
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
19 Chs


Arriving in my room, the man put me on my bed and left after telling the maids what Alfa told him to say.

Alone, with. nothing to do i decided to check myself out in the mirror near my bed.

What I saw was a cute red eyed and somewhat muscular boy with western features and black curly hair.

I never analysed my looks in depth since I didnt see the need for it but now that I did I realized I looked very western with mixed features of Nordic and English which made me very handsome for my age.

In my past life I was African so seeing this really made me surprised since I didn't think I would have these kind of features.

I always thought I looked more middle eastern than western.

Pushing those silly thoughts away I started thinking of all I learnt today.

'The Ring has a lot of restrictions from what I observed. It doesn't control the person but It rather sensd strong psychological suggestions into the targets subconscious.

It also can't to those if the target is not vulnerable, it also can't plant strong suggestions that will override subconscious actions like protecting oneself in the face of danger otherwise My father would have suggested that I protect him with my life'

' Its primary use is for brainwashing and not mind control so the restrictions arent a problem for me'

I thought.

Taking my phone I dialed a number.

"Who is this?"

" Its me"

" Ahh its young master, Since you have called it means he did what I predicted"

" Yes, I now know all its restrictions and how to use it"

" That's good, now you know how to use it properly. I take it the young master is ready to go?"

" Yes, but I need someone who will get rid of the unnecessary obstacles that will come my way"

" Dont worry I send the right person for the job"

" Good , when I reach there I will give you my location so that we can start the plan"

" Okay young master, I wish you safe travels"

Hanging up,I wore a black shirt and Jean's And combed my hair backwards making it stylish and took my suitcase and filled it with minimal clothes and underwear since I made up my mind to buy new clothes and essentials.

After packing I saw a familiar person enter the room with luggage.

" So he sent you" I said with a smile on my face.

" Of course, how can I let my little brother go far away without me" Sahada said with a smile.

She was dressed in black Jean's that brought her hourglass figure with a silvery white T shirt that did justice to her small boobs.

Seeing me staring at her she smirked.

" Like what you see? I dressed like this when I heard we are going to California"

" You look beautiful" I said truthfully.

" Awww, that's so cute of you"

Coming closer she hugged me filling my nose with her lavender scent.

" You look good yourself, I will make sure I protect you from all those bad ladies"

Puffing her chest as if pledging.

"Since you are hear let's go"

" Okay" She answered as he held my hands.

Leaving the room I gave our luggage to the maids who carried it and escorted us to the helipad.

Inside the Pilot gave me an envelope and told me it was from my father.

After everything was packed well, we took off and left the base.

Opening the envelope, I saw my passport and Visa and a wallet which looked expensive.

" Woow you even look cute in the passport"

She giggled as she watched my picture.

Shrugging, we started talking and left the base further into the distance.





California, United States Of America.

After 12 hours of flying, the plane landed in California and it was currently in the evening. But as Sahada And I were in first class we had the time of our lives so the trip wasn't boring or long for us.

Picking up our luggage we made our way to the Airport and as we were leaving we heard something.

" Arslan!"

There was a caucasian man shouting my name near the entrance and judging by his attire he could see he was a chauffeur.

" Looks like that our ride"

I said to Sahada as we walked towards the Man.

Seeing us approaching he glanced at picture and smiled towards me.

" I am here to pick you guys up"

Leaving the airport, he escorted us to a Rolls Royce which had attracted attention,opened it and gestured us inside.

Inside the car he played some American pop music and drove towards the city.

Looking at the Skyscrapers and high rise buildings with people walking around going about their lives as we drove I couldnt help but smile.

Ever since I came to this world, I been in the desert in the middle of nowhere for six years and the first city I went to was taken by terrorist so this view made me refreshed.

" Where are we going" Sahada asked in surprisingly good english as she enjoyed the ride and music.

" We are going to a hotel booked by your father. If you guys want to go anywhere I would be ready anytime and by the way names Peter"

He answered, smiling as he drove towards the highway.

A few hours later, we arrived in front of a large gate in the outskirts of the city.

Passing through the gate, we saw a fountain near a parking lot filled with a lot of expensive cars.

Parking, we entered the tall building covered in glass and went into the reception hall that was decorated with golden chandeliers and a red Turkish carpet.

" Wow this place is amazing. I think I can die without regrets now"

Moving about the reception hall Sahada couldnt help but mutter those words as she watched the reception hall with stars in her eyes.

I was doing better than her since I had been to classy places but this was on a whole new level. I mean the whole place was decorated in pure gold, not the fake ones my friends and i would buy and brag about in my past life but the ones that cost millions of dollars.

I think I know why a certain musician said 'money is happiness' in my past life because the amount of wealth here is insane.

After a while Peter came with our room keys and sent us to our floor at the top of the building through the elevator.

When we arrived at room eight hundred and nine, he left us and gave me his number to call him If we wanted to go someplace.

Entering the room I couldnt help but freeze.

" Hey why are you standing there?"

When she also entered she froze for a few minutes before shouting

" Oh my God!! This is insane!!!!!"

The room was as very large with a diamond chandelier hanging at the top and large sofas facing a Large Screen embedded into the wall with a golden tiles decorating the floor.

At the end of the room where see through windows which showed us an amazing view of the night life of the city, we could even Beverley hills in the distance.

Leaving the hall we entered the bedroom which had a king sized bed in the middle.

We settled down and explored the rest of the room and after a few hours of relaxing we planned our agenda for tomorrow.

" So what are we doing tomorrow"

Sahada asked. From her tone I knew she wanted say something.

" What do you propose we do" I asked, drinking soda.

" Let's go shopping, we need to catch up with the trends"

" okay but be prepared because something might happen"

" Dont worry, I will make sure no one interrupts us"

Drawing a Dagger from her shadow waved it a few times in the air .

" That's good, if you want me I would be in the bathroom"

" Okay"

Leaving the hall I entered the bathroom and placed myself in the marbel jacuzzi after filling it with hot water.

"Haaa this is the life. I never actually thought my father was this rich, I guess owning a mercenary group is a lucrative business."

Soaking for a while he saw someone entering the room.

" Not this again"

Sahada who entered the room naked joined him inside the jacuzzi.

" As a big sister I have to take care of my brother at all times"

She said with a smile as she pulled me towards her.

' This girl doesn't know how much I suffer when she does this'

And so the night continued peacefully.





Hey guys it's me, this is my first time writing something about luxury so if you guys have something to say please share and keep up the support.

Thank you.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts