
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
19 Chs

A Sister? ( Slight 18+ scene)

Rome, Italy.

In a luxurious VIP lounge of a famous Restaurant in Italy with an amazing view of the beautiful city , two men were having a discussion.

"Alfa we need to do something about this. Our competitors are gaining more profits from those 'Taimat' terrorists and in due time they will challenge our hold in the Asian market"

A plump European man with excess jewelry on him said.

" Michael dont worry we will figure this out trust me. I already have my men on standby ready to obliterate them"

Alfa said confidently as he sipped on his wine.

" It isnt going to be easy, I heard from my sources that the bald eagle has a hand in all this"

Michael said with a worried expression.

"Haah this just got troublesome. But don't worry, they have almost to zero influence in the middle east. The help they may give out will be limited so dont worry"

Alfa said assuringly but in his mind he was thinking of something different.

' If this is true, then this just got troublesome I hope Arslan can at least bring me information about the base' Alfa thought as he took a bite of the braised pork in front of him.

*Phone vibrates*

" Michael excuse me for a moment"

Alfa said,leaving the plump man alone in his thoughts.

' I hope he can deal with it as he said, I don't want to lose to those bastards'

Eating his meal as he watched the scenery below he saw Alfa coming towards him with a smile on his face.

" Why the smile? Did something good happen?" Michael asked since he rarely saw Alfa smiling.

" Its a surprise. I know that by tomorrow you will get the news so I have to get back to Syria to handle take care of some urgent matters.

Good night."

And with that Alfa left in a hurry leaving a perplexed Michael behind.

"What the hell is going ?"


Arriving at the base, I went to Alfas office straight away.

Walking on the carpeted corridor I eventually arrived in front of his office.

Knocking, i heard a voice telling me to come in.

Entering the familiar office i saw Karim sitting behind Alfas desk.

"Where is My father"

I asked with my cold face since I dont want to deal with my father's hound.

"He is currently in Europe attending to some important matters"

He said not looking me in the eye.

Judging by his behaviour I noticed something was amiss.

"When will he come?"

" He said he will be here tomorrow and that you can start preparing for your trip"

He said, this time looking at me. Looking into his eyes I could see fear in them even though he masked it feel.

' Its understandable he fears me, I mean I would if I know a six year old boy has killed five hundred or so people'

" If there is nothing more, I am going to retire in my room"

I said.

Leaving the room with waiting for a response I went to the 3 storey building north of the camp. This building contains all the maids and servants who serve me together with my room.

Climbing up to the stairs to the last floor I entered the only room on it.

Inside I saw the room I spent my six years in thoroughly cleaned. Heading to the bathroom I filled the tap with hot water and took entered inside.

'Haahh yes this is the life I havent bathed in days. Thank God I release little to no sweat toxins otherwise i would be smelly as hell'

I smiled, amused by my thoughts. Glancing around the bathroom I noticed a weird shadow at the corner of my eye.

"Sattar is that you?"

At my question a figure arosed from it.

"So it's you, but what are you doing here"

I asked looking at her suspiciously.

Sahada who was eyeing my naked body said seductively " I was sent by Sattar to be your 'Power in the shadows' which sounds corny if you ask me. You must be happy that a beautiful lady like me is going to be your personal bodyguard"

Looking at her weirdly I asked the question on my mind.

"How old are you?"

"First lesson, never ask a lady of her age and for your information I am fifteen"

She said, looking at my body with no reservations.

" You realize I am six right? That's more than twice your age"

" Age is just a number"

" And jail is just a room"


After a minute of silence she looked at me and showed me a very beautiful smile.

" Fine, then I will be your Big sister"

She said, as if it was some sort of priviledge.

But one things for sure, she doesn't fear me and this is a first since even my father something's looks at me with slight apprehension.

Maybe that's why Sattar made her my guard.

That's considerate of him since I never thought I would meet someone who sees me like this.

But I have to ask to be sure.

" Why dont you fear me?" I asked very curious.

"Should I? I mean you might be a god or something but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have family, I mean you have Alfa but we all know he's a dick. So I kinda see you as family"

She said, with a sad look on her face.

' I guess she had a rough childhood, maybe she lost her parents and possibly siblings.'

Seeing her like this I could sense that what she said was true and since she is binded to me I dont think she is untrustworthy.

' Well let me give it shot, who knows maybe this will turn out the way my dirty mind wants'

I thought with a genuine smile on my face.

"Soo cute!!!"

She said, rubbing her cheeks on mine.

" Stop it!" I yelled pushing her away.

'Shit ,that was embarrassing'

I thought as I looked at her and saw her stripping.

" What are you doing?"

"Well since we are now siblings I figured I should help you bath"

She said as she finished stripping and was standing in front of me naked.

Seeing her body I couldn't help but get a boner.

Looking at her developing body with small perky breasts and her visible vagina with her dark straight hair reaching her neck which made her look more beautiful I couldnt help but expect what she will get when she grows up. I had the mentality if a seventeen year old so my reaction was perfectly normal.

Entering the water she hugged me from behind with her soft breasts touching my back.

"Let's get you cleaned up"

She said as I allowed her to wash my body.

' I have one day left before I go on the trip so let's make the best of it'

I thought, feeling her hands all over my body.





Hey guys it's me, I wanted to introduce a little light In his darkness and also to practice for when I write the 18+ scenes.

Thank you.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts