
Visor of Blood

Stephen Weissman was a detective known for his dedication and skills in solving Belgranna's notorious cases. One day, due to overload of work he became exhausted. His best friend, Nate Clarkwell, advised him to take a vacation in the City of Vastile, where he could watch an artifact exhibit of the famous Stella Appleton. The exhibit was going smoothly and interesting, until an accident happened. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling came crashing down, crushing Stella Appleton to death. However, the police investigated and concluded it to be an accident, but to Weissman's clever mind - it was no accident but a massive case. Larger for even him to imagine...

Aurora_Raven · แอคชั่น
23 Chs

The Accidental Crisis

~ C H A P T E R O N E ~

It was another busy week at the Bureu of Investigative Customs and Force in the city of Belgranna. It was flooding paperwork and criminal cases.

Good thing the station has someone like Detective Stephen Weissman, who gives a great contribution in solving some of Belgranna's sticky cases.

Stephen recently solved a chaotic case, which led to exhaustion. Nate Clarkwell was watching him as he carelessly threw his brown coat and sat in his office chair, in a heavy manner.

Nate Clarkwell also works in the same field as a detective with Stephen in B.I.C.F. He also lives in Belgranna, same with Stephen. Nate has crystal blue eyes and perfect thick eyebrows, always wears a black Wrap coat and has a light brown Ivy League hairstyle.

Nate is a clever detective and a kind being, well - unlike Stephen - Stephen is more curious and ambitious that sometimes leads to trouble.

Stephen somehow, is the opposite of Nate. First in the list was, Stephen is a bit taller than Nate. His eyes are fierce and hazel brown, you'll always see him wear a Diagonal Twill coat with his smoking pipe, and has a classic Pompadour hairstyle.

Stephen was lost in his thoughts as he looked at the ceiling without noticing that Nate was still standing at the door with his arms crossed while watching him. "You know what sounds exciting?" Nate asked as he walked around in Stephen's office.

"Going home... Sleeping all day long... Drinking coffee... Watching a movie and smoke my pipe -" Stephen won't stop mumbling with his boring voice, so Nate finished his mumbling and says, " - A vacation, Stephen. A vacation."

He looked at Stephen with the same posture, and advised him to take a vacation. "I suggest that you should take a break. I got to be honest, you look dreadful and needs a vacation. Go to Vastile City. There's an interesting exhibit show there of Stella Appleton." Stephen listened with interest and replies, "Well, a vacation sounds good."


A day has passed, Stephen left Belgranna and traveled to Vastile City. He drove his black car and checked in a simple hotel named Vintage Hotel.

Stephen wanders around the city, collecting memories of such beautiful scenery. The exhibition held by the famous archaeologist, Stella Appleton, is scheduled at nine in the evening, which means Stephen has enough time to admire and roam around the city.

He walked leisurely as he looked around while smoking his pipe. The city has beauty in it. Flowers and plants are used as decorations, streets are clean, and people dressed well for the show.

The time has come for the exhibition to begin. People went inside the glamorous building filled with beautiful lights and decorations.

It was bustling inside, Stephen squeezed through the crowd as he repeatedly says "Excuse me, Sorry - Pardon me." - every time he bump into someone.

His seat has an excellent view for the show. The exhibition room consists of a medium sized stage with carpets on it, spotlights are everywhere and a beautiful large chandelier above the stage. There was a flurry of gossips and conversations around the room. As everyone has found their respected seats, the room turned dim as the show is about to start.


Soon enough, the room was filled with cheerful noises when Stella Appleton revealed herself. Her shape was every woman dreams to have, her lips are red as rose, she shines with her pale skin, her wavy blonde and short hair gave a decent look.

Her beauty was not the only reason why she's well known. Her artifacts are very rare to find and has interesting stories in it. Stella is a genius archaeologist, and that's the reason she's recognized and respected by everyone. She's the definition of brain and beauty.

Everyone was interested in Stella's exhibit, but Stephen was somewhat disturbed and starts to look around in details. He normally has this kind of habit, you know - the habit of observing everyone?

His attention was drawn to Maria Eve - everyone knows that she's the secretary of Stella Appleton. Maria Eve was quite famous because of her role. She has a blonde Bouffant hairstyle and wears a fitted sheath dress. She seems to be a very delicate lady. Her cute little glasses would slide down from her nose as she adjusts it from time to time.

The exhibition proceeds as Stella exposed her artifacts. The exhibit went interesting, far too interesting for Stephen.

Too bad, this is the first and last time he would see Stella though. As with the blink of an eye, the remarkable lady has bad luck on her side.

Stella Appleton gracefully speaks, telling people the history of her artifacts. The crowd whistled and applauded with admiration. Some yelled her name, and others threw roses at the stage.

Stella smiled at the audience and walked back at the stage - but suddenly - the chandelier above the stage fell on top of her. The room fell on silence, but then people were fuming when they realized what happened.

The massive chandelier covered the lady's body and blood quickly spread all over the stage. Guards are protecting the scene, Maria Eve anxiously called for an ambulance, and some people ran outside and screamed for help, but Stephen was curious enough - stayed and investigated the whole scene.

Detective Weissman makes his move; he showed his badge to the guards and told them to stop anyone from entering or leaving the establishment; he went to investigate the stage.

He noticed Maria Eve crying beside the fallen chandelier. He could hear her calling the ambulance with her anxious loud voice as he approaches her. "How long should we wait for the ambulance?! Can't you be any quicker?! Please!"

However, Stephen helped her calm down. He also tells her to call the police.

As the crying secretary leaves the stage, Stephen observes the bloody scene. The once beautiful Stella Appleton, is now a disfigured body crushed by a chandelier. The more he investigates, he noticed that there is something peculiar with the wiring of the chandelier, it looks like it was tampered.

The detective proceeds to go backstage to investigate further.

Sirens filled the air as the B.I.C.F of Vastile City arrived. Stephen's investigation was stopped by another B.I.C.F detective, as he was given no permission nor authority to be involved with the case. Detective Weissman might be with the B.I.C.F, but he belongs to a different station.

He works in the B.I.C.F Belgranna station, not in B.I.C.F Vastile City station. Therefore, he should not be involved.

However, Stephen may stay and observe everything as the police investigates.

Later, he overheard the conversation of the police and Maria Eve.

"Can you tell us the address of Mrs. Appleton?" The policeman calmly asked Maria.

"Yes, at Dark Rose town, fifth street. You should not be mistaken, it was the only mansion." The officer thanked Maria and asked his last question. "And can you offer me your address madam? For further interrogation?"

"Oh, my apologies - but I won't stay at home! I have to run errands at my office, and I can give you the address -" " -Yes, so what's the address of your workplace?"

"Same town, but in fourth street - the second lot." Stephen remembered the conversation of Maria and the police.

The investigation went cold. Some police investigated at the exhibit, and some police investigated at Stella's home, they have found nothing.


The police of B.I.C.F in the station of Vastile City, concluded the tragic death of Stella Appleton as an accident. Stella's controversial death was the talk of the whole city. Her death was printed in all magazines and newspapers. However, Stephen is not contented with the conclusion of Vastile City's police regarding Stella Appleton's death.

Whatever the case of Stella is, there is only one thing that Stephen knew. This is not an accident; this is a murder case.


Hello dear readers! If you are reading this now, I am thankful for your support! This is my first story in web novel, and this was made in 2020 with my dear groupmates (Cosmic Heiroglyps) as I said before the story begins. I will gladly accept your support! Thank you!

Aurora_Ravencreators' thoughts