
VIRGIN IMMORTAL: I won’t DIE as long as I don’t have Sex

IZZKOR_ · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Beginning of Legacy…

" Congratulations sir. Its twins, a boy and a girl. "

A woman came running towards a spacious sea facing balcony, broke the news and quited down. She was waiting for a reply from the muscular man sitting in the balcony enjoying the sea view with a book in his one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.

" Are you one of the midwives ? "

The man asked without giving a glance to the women.

" Yes sir. "

The midwife replied swiftly in one breath. She was out of breath as she had run a long distance to get to this man. She was youngest midwife in the room so she had to run to the opposite side of the villa to deliver the news of his child's birth.

" How's Serene ? "

The man asked immediately closing the book in his hand showing some signs of nervous shaking. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong from the way the midwife talked. He could not really figure out what was wrong so he asked midwife about the health of his wife.

" Madam and the babies both are of full health. Madam has fainted from exhaustion but will regain conciousness soon. "

The midwife disclosed the information without leaving anything out.

" Oh "

The man replied taking a sip of whiskey from his glass calming his tense nerve. He felt that sometimes even gut feeling would be wrong.

After a brief moment of silence the midwife took her leave to attend to the new mother and take some rest for herself also as the midwife too seemed exhausted.

John was all alone on the balcony within the company of his own thoughts yet again. He didn't mind the leaving midwife as he needed some time to process all the things that had occured. He had now become a father of two children.

John himself was an orphan brought up in a orphanage facing all kinds of hardships and never getting to know his parents. Even with his predicament he was a ambitious person possessing one of the greatest mind of his generation.

He single handedly created a business empire within the mere age of 28 all on his own without any generational wealth. He was a very charming young man with his mindset on conquering the world.

During the early days John's of fame, he met Serene, his love at first sight. He was a confident young man with a charming personality which helped him charm the Real Estate Tycoon Octavious's daughter.

Serene was not just a daughter of wealth but a woman of grace and intelligence. John admired Serene not only for her sharp mind but also her kind heart. Their courtship was swift, a whirlwind romance that captivated everyone around them. They were the perfect couple, a powerful young businessman with a brilliant mind and the elegant heiress of a huge tycoon.

The wedding was a grand affair, drawing attention from all quarters. For John, it was more than just a celebration of love; it was a testament to his journey from an orphan to a man who had it all.

Their union was blessed with happiness, but the announcement of Serene's pregnancy was the pinnacle of their joy. The news of twins, a boy and a girl, was both thrilling and overwhelming for John. He knew that his life was about to change in ways he could not fully comprehend.

As he sat in the balcony, the realization began to sink in. He was now responsible for two new lives. He thought of his own childhood, the loneliness and the struggles. He vowed to himself that he would never let his children experience the hardships he faced. He would give them everything that he never had during all of his childhood. His children would grow up surrounded by love and opportunities, their future secure and bright.

He took another sip of his whiskey, the liquid warmth spreading through him, calming his tensed up nerves. The sea before him seemed endless, just like the possibilities for his children's futures.

John stood up, placing the book and glass on the luxurious looking coffee table. He was now all ready to meet his wife, hold her hand and tell her how proud he was of her. He was also eager to see his children, hold them and promise them the world.

John slowly stood up, even the liquor seemed having a hard time influencing him.

He slowly descended the stairs and moved towards the room where his wife and his children were. The corridor leading to the room felt longer than usual, each step resonating with anticipation.

But today his heart felt heavier. A sense of bad premonition started haunting him. He could hear the faint murmurs of the midwives but the soft coos of the newborns stripped his heart of any bad omen.

As he approached the room, he saw the midwives bustling around, attending to Serene and the newborns. He entered quietly, his presence immediately felt by everyone in the room. The air was thick with the scent of antiseptic and the faint sweetness of new life. The midwives acknowledged him with repectful nods, stepping aside to give him space.

Serene was lying on the bed, her face pale but peaceful. The babies were in cradles in the same room little far from him where he could not see them but their coos were constantly ringing his ears calming him down like a melody that tugged at his heartstrings.

John felt a lump in his throat as he looked at Serene and the cradles. Serene looked small, so vulnerable, yet she embodied the culmination of his dreams and aspirations.

" Sir, madam has woken up now. You can go talk to her gently. "

A lady wearing doctor's attire wishpered near John so as not to disturb the mother and her newborns.

John without waiting for the doctor to say some other things directly went to Serene and gently touched her hands. Serene opened her fluttering eyes listening to a very familiar voice and the gentle touch. She gave John a weak smile, her exhaustion evident but overshadowed by the glow of new motherhood.

" John "

She whispered weakly.

" I'm here my love. "

Not letting the weak Serene speak another word John took the initiative to calm her down.

" You did amazing. "

John consoled her.

Serene still smiling without saying anything more, squeezed his hands and closed her eyes again in exhaustion.

John wanted to take a look at the babies but he waited for Serene to completely to go sleep and loosen her grip. He didn't want to force his hand out of his lovely wife's grip.

Even though John wanted to take a look at his children, he held onto Serene's hands tightly not letting it go.

" Welcome to the world, my little ones. "

John wishpered looking at the direction of the cradles.

" You have no idea how much you're loved already. "

Overwhelmed by the emotions, tear drops of happiness formed in John's eyes.

In that moment, John knew his life had changed forever. He was no longer just the ambitious, ruthless businessman; he was a father, and his family was now his greatest treasure. The gravity of his new role settled upon him, bringing with it a sense of fulfillment he had never known before.