

Alaric Donovan the school most popular prince, he was an elite whose face was hard to come by despite being in the same school. The school was separated into three sections. The Elite building, civil building and the peasant building. Alaric was handsome beyond words, his presence alone would make everyone tremble both in delight and in fear. What set him out amongst the rest was his insane power, despite being a vampire whose control could get out of hand, he was born with additional power which wasn't rare in his family tree but in his case it was hard to come by. A slip of his energy is enough to bring down an entire building. A voice so sweet so enchanting soothes him every night, which he's desperate to find and he has no other choice than to find it's source. He will tear down the school if necessary just to find her. It calms his madness and he will do anything just to have her next to him. But then shes no where even if she's everywhere. A massive cure to his madness but who the hell could bring Alaric almost to his knees, who's the lady whose voice was enough to calm him. Was she his cure or another form of madness? Excerpt..... "Alaric seriously" he heard someone call as she walk into the class. Alaric look up lazily from the chess he was playing with his friends. Annoyance flash on his face seeing who it was. Neera chest wobble up and down her nose flaring,she seems pissed off about something which he couldn't care more about "What's this about" he asked casually looking at the female whose looks were above ordinary, because she isn't Neera was from the sea clan her shiny brown hair straight on her shoulder, she was nothing short of a goddess so the students addresses her. "I heard you have been visiting the peasant dorm lately, who's she?" Neera asked. Alaric raise his brow slightly, he hates being questioned and what she was doing was questioning his audacity. "You should know how much I hate it when you mingle with other girls, it's your fault if she gets hurts" Neera said to him her teeth seething. "You wouldn't dare" Alaric said his eyes darkening, the atmosphere turning dark and it tasted sour Neera flinch seeing as he was no longer joking, he must have been offended by her words, she didn't mean it, it was just an empty threat which was getting out of hand to the extent of him leaking so much energy. The room which contained four of them seemed to shake. "Alaric?" Thaddeus Alaric's friend call consciously, he sat up looking up at the cracks on the ceiling that was now trailing down the walls "Alaric control" Calix also called standing up from his seat. His hand went to Alaric shoulder in an attempt to calm him, but he flinch upon contact. His face was morphing not fast but his friends knew because it wasn't the first time. As things was beginning to look bad, a voice so Seren and soothing which cause him to withdraw to the back of his mind. Everything faded away, it was just her only her the cure to his madness. It came again resounding in his mind. She sounded worn out but worried. "Alaric, what wrong?" Came the voice that pulled back every of the dark energy that was spiraling about back to the male who owned it. He close his eyes as if savouring the most sweetest thing. The next seconds his lid open and he found Neera on the floor looking scared and about to scurry off for her life.

Cassie_Berry134 · วัยรุ่น
22 Chs

A dread feeling

Isleen eyes stayed close after she calm down the students were dismissed along with Giovanna and Mizuki who had gone away worriedly.

Giovanna had inform him that it must have been a vision Isleen saw which made her react in that manner.

Alaric came out the room to see River at the door.

"How's she?" River asked worry marring his face .

"We are not so weak, I hope this will be the last time you try getting close to her" Alaric warned.

"Why can't I get close to her, what's she to you anyway, you are engaged aren't you or do you intend on playing with her feelings" River blurt out.

Alaric face darken at his statement, he turn and with swift move he pin River against the wall.

"Challenge me again and you will find your head missing from your body" Alaric said.

River grit his teeth pushing Alaric off and panting trying to get air into his lungs.

He heard the door slam close and Alaric was no where in sight, River regain his footing and stare at the door for a long time before dismissing the idea of provoking Alaric any further.

Alaric adjusted the blanket drape around Isleen properly and move to the window to shut it, he took a seat on the nearby couch and close his eyes.

His mind was like a vast of darkness a swimming mist which stayed unclear and only drown one in.

"Alaric" he heard he turn to see the source but there was no one in sight.

"Hey Alaric" she laughed and soon enough he saw a little girl standing at a stream near the palace.

He walk towards her outstretched hand and took hold of it.

"Come let me show you" she said pulling him along. She took him to another exit and they enter a cave which led them to the top of the mountain.

Her little green eyes stare up at him and smiled.

"Look it the view of the whole realm, you can see it from here" she said looking away from him and staring at the view in front of them.

"Beautiful isn't it" she said.

Alaric nodded looking away from her and look in front of them.

"Your heart is as big as this view" she said.

"No it isn't" he deny shooking his head, he attempt to pull away from her but her grip was tight.

"You are not evil the world is, you shouldn't blame your self for others mistake. In here is a very beautiful heart" she told him.

Alaric was almost breaking down, her little hand which was placed on his broad chest was warm warmer than his cold skin which bite at him.

"You should have been here" he told her.

"But I am here, am Infront of you can't you see" she told him patting his head.

"No you are not you are just a figment of my memory" he told her. She grin and reply.

"Am I? or is it what you just what to think, you shouldn't let guilt eat you up Alaric" she said and her figure began fading with the mist.

Alaric opened his eyes to see Isleen up and staring at him, her green eyes wide open, she reminded him of someone.

He sat up.

"How are you feeling?" He asked moving closer to the bed.

Isleen sigh and let look up at him.

"Am sorry for ruining the meeting I didn't mean to cause such a drama" she apologize.

"It okay you can't control what happens, do you want to share?" He asked her.

Her lips quiver thinking about it alone make her want to retch up the meal she ate earlier.

"There was so much blood, so much it felt like I was bathing in them, it isn't going to happen is it?" Isleen asked obviously shaken.

"I heard a seer vision are sometimes inaccurate, you shouldn't think too much about it might be a fleeting image of someones past you saw." Alaric said trying to pull her mind off things.

Isleen nodded shutting her eyes and opening them again.

She look at Alaric who was lost in his thoughts.

"You know out of everyone it only your memory I can't see no matter how much we make contact" Isleen confessed.

Alaric look up from his rustle hair which was covering his brow and almost obstructing his eyes view.

"You must be dieing to know more about,is that it sweetheart" Alaric remark.

Isleen tsk rolling her eyes.

"Am just curious why so, I thought it may be a witch potion you used just like my mom she tend to hide things from me a lot" Isleen said.

"Your mom seems to have a lot of secrets, I don't know why you can't see mine even I am curious" Alaric said.

Isleen bite her lips thinking back to the incident earlier.

"Do you think everyone is angry with me?"Isleen asked.

Alaric roll his eyes and said.

"Erase it from your mind" he told her.

"I can't" she replied her lips quivering again.

"How about I help you"Alaric said, he was next to her on the bed the next seconds.

Isleen eyes widen he lean in and she lean away.

"What are you doing?" She shriek moving further away from him, her head hit the pillow she look up with no where to run.

"Don't worry it won't hurt" he said looking down at her lips seducingly he smirk and lean in closing the gap between them.

Isleen still her mind going blank her heart in a frenzy, She push him away.

Alaric lean back smirking at the redness of her cheek and the fast spreading of it to her neck.

She flush in embarrassment sinking back to the bed.

Alaric had initially not kissed her but the kiss was close to her lips and he had projected them kissing to her.

"You bastard" she grit her teeth her hand on her lips in protection from the predator.

Alaric chuckle and moved away.

"You should get some rest now" he told her adjusting her duvet again.

He step out of the room and walk on the lone corridor most of the students were in bed.

He had detected some movements earlier, he look out the window from building and his eyes caught some movements in the nearby forest, he cast a glance at the door where Isleen was before jumping down from the window.

His eyes turned crimson red his fang shoot out and he landed on ground before sprinting off in a killing raid.

Vermin's were close by.

He took hold of one and rip it head off it body, the body decompose to ashes. Alaric went further fighting two at a time.

One came up behind him ready to launch an attack on Alaric, before his hand could swipe at Alaric another came from behind pulling his rotten heart out, the creature screech turning to see the intruder.

Thaddeus took a swipe at his face slicing him into two it thrash and burned out.

Alaric turn to see both his friends joining in on the hut, Thaddeus smiled at him his deep red eyes shining in the dark.

"Yuck they smell like drench wood it disgusting" Calix complain from behind he look at his hand which was covered in green blood and he almost puck.

"What are you two doing here?" Alaric asked taking down another moving Vermin.

"Your little transit didn't go unnoticed by me" Calix said pointing to Alaric vampire form.

"Don't worry am in control" Alaric said.

Calix who was giving him a suspicious look nodded.

"Alright let finish this up am sleepy" Calix said walking away from them.

Thaddeus grin at Alaric and the two followed behind.

Back in the room where Isleen was asleep, outside the room someone walk close to the door, the shadow of the person casting on the door frame.

They twist open the knob and it turned out opened,they smirk walking in to the see the girl on the bed prowling forward their hand shoot forward with a dagger in it ready to stab at her.

They mutter a spell and raise the dagger up, as it descend it was met with a strong barrier which send them flying back.

They hit the wall roughly which brought blood retching out their lips. Their brow raised in confusion and look at the girl who now sat up the bed.

Their eyes widen in horror seeing her look their way her eyes no longer green but all white. She stayed like that for about three seconds before her eyes closed back and she fell back sound asleep.

Dawn Isleen's mother brow arch she rise from her seat and look at her crystal orb which sat on the table.

It was no longer crystal clear but was now tainted in black and white.

"This shouldn't be happening" she mutter.

"Dawn" someone called walking in, Dawn look away from the orb to see her sister walking in.

Her skin glowing like the sun, her lips tinted red and her blossom half revealing her beauty incomparable.

Her dull green eyes looking at her sisters black own.

"Maya? I thought you went to town" she said.

"Hmm" Maya hummed walking forward as she approach the crystal orb on the table.

"You can't keep her concealed forever Dawn" Maya said tapping the orb, she turn to look at her sister again and said.

"You containing her magic will only force it out, shouldn't you be worried about that prince".

"He's unaware too," Dawn said looking more worried than before.

"It only a matter of time, you should get ready with the explanation you are going to tell that little one" Maya said.

"She has been away from the coven, so she shouldn't be found out just yet," Dawn said.

"You shouldn't mess with fate what is meant to happen with happen who are you to stop it, you should know more than that" Maya told her.

"She's your blood too" Dawn said seeing as Maya was being lackadaisical.

"She is, am not denying that " Maya said as a matter of fact.

Maya click her tongue her black eyes shining with mirth.

"Our family has been submissive for century isn't it about time we start shining" Maya said a smile playing on her lips.

Dawn dread the day everything will start falling apart