
chapter 1

The Void is that which separates every realm of existence, something that exists, yet doesn't exist, it encompasses an infinite amount of realms, and keeps them from colliding, Have you ever grew up eating Lime Poppyseed muffins from the local coffee shop, only to go one day and the owner, who opened the shop and you are friends with tell you they have always had almond poppyseed muffins? Congratulations you have fell through the void, every realm is different, It could be that 1 single person decided to wear teal instead of sky blue, it could be that there are no humans, any difference, no matter how big or small makes a new realm of existence, it could be that one realm is 1 nanosecond ahead of another, or a trillion eons behind, it doesn't matter, it is a new realm of existence... How do I know of this you ask? well I am pretty fucking certain that there weren't giant maneating lizards where I grew up.

I lept over a metal trash can as the giant frilled lizard snapped at my heels, I heard the clang of its fangs hitting the can. I stumbled in the landing, but kept my feet.

'Ding' *Will Drained from Juvenile Valley Lizard*

I turned to the creature,

"Apprasial," Came my ragged voice


'Juvenile Valley Lizard'

HP- 98%

MP- 0/0

SP- 4/10

Will- 6/10

disposition- Aggressive

*Current Statuses-

*Depression[Low] {Creature less likely to Fight}

*Blinded[Left] {Creature is Blinded in its left eye}

*Exhaustion[Mid] {Creature slowed a bit}

*Empathetic drain-> Determination, {Creature loses Determination, Expends Will}


Without my asking my stats overlayed its.



race- Error

age- 19

level- 1

HP- 85%

MP- Error/-0

SP- 2/10

Will- 8/Error

Disposition- Kind {Really Too kind for your own good, it baffles me how you are still alive}


>Vamperic Empath<Unique {you really take the Joy out of life}

>Wrath<EX {Always fear what lay beneath}




>'Apprasial'<Unique {I'm only reason an idiot like you is still alive}

*Current Statuses

*Depression[Chronic] {if I wasn't omnipotent I would seriously doubt this}

*Exhaustion[Great] {you need to level up, you can't keep getting lucky}

*Empathetic Drain-> Determination {You are gaining Determination from Juvenile Valley Lizard, too bad Determination cant keep you alive}

*Voids Blessing {The god of the void gave you their blessing so you wouldn't die immediately, so you would be more entertaining to them}


The Lizard spat out the trash can and continued after me, not running anymore, but still fast. I started Jogging, staying Just out of reach, If it completely lost interest then I would need to walk, never run from a predator; it labels you as Prey. That isn't something I learned here, but the three days that I have been here really solidified that information. While I am trying to outlast the creature let me catch you up.

In my old world, I lived a pretty boring life. I enjoyed reading, playing video games, watching YouTube, that kind of stuff, I worked Freight for a large grocery store chain, just a normal dude who lived in a world where barely anyone cares. But after a day of hard work I went to bed early, since I had to go back to work the next day. When I woke up I was floating in what I now know as the void, There was nothing, just darkness, it wasn't hot nor cold, I saw everything, but nothing, it is truly impossible to articulate what I went through, during that my head somehow put together what the Void actually was. I stayed there with nothing happening for a time, how much? Well as soon as someone figures out how to measure time in a place that exists outside of time itself I can let you know. But after what could have been seconds, and could have been eons I perceived a voice, It wasn't hearing, It was that I felt it deep in the essence of 'me'

"Sorry 'bout that, must've missed a crack or something, so uhh you liked magic worlds and stuff? How about I put you in a Fragmented realm? It wouldn't damage anything, since they already screwed it all up anyway, magic and stuff already exist there, but is still fairly new,"

That wasn't exactly what was 'said' but that was the style, every word was more of its meaning than any word could make.

I tried to speak, since that was how to request and give information, at least that was how it worked in my old realm, but my thoughts drifted about, and words dissipated before they left my lips, their meanings and intent spreading out like a drop of ink in water. What I think I tried to ask was 'who are you?' But it gives me migraines to think about anything specific that 'happened' in the Void.

"I guess I am The God of the Void,"

Having learned my lesson I just thought hard on 'are there other gods? In my realm there were a couple religions that said that only a single god existed, though many that Said there were many'

There was amusement, something that would be conveyed by laughter, if this realm didn't have a much better way to empart that kind of information. "Yes and no, Depends on the Realm, some, the gods walk alongside man, others don't even have gods period, for the most part, belief is what makes a God, of course there are infinite exceptions, just as it is true for infinite gods, In your old world, well I guess I should keep quiet as to the existence of the gods, any God has infinite variations on them, although I am the single exception, because variety itself doesn't exist here, although it exists in spades, make sense? No? 'Bout what I expected,"

This entity seemed to find my confusion funny, I guess if you are on a different level of existence, something as mundane as 'not understanding' is completely foreign. Getting used to the thought to... well I don't know how to explain- ouch, I am thinking too hard on specifics, back to my recollection- 'What about my family and the people from my old realm?'

There was more amusement from the entity. "It's up to you, I can erase your entire existence from that realm, I can leave it as is, making you disappear with no trace, I could leave your body, and have you die there,"

I had a hard time choosing, I really didn't want to cause any pain for my family, but erasing everything I have ever accomplished? That was a hard sell. But I guess never existing would be better than the heartbreak of my family if I just disappeared; not to mention dieing.

"OK, done, oh yeah, there are many instances of people being 'summoned' to other realms and the gods of that realm, or the ones overseeing the transfer give boons so they have a better chance of surviving, you want something?"

I had to think, I had no idea what the 'norm' of my destination is, I could get something completely useless, I have no way of knowing, so deciding to Err in the side of caution, I thought hard on 'Could you decide on my abilities? What would fit me best?'

The sheer mirth I felt from the God made my head spin. "How about I enhance what you already have?"

Before I could even think to disagree I found myself standing In the center of a road; surrounded by overgrown towering buildings. Ivy, along with other vines, dominating the power lines and the highest points of the buildings. A car suspended ten feet in the air, a tree spearing it and holding it aloft. Many window frames on the lower floors of the buildings and nearby cars hold shattered remains of the panes. Though, among the first things that caught my eye was the amazing lack of rust. A couple of the cars in view looked as though they would be right at home in a used car lot, gently used but would likely run for a couple more years. I saw some small animals run across the street a bit up the road from me. Shaking my head to myself to recenter, I realized I needed to figure out what is in my proverbial quiver to help me survive my next steps. Hesitantly, I quietly called out, "Stats." The only reaction this received was a few birds to fly out of the tree-car, causing me to startle as well. I went through all of the terms I could think of, "Apprasial, inventory, inspect, data, menu..." Nothing happened. Sheepishly, I ask, "God, are you listening? If it's too much trouble, please ignore. I'll be fine without it. But could you possibly let me know how to access my stats? Like an appraisal skill? I mean, if it's not possible in this world, I understand. I'll figure out something. I..." With a ding, a translucent board appeared in front of me.



race- Error

age- 19

level- 1

HP- 100%

MP- Error/-0

SP- 10/10

Will- 0/Error

Disposition- Kind {I give you 2 days, until either this changes, or you die}


>Vamperic Empath<Unique {you really take the Joy out of life}

>Wrath<EX {Always fear what lay beneath}




>'Apprasial'<Unique {Congratulations, I am a skill that didn't exist before the God of the Void granted you me}

*Current Statuses

*Depression[Chronic] {if I wasn't omnipotent I would seriously doubt this}

*Voids Blessing {The god of the void gave you their blessing so you wouldn't die immediately, so you would be more entertaining to them}


"Oh! Thank you!" Yet my inspection of my board was interrupted by a roar that was entirely too close to be a comfort. Becoming conscious of the fact that I was standing in the middle of an abandoned road, I rushed to the nearest building that looked structurally sound. I didn't see anything inside, and the only sounds I heard were something large moving closer, so I headed in, keeping a sharp eye for any movement. Fat lot of good that did, the ground surged underneath me, and two fleshy walls pinned me between them. I mean who expects a freaking Venus Flytrap right in front of a small general store!? As I tried to comprehend what, exactly, happened, I found myself ankle deep in a viscous liquid with more sliding down the walls. A tingling sensation started to creep up my legs, which quickly turned to burning. Shit I'm going to die already, I feel like such an idiot, I couldn't even last 10 minutes In the new world.

'Ding' *Skills can be used to escape dumbass.* Apprasial notified me.

Oh right, I can do more than I used to be able to do, well then I really don't see how Apprasial can do much. "Activate Wrath!" I coughed, choking on some of that liquid, It tasted like sour pineapple syrup, not too bad, I would have probably liked it if it wasn't in the middle of melting me.

'Ding' *parameters not met to activate Wrath.*

There goes that idea, "What can Vamperic Empath do to help me?!"

'Ding' *Vamperic Empath can Drain Emotions, Energy, Etcetera.*

What does Etcetera mean?! No time, I am already losing feeling in my legs by the GODS this hurts. "OK ok activate Vamperic Empath!"

'Ding' *What would you like to drain?*

Arghh this is so vexing, "Whatever would help me get out of here alive!"

'Ding' *Activating Vamperic Empath->Energy on Maneater.*

... but nothing happened, Did It activate? Everything is starting to go numb, and my vision is starting to grey out.



race- Error

age- 19

level- 1

HP- 61%

MP- Error/-0

SP- 1/10

Will- 0/Error

Disposition- Kind {I guess I was right}


>Vamperic Empath<Unique {you really take the Joy out of life}

>Wrath<EX {Always fear what lay beneath}




>'Apprasial'<Unique {...}

*Current Statuses

*Depression[Chronic] {if I wasn't omnipotent I would seriously doubt this}

*Empathetic Drain-> Energy {You are draining Energy from Maneater}

*Voids Blessing {The god of the void gave you their blessing so you wouldn't die immediately, so you would be more entertaining to them, but I guess the chose the wrong person}


As I watched, my HP went down, 60, 59, 58, 57, Just about as fast as you could count down out-loud.

'Ding' *Energy Drained From Maneater*

A wave of energy came through my body, it felt like I just got the world's Best massage, and drank almost 5 energy drinks, a surge of exhilaration flowed through me. I Regained feeling in my whole body, but dread came back, It was just energy, not Health, I looked at my stats again, trying to find something, anything that could save me, but my health just stopped dropping.

HP- 56%

How did energy stop me from dying? 'Ding' *Energy or SP can be consumed to heal, you are currently able to slow down your death by approximately an hour,*

I just sat there in stunned silence, wait could I Apprase this creature? "Apprasial," another translucent board popped up.



HP- 100%

MP- 0/0

SP- 9/10

Will- 10/10

disposition- Passive

*Current Statuses-

*Empathetic Drain-> energy {Creature loses energy every 30 seconds, conversion rate 50%}

*Rooted {Maneater regains 25%HP an Hour}


Ah, So I guess now it is a waiting game, I restore just a little less health than it's damage. But it still hurts! It feels like I am in a Vat of Acid... well I guess I am. I just hope it runs out of energy before I die.

After about 20 minutes the Maneater opened up without notice, causing me to fall. While free I scrambled away from it as fast as I could, thankfully I went out into the road, Instead of trapping myself in the building. But as I sat, I realized that I was no longer wearing anything, another roar, seemingly just a block away helped my decision. I carefully walked around the edge of the Maneater, easily found since its walls were bright pink and squishy, and made my way into the building.

'Ding' *Energy drained from Maneater.* oh thats still going.

"Cancel Skill,"

'Ding' *warning, If skill is canceled then Maneater will not die.*

"How could energy or lack thereof kill? Whatever, I didn't want to kill it, I just wanted to get free,"

'Ding' *When SP reaches 0 creature will lose health until it dies of exhaustion, If you do not kill Maneater you will not gain experience.*

I couldn't think of a reply until 'ding' *energy drained from Maneater.*

"Cancel skill, It was just doing what it could to survive, who am I to sentence it to death for that?"

'Ding' *-_-*

"Did you seriously just write out a face?"

'Ding' *No, you must be mistaken.*

I was speechless, this skill has more sass than anyone I have ever known! Sighing I continued on deeper into the general store.

In the building there wasn't much, enough clothes to make some comfortable traveling clothes, I filled a couple backpacks with extra clothes, a Zippo lighter, a cooking pot and ladle, some canned food, and a few knives I found, It looks like everything else useful has already been looted.

On my way out the Maneater had a grayish tinge to it. "What's up with that?"

'Ding' *Exhaustion could cause loss of color to plants.*

"I thought plants turned white when in distress," ... but I got no answer, So I just shrugged it off and headed to the neighboring building to set up Homebase for tonight, as it was getting Dusk.

The Next couple of days were uneventful, I saw many small animals in the distance, but nothing of note happened, otherwise, the only change was the landscape, I went from titanic buildings surrounding me, to large shops and houses, This world really was different, I never seen so many stores so close together, nor so large.

After crawling through a window carrying nothing more than I came in with I turned to sit and rest, "Really bad luck huh, can't seem to find anything of use, and I don't have any more food with me, guess I need to start hunting,"

'Ding' *Area has already been scoured by survivors.*

Not expecting an answer I started, then I read what it said, "There are Humans near by?"

'Ding' *How would I know?*

"But you knew why there wasn't anything in the last few places!"

'Ding' *Common sense.*

Grumbling under my breath I dismissed the notification, "Well I still need to eat, I'll make a sling first,"

'Ding' *Why a sling? A bow would work better.*

I let out a bark of laughter, "Common sense,"

'Ding' *...*

I cleared my throat, "because I don't have the skill nor the materials to build a bow, I also don't have anything to make arrows out of, so my ammunition would be very finite, a sling on the other hand is easy to make, and you can just pick up a stone as it's ammunition!"

'Ding' *do you even know how to use a sling?*

I grinned triumphantly, "Yup, as a kid I used to throw stones at cans, or near animals in my mom's garden,"

While sitting, I took out a pair of shoes that were way too small for me, and I unraveled the shoelaces, carefully taking the knife I cut out a small rectangle of the canvas used in the upper part of the shoe, Punching a hole in each corner, I folded it and ran the shoelaces through them, And then I melted some of the rubber of the shoe and dripping it on the knots I was done. I glanced at the lighter, "Apprasial,"


'Zippo' Lighter

Rarity- common

Can be used to light fires.


"Are you sure that's right? It shouldn't have any lighter fuel in it,"

'Ding' *I can't be wrong*

"No matter how many times I look, I just can't believe it, I was lucky if my zippo back home lasted a week," As I looked back at the sling another board popped up



Rarity- Trash

Made by an extreme novice, probably better than throwing a rock yourself.


"Seriously? I thought I did pretty well!"

'Ding' *You won't be able to hit the broad side of a barn with that.*

"Wanna bet?" I looked around and picked up a smooth stone the size of my thumbnail, and stood looking around for something to hit, some movement caught my eye, a rabbit walked to the center of the road about 30ft away and stopped, sniffing the air for something.

'Ding' *There's your chance, Still think you'll miss.*

"Fight me," I took the stone and set it In the pouch, swinging It back and forth to get used to its weight, with one movement I stepped forward and swung the sling clockwise, at its apex I extended my arm and pointed at the rabbit, As soon as I let it fly I knew it was too high. "Well fu-" a surge of movement and a giant frilled lizard pounced on the rabbit, killing it instantly; as it rose its head the stone flew right into its left eye. It roared in pain and clawed at its eye, turning It fixed a baleful eye on me.

'Ding' *Told you.*

"Shitmuffins on a stick, activate Empathetic drain, Determination to kill me!," I turned and ran, Just as it lunged after me.

You are all caught up! Yes it is my fault that I am being chased around cars and over fallen telephone poles, but I don't think I can properly apologize while speedwalking for my life.

After a couple more minutes the Lizard finally gave up and turned around to leave, and I just about collapsed in Exhaustion. Turning to face it, "I'm sorr-" there was a loud 'BANG' and the lizard jerked, followed by a volley of more gunshots, that is what they were, after a couple of seconds the lizard fell to the ground, dead.

'Ding' *You have participated in a kill, you gain partial experience.*



race- Error

age- 19

level- 4

HP- 97%

MP- Error/-0

SP- 2/10

Will- 8/Error

Disposition- Kind {Really Too kind for your own good, it baffles me how you are still alive}


>Vamperic Empath<Unique {you really take the Joy out of life}

>Wrath<EX {Always fear what lay beneath}

>:ŒĮĐ ÞÆĮŅÞ< {No idea what this says}



>'Apprasial'<Unique {I'm only reason an idiot like you is still alive}
