
Chapter 23

Now normally Goblins are really week, but when they are in high numbers, from around 50-100 then it gets dangerous, but right now around 400 Goblins were gunning for me. following the 300 footmen at the front, were thousands of arrows and small fireballs.

any sane person would be running away, or praying for every god they could think of... but when have I ever said that I was sane.

with no need to worry about prying eyes or villagers watching me, I rush in like a crazed barbarian high on forest shrooms.

「Curse Flame」covering my entire body, whilst black claws appear on my arms, a crystallized jaw with nightmare inducing teeth appear on my head , and a crescent moon appears in my path guiding me with increasing speed and velocity.

because of my daily diet of Golem rocks, I had finally achieved 「Knockback Resistance(low)」and thus have no fear of the fist sized fireballs the Goblin mages are throwing at me.

as the two sides collide, a blood bath begins. Dark green blood is splattered everywhere, whilst the area is filled with battle cries of Goblin's. The incoming wave of monsters barely give me any chance to look at the situation, every time I find a gap, I unleash a wave of lightning, chaining the goblins and turning most of them into charcoal.

Under the barrage of the attacks I can barely hear my own thoughts, but suddenly the horn was blown again, but the sound from it covered the whole battle field, drowning out everything else.

suddenly a notification pops up 「Skill Immortality has Negated Stat Debuff」.

a green light covers the battlefield and the Goblins start fighting with renewed vigor. their attacks appear stronger, even the fist sized fireballs turned into the size of a human head.

but a Goblin is still a Goblin no matter what buff you give it. seeing the enemies fighting with added power, even i get amped up. what previously was a blood bath now turned into a nightmare that even a warmonger would be afraid of.

Bite, Slash, Roar, Flame, Lightning, Acid. it was like a cacophony of abilities and magic, battle cries and magic chants.

If anyone was watching they'd think, that i would soon run out of energy and die with a glorious warriors death, but they'd be wrong, with my infinite supply of stamina and the unlimited mana around me, I was like a interstellar battleship crashing through a residential area.

It was a huge overkill.

Standing atop the pile of mangled corpses of the grey Goblins, looking like the god of war with black flames covering every inch of my body, only 30 goblins remained, covering in fear, and backing up towards their nest.

I get closer and closer, but suddenly the horrified faces of the Goblins, turn into nightmarish grins.

from the nest crawl out 2 metre tall goblins, with muscles that could rival orcs, pointy ears, a shiny dark green skin glistening like a carapace of a scorpion and weapons as big as the monsters themselves.

HobGoblins, an evolved version of Goblins, unlike their unevolved brothers, they don't need numbers to overwhelm strong foes. their strength rivals Orcs and unlike the musclehead brutes, HobGoblins have excellent knowledge of magic.

Twelve of the HobGoblins exit the nest, all of them wielding different weapons, behind them stands a weaker looking version, holding a battle horn.

Their faces turn to grins and the leftover Goblins surround me, forming a makeshift arena.

The backmost HobGoblin blows the horn and the grins on their faces extend all the way to their ears, almost splitting their faces in half.

Thank you to

Tidanium, LuLmaster, Colossus_Eye, Anatsu, SupremeRager, IKARUS, Yu_Asahaki !

for the Votes.

Rotten_Sarcophaguscreators' thoughts