
Voice of an adolescent

Once in every life time every being found itself trapped in that darkness feeling misunderstood, lonely and most of all guilt. Guilty of what she's turning into guilty of what she's doing and has already done. At that time even the devil feels proud to have achieved a goal since someone thinks he's better compared to her. Many or should I say all went to the garden of darkness where roses were being plugged. Some picked up the already trimmed once others picked one's with thorns that pricked them and their newly created wounds. We all came out except for the ones who never found a rose so remained in the darkness feeling the way a lifeless man would. You might wanna ask which of them did I plug was it the thornless one or the thorny ones maybe nothing. Find out since this book is only meant for suspense. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME.

Ruth_Ankomah · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs


Sorry guys that was one of my stories and I guess it got mixed up sorry once again.

By the way the story is things after me so if you're interested you can read it

It's a fictional story you might as well call it a romantic one. Actually it's about supernatural beings so... if you're not interested you know just don't pursue it.
