
Vows Of Love (L&M #1)

"Shravan. You are here" she asked cheerfully "What the hell are you doing?" "Relaxing! This is amazing. Like having your own shower in a swimming pool. So cool." "Get out of there right now." His icy tone slid off her, his unconcealed disapproval having no apparent effect on her exuberance. "Are you listening to me?" He asked again "I’m just cooling down. Why are you wearing a suit? Why did you change? Aren’t you slightly overdressed for the weather? It’s boiling." "I had a video conference. I was working. Get out of the fountain. Now." "Why? I like it here. And you’re very bad-tempered today. You should cool down" "I’m not asking you again." "Good, because I can’t stand nagging. If you want me out, you’ll have to come and get me." "Drishti" He called out in a warning tone Her fingers skimmed the surface of the water and her eyes met his. Something wicked gleamed there. Reading her mind he breathed in sharply. "Don’t you dare." "Are you going to come in and stop me?" The shower of cold water splattered his hair, his jacket and the front of his shirt, which promptly welded itself to his skin. "Are you crazy? This suit is silk." "Better take it off then, before it’s ruined." He did just that, shrugging the shrugging the jacket from his shoulders in a violent movement and saw her gaze slide to his damp shirt. Drishti let out a low whistle "Nice body hubby. Now why don't you get into the fountain with me" Drishti asked with a wink. ** Meet Shravan Maheswari and Drishti Singhania Shravan Maheswari, born with a silver spoon wanted to make a name of his own. A workaholic by nature ,his sole focus is on his company SM Groups. What will happen when trouble maker Drishti Singhania lands in his life creating chaos all around. Mind you, trouble follows Drishti or Drishti follows trouble? The question is still unanswered. Fall in love with them when these total opposites fall for each other. BOOK 1 IN L&M SERIES STAND ALONE NOVEL

SFwrires · สมัยใหม่
86 Chs

Chapter 28

Drishti was confused on what to wear on her first date.

She tried n number of dresses and still couldn't figure of what to wear.

She dialed Siddhu's number

"What do you want? Weren't you supposed to go on a date? Why are you calling and disturbing me?" Came the response as soon as the call was attended

Drishti rolled her eyes.

"I'm confused as to what to wear. It's my first date and I want it to be perfect. I need help" Drishti said

"You seem to have forgotten ,I'm not your girl friend Drishti. How am I to know about these things?" Siddhu asked in exasperation.

"I know that. I wan a man's opinion. What would you expect your non existent girl friend to wear on your imaginary first date?" Drishti asked

"I will definitely expect her to wear something sexy and revealing" Siddhu said cheekily

"Uh men!!" Drishti muttered

"You wanted a man's opinion" Siddhu reminded her.

"Never mind. I will manage. Get lost" Drishti said and hung up
