

Julia was raped as a teenager as a result she despised men. She didn't want anything to do with them. She sees them as destroyers. Her life had always been perfect not until that day her virtue was robbed from her. How she hates that gender. Not only the virtue that was robbed from her. Her uncle- Mr. Anas, was after her life for a document her dad had given her to keep safe. The documents weren't just a mere one, it was the key to ruling the world as the owner of a big technological company. One would do anything to be in that position, just as her uncle had done. From her findings, she had discovered it was her uncle that had murdered her family. Not only was she on the run, but she was also planning her revenge strategies. Shawn, a musician is bent on taking revenge on those that made his life unbearable as a teenager. He made some bad decisions when he was a kid and he promised to make up for it. He eventually met Julie and fell in love with her. Will Julie let her guards down and give Shawn a chance? Read to find out

Theresa_Odoemene · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

His Plans 2

Shawn POV.

I felt the blood on my face drain when I heard the news.

Japan? The president of Japan is an acquaintance of mine. I and my colleagues had helped him I'm fighting some countries who were a threat to them. For some reasons I don't know, he picked interest in me. I've got his contact, maybe I'll give him a call and convince him so he can change his mind.

"Why are they all supporting him?" I asked.

"I don't know, but from what I heard, I think Anas promised to sell some parts of America for just a token of fifty thousand dollars.

"What! Anas is so cruel."

"If he could kill his brother, only brother at that, then he can do anything."

I could hear the pain in her voice. Who would like to be the relative of a criminal?

"This is getting tough and there's no time on our side, only about three weeks. If Anas achieves his aim, then we are all doomed."

"Don't be pessimistic, the wicked shall not prevail, okay?"

I know she was trying to cool me down but i still tensed. What made Anas confident that he could defeat america? He was definitely up to something. Who knows if he has seen that which Julia is safeguarding.

"Julia, are you sure what your dad gave you is in safe hands?"

She was shocked, but covered it up.

"I'm a hundred percent sure."

By day break, I will visit the commander in chief so we could stop Anas before he fulfills his mission. If the commander in chief opposses my idea, then I'll take laws into my hands, at least I'll inform him first.

I lay back on the bed, my heart pounding furiously within my ribcage.

It would be a tough one. I wish I had not gotten involved with him, I wouldn't be so concerned, but now he's after me and my loved ones. If something is not done quickly, he might succeed in his evil plans. I'll inform my friends and I'm sure they'll be willing to help. I've also got to talk to president Jonnesburg,I know he'll be glad that someone wants to take up the case. First things first, I'll talk to the commander in chief and the superintendent. If they don't agree, then I'll do things my own way.

"Julia, I'm going out by day break and you'll have to stay indoors, okay?" I said, but got no reply.

"Julia," I called again but got no reply.

Maybe she's sleeping. I set the alarm on my phone so I can be up early.

Julia POV

I opened my eyes and looked around me. It was really bright and it was snowing. I glanced at the wall clock to see that the time was 10:56 am.

"Can't believe I slept this long." I muttered to myself.

I realized that Shawn was not there with me.

Where did he go to then?

I stood up and saw a note on the drawer which read,




I smiled to myself, then crumpled the piece of paper and threw it into the waste bin. Once again, I'm home alone.


I had already eaten and taken my bathe. I was watching news in the sitting room and they were all bad news, talking about the upcoming disaster. I changed the channel and watched a movie.

Few hours later, Raj came in and sat on one of the couches.

"Watching a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, since there is nothing else to do." I replied warily.

"How about Shawn and Mia?"

"Shawn went to work, but I've not set my eyes on Mia since today."

The thought of what happened this early morning flashed in my mind, making me angry, but I had to cool down.

Why am I feeling angry because of what happened?

"What kind of work does Shawn do?" He asked breaking into my thought.

"How do you expect me to know?"

"But I thought you were friends."

"Yes we are. Being friends doesn't mean he should tell me everything about himself, does it? Whereas why do you want to know?"

"Nothing. I'm just being inquisitive." He replied and shrugged.

"But your being inquisitive is disturbing."

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay." I replied then I took the orange juice which was beside me, poured it into a glass cup and sipped.

"What do you know about Mia?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Nothing, except for the fact that she works here. If I may ask, why did you ask? Or... Do you like her?"

"No, not at all." He replied and chuckled. "She's just a b**ch"

"Huh?" I hummed, stupefied. "That's a vulgar language. Whereas, why did you say that?"

"Nothing," he replied shaking his head from side to side."

"You really hate her, do you."

"I don't hate anybody, it's only one person I hate "

"And who's that person? Anas?"

"I can't tell. But i dislike Anas too. I can't believe someone will be too heartless to kill his own brother and eliminating the evil whole family."

"I guess he said a lot of things."

"Yes he did." Raj replied. "He once boasted that he is fearless and everyone fears him. He even went on to say since he was capable of killing his brother, then he could do anything. Rumour has it that he killed his wife too."