
The Return pt 1

It was a peaceful morning on Viltrum. Natalia was the first one awake as usual. She did her daily check on the kids before going to their in home gym. She did her usual routine thats she's gotten used to over the years. 45 minutes into her workout she was joined by Ororo and Laura.

The three of them are the early risers while Sue and Domino had to be awoken.

"Good morning ladies," Natalia spoke "Any big plans for the day?"

"Morning Nat, and other than doing some final tours of the schools im free."

"Morning. Im taking the kids to the pediatrician to make sure they're all caught up on their Martian vaccines."

"Do they really need Vaccines? I mean you nor Damien have ever gotten sick?" Ororo asked

"Better to be safe than sorry.... right?" Laura genuinely asked still getting used to the whole motherhood thing.

Ororo and Nat shared a look before laughing and just wrapping their arms around her shoulders.

"Relax Laura you're doing fine, you're a great mother."

"Exactly, besides with the five of us these kids are going to be anything but ordinary. So don't stress about normal motherhood as much."

Feeling a bit more relieved the ladies head down into the kitchen where they find the Quintuplets moving around.

"Good" -Esme

"Morning" - Phoebe

"Queens" - Celeste

"Breakfast is" - Sophie

"Almost ready" - Irma

Natalia just shook her head and took her spot at the table. Once coming to Mars the Quintuplets asked if they could keep working for them. So they made them the mansion maids. Telepathic maids who could talk to each other anywhere in the mansion is extremely handy.

"Thank you dears" Ororo said taking her seat next to Nat as Laura sat across from her. The remaining four seats at the table were all reserved. Komand'r next to Ororo and Sue and Domino on Laura's side. The head of the table has always been left vacant for obvious reasons, but no one really speaks about it as much anymore.

"So Ro i heard that another 13 kids were found yesterday. Theyre scheduled to be picked up later with their families. One of them has an ability that makes her exude corrosive acid so keep that in mind for your school."

"Noted, she wont be the first but we will have to test on her Ph properties and see if our current facilities can withstand her acid. What about you Laura? Decided what you want to do now that Diana is old enough for the girls to watch for a bit."

"I'm gonna wait for Komand'r to return today. See what kind of reforcements she manages to bring. Then I'm going to bisect Sentry. He's gotten to comfortable living in that little skyliner of his."

"Oh thats right?" Natalia said "Komand'r is supposed to return today. She's coming from Kara's earth correct?"

Ororo nodded and said "Yes, apparently Kara's earth has been protesting alien refugees so Komand'r stayed an extra week to work out some details."

"Details on what?" Domino said slowly limping her way to the table as Celeste helped her to her seat. "Thank you Celeste. But c'mon dont leave me out of the loop."

"Its not their fault you sleep through our weekly meetings." Susan said making herself visible already in her seat as Esme pouted on the side not being able to help.

Natalia took the chance to speak up and say "Kara wanted to know if she could relocate their refugees on one of our uninhabited continents."

"That's dangerous?" Domino stated "Introducing all those different aliens to our ecosystem. Who knows what kind of aliens we'd letting in?"

"That was already discussed Dom," Susan said biting into the stack of waffles placed in front of her "Kara is leaving her friend Me'gann in charge of sorting out the ones who can blend into our planet without causing too many waves."

"Me'gann? Isnt that the name of Damien's bio-ship?" Domino asked eating her third waffle already.

"Its weird isnt it? She's a martian with a similar Bio-Ship to ours and she's named Me'gann. If i didnt know that he never went to Earth 38 i never would've believed it." Natalia said as she checked her watch. "Oh c'mon ladies hurry up, Komand'r said she'd be opening the portal in 30 minutes from now so we have to get ourselves situated."

"Already Handled Nat," Sue said wiping her lips as she stood up from the table "I already had people start working on temporary homes on the new continent as well as setting up a warp zone there. We just have to be ready to recieve them."

The ladies quickly finished their breakfasts before going upstairs and 'quickly' getting ready. 45 minutes later they were standing on the unnamed continent. A giant blue pulsing gate was ominously glowing over the pad as Selene stood there awaiting them.

Nat gave her the go ahead and Selene lifted the restrictions placed. The blue ring turned Orange and 4 figures flew out from it.

"Finally! Ive been waiting for ever." Komand'r said landing on the ground before making her way over to the girls and the exchanged hugs. "I've missed all of you. Come let me introduce you."

She led them over to the three awaiting people and started from the right. "This is my little sister Kori. She was the only one who listened to my call for help. Our parents forbade it, but she chose to come even knowing she would not be welcomed back. So please treat her well."

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet the ones who could finally give my sister a happy memory. Please continue to take care of us in the future. I would be delighted to bring the murderer of my brother in law to justice." Koriand'r said with a bow. The girls looked at her pale orange skin with her glowing green eyes and long red hair and exchanged greetings before turning towards the other two.

Ororo stepped forward and said "Kara it's great to meet you again. Im sorry it's under these circumstances though."

Her eyes flashed red before calming down and being replaced with sorrow "No im sorry, if i had came sooner he'd still be alive. I kept putting it off because i was afraid to be happy, but now I've missed the chance to ever know. So please save the sadness until after i deal with Sentry."

Laura seemed pleased and was ready to deal with him right then and there. But Komand'r stopped her and said. "And this is Me'gann, she has the same name as Damien's Bio-Ship isnt that weird? Anyways she's the representative for the refugees wanting to come here."

"Hello, thank you for accepting us. I will work hard to make sure everyone who comes will blend in peacefully."

They were gonna keep small talking when Laura lost her patience and stepped forward, "Komand'r enough talk. Are you ready?" She pressed a button on her bracelet as a black and red suit covered her body.

Komand'r got serious and said "I had a long enough vacation. Now i can't wait any longer." Her eyes glowed Violet with a lot of rage behind them.

"Dont forget about me," Supergirl said with a red rage behind her eyes.

"Me as well." Koriand'r said with her green joining the group.

"Wait ladies, we should regroup and come up with a plan," Natalia suggested. But the girls ignored her completely and launched themselves into space. Destination Earth. "Ugh they just dont listen."

"Ill get the transporters ready" Ororo said pulling out her comms link.

Natalia huffed out a breathe of hot air as her badge started alerting. "Oh what now?!" She pulled out her badge and sighed in annoyance, she made a quick call and said "Kurt there's someone using the old base. Go find out who it is and report back. If its a friendly leave them be. If its not, blow it sky high."

"Yes ma'am " kurt called back over the comms before going dead.

Ororo walked over putting her hands around Natalia's shoulders and whispered "You have to stop stressing yoursels so much. Its okay to rely on others as well."

"I know, i know, it's just so much happening. I just wish i was strong enough to get a good hit in on Sentry."

"I know Natalia, i feel the same."

The ladies sat there awaiting some sort of news either from Kurt or the ladies but they sure as hell wasnt expecting Kurt to poof in right in front of them covering their faces with blue smoke.

"Cough cough" Natalia said fanning the smoke "Kurt what did i tell you about..."

Natalia was stopped speechless as Ororo stood up in shock and took a step back. Before bursting forward and throwing her arms around the face none of them could forget.

"How?" she said as she released the tears she's been holding in for months.

Natalia stepped forward and ran her hand over his face as tears welt up behind her eyes. She looked at the man who saved her, who remade her, who gave her the family ahe she's always desired.

"You...but how? why? We buried you..." she barely choked out as her grip on him tightened afraid he'd leave when she let go.

Kurt stepped back as Damien smiled and brought his arms around the two women crying in his chest as he spoke two words.

"Im home."