
violet the blood princess

This book is about a girl called violet who sets out in the world to find her mate and seek out the truth about her real self and live life hoping to start a new violet was fed up following other rules and running from evil people can she escape well that depends on the more she tries the more it fails for her being a vampire was not easy for her turning hybrid was more than crazy violet hoped that someone would save her from herself wanting to find meaning and hope instead of always running when times where rough on her not wanting to feel alone why did she have to suffer at the hands of debt collectors and alpha harp trying to force her to be his bride made violet sick to her stomach, knowing her so-called parents would do anything for money

Shameapplication · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 1

She longed to be free, to experience the world outside her confined walls. Violet's parents saw her as a monster, not recognizing her humanity. The restrictions placed upon her felt suffocating, like a prison. She yearned to engage in normal young adult activities like drinking and having sex, but her parents kept her locked away, treating her like a dangerous creature.

The attention she received from others who envied her eye color brought her some solace. Her vampire-like eyes, a beautiful shade of crimson, matched her lips perfectly. They had a captivating allure, drawing people in from a distance. While many believed she was wearing colored contacts, only Violet and her parents knew the truth - her eyes were real.

Violet despised her appearance, resenting her dark brown hair and black eyes. She yearned for the vampire aesthetic, the ethereal beauty she believed would suit her better. The thirst for blood simmered within her, growing stronger with each passing day. She stared out the window, fascinated by the world she was forbidden from experiencing.

The myths and legends surrounding vampires amused her. She found it ridiculous that people believed she would be affected by sunlight or repelled by garlic. In reality, Violet found the smell of garlic simply disgusting, but it held no power over her. The misconceptions perpetuated in picture books and stories were just that - misconceptions.

As Violet continued to gaze out the window, her desire for freedom burned brighter. She vowed to find a way to escape her prison, to venture out into the world and live her life on her terms. The longing for adventure and the taste of forbidden pleasures grew stronger with each passing day.


Violet carefully laces up her black knee-high Dr. Marten boots and admires her reflection in the mirror. She swiftly slips into a sleek black dress and sprays a hint of her favorite Elizabeth Arden Red Door perfume before heading downstairs.

As she descends the white staircase, her energy levels plummet, and she stumbles, almost losing her balance. "Mother, I'm famished," Violet calls out, her voice weak. "Tomato juice isn't working anymore."

Her mother, Trisha, looks concerned but determined. "Violet, you have no choice. You must meet them. You can't hide away forever." Trisha tightens her grip on Violet's arm, leaving a visible mark.

Anger flares within Violet, fueled by the pain and frustration. "How could you hurt me, Mother? I despise you!" She spits in Trisha's face, her words dripping with contempt.

Suddenly, a forceful knock on the front door interrupts the tense atmosphere. The door swings open with a shattering sound, revealing a tall, handsome man standing in the doorway. It's Cameron.

Violet's heart races as she attempts to flee, but she collides with a solid chest. It's Cameron, blocking her escape. "Hello, Trisha and Alex," Cameron greets Violet's parents, his voice confident. "Do you have my money yet? The one million I've been patiently waiting for?"

Trisha's voice trembles as she replies, "Cameron, we're sorry, but we don't have that kind of money. We're on the brink of losing our house. And Alex, you still haven't overcome your gambling addiction. This is not a good time."

Cameron's eyes narrow, disappointment evident on his face. "That's a shame. Looks like I'll have to find another way to get what I'm owed. Perhaps by selling your daughter?"

Violet's eyes widen in horror as she realizes what her parents are considering. "No! You will not sell me, you witch!" she shouts, her anger boiling over. But before she can do anything, a sharp pain shoots through her head, causing her to wince.

As Violet looks up, she sees Cameron, the handsome man she had bumped into earlier. Her hunger intensifies, and she can't help but be drawn to him. "I'm hungry, Mother," she says, her voice laced with desperation. She rushes to the fridge, her fangs elongating. "How much longer do I have to wait? I'm already 18.

"Violet i gave you tomato juice but it's not working anymore," Violet said to her mother, frustration evident in her voice. "I am going back upstairs. I cannot see a guest looking like this.

Violet's anger flared up at the abuse. "How can you hurt me? You should die! I hate you!" Violet spat in her mother's face, unable to contain her rage.

Just then, there was a forceful knock on the front door. The door swung open with such power that the glass shattered, startling Violet and her parents. They looked up to find a tall, handsome man standing in their doorway. Violet, desperate to escape the situation, tried to make a run for it but collided with a massive chest.

"Hello, Trisha and Alex. Do you have my money yet? The one million I have waited years for?" the man, Cameron, asked.

"No, Cameron. We're sorry, but we don't have that kind of money. We're on the verge of losing our house," Alex, Violet's father, replied, his voice filled with desperation.

Cameron's gaze turned to Alex. "You still haven't fixed your gambling habit, have you?" Cameron's disappointment was palpable.

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry," Alex admitted, hanging his head in shame.

"Well, that's too bad. We can sell you our daughter," Trisha offered, shocking both Violet and Cameron.

"No, you will not! You witch!" Violet yelled, but her protests were cut short as she felt a sharp pain in her head.

Violet looked up at Cameron, her red eyes meeting his blue ones. "I am hungry, mother," she said, abruptly changing the subject as she ran to the fridge. "How long do I have to wait until I turn 18?"

"I need juicy droplets of blood," Violet mumbled to herself, her eyes scanning the room filled with tempting meals. Her mouth began to drool with blood as she bit her tongue, trying to suppress her urges.

Unable to bear the temptation any longer, Violet tried to make her way to her room but found herself lacking the strength. She stumbled towards her mother, overcome by her uncontrollable desires. She ripped into Trisha's flesh, sucking on her bleeding neck as her veins bulged. Violet moaned in ecstasy as the red blood dripped onto her lips. This was what she had been waiting for, hiding her true nature from everyone, even herself, by using tomato juice. But it was no longer enough.

Just as Violet was about to move to her father, alex,demanding her to let go. "Get off my wife!" he commanded.

Violet looked at her so-called father, her red eyes gleaming with a wicked smile. "You're next," she hissed, pouncing on him and sucking his blood, savoring the taste. Though he felt light-headed, he didn't collapse like his wife.

Removing her mouth from his neck, Violet felt stronger and more powerful than ever. "Well, I was going to say this, little miss," Cameron spoke, his eyes never leaving Violet's. "My name's Cameron, and I am the king mafia leader."

Violet looked up at him, her gaze now calm. "Do you know me, Mr. Cameron?"

Yes, I remember seeing you many years ago when your parents failed to pay me. Now, I intend to make you my bride. With a swift blow to the back of her neck, Violet lost consciousness. Cameron, along with his men, quickly gathered Violet's belongings and loaded them into the car, ready to return to the castle house.

I will never bring her back okay