of their vehicles that can be useful." (Glenn)

As they were talking Jesus came in and was dragging a man behind him. The man was tied up with a rope and was gagged.

"Hey I brought the guy that was in charge of this group." (Jesus)

Rick stood up and walked over to the man. He bent over and took the gag out of the mans mouth. Rick finished his whiskey in one drink and looked over at the man as he sat back down.

"Hello Eli it's nice to finally meet in person." (Rick)

I was feeling Chad-like and figured I would bust out another chapter. You may want to hide your ladies from my Chad-ness.

Anyways thanks for reading. Please leave some comments and some stones. I am quickly becoming addicted to the power stones.

endlesscreators' thoughts