
Meeting of Kings & Back to Earth

Inside the throne room of Attilan, the two kings of Blackagar and Damien sat face to face with their perspective queens next to them. The atmosphere was a little tense and it didn't help that portions of the throne room was in shambles. Yet that didn't deter the smiles on the faces of the two kings as they spoke.

"So my friend what truly brings you to Attilan, if your planet is half as good as you stated I fail to see what this small kingdom of ours can offer you," Blackbolt started the negotiations.

"Actually, originally I just wanted to confirm your existence, after all rumors of a city on the dark side of the moon was too tempting to ignore, however after coming here and seeing it myself, my only thoughts are this place...sucks."

As usual Damien's words were sharp and brash instantly arousing dissatisfaction from the guards and the redhead nursing the worse headache she's had in years, "Insolent how dare-"

"Enough Medusalith, however brash your words may be, my friend it is a bit insulting to us to call our home as such do you not think so?" Blackbolt tried to reason.

"No I don't," Damien spoke "The inhuman race born of humanity and Cree one of the strongest races in this universe due to your diversity, yet even with all this power you keep yourselves isolated in a city smaller than our capital, yet with a population size no weaker than Wakanda. Lack of resources and space, no places to expand upon, most of your citizens are sick and malnourished, small birth capacity, when all of these things stack together your kingdom looks more and more like a refuge than a home."

He gave himself a break as his words seemingly echoed around the king's chambers so much so that most of the guards felt ashamed and even the fiery redhead couldn't say much on that regard because despite the harshness of his words they were all true. She had always thought that Attilan wasn't enough but they couldn't safely expand their cities due to lack of resources and the fact that any bigger and their civilization would be discovered.

After a few dozen seconds of silence Blackagar spoke again "Well then what do you have in mind?"

"The planet of Mars, has a continent you could move to, I won't interfere in your kingdoms affairs, and all i ask is you do the same with the other inhabitants of Mars, in addition to Viltrum, there's also the Wakanda, Haven, and the Savage Lands each with their own beliefs, their own ways of life, and their own space. Mars has turned from a dead planet to a planet no less than Earth in our rule and I don't see why you cant enjoy it as well."


"There is no but Blackagar, as a nation obviously you would have to get used to foreign relations because Mars doesn't care about borders, each continent has their own pride and culture, and Haven itself is a continent of extraterrestrial refugees who made it their home, so as long as you have no issues in opening Attilan to the public once you guys are settled and can develop your own relations then there is no but. I only ask you guys to defend the planet as if it were your own."

"You have given me much to think about King of Viltrum, as King of Attilan i accept your proposal, since Gorgon is on your planet may I trouble you to have him inspect the land and choose a good spot for our city. Afterwards it will take some time, but as long as you're willing to have us, We the Inhumans accept your offer Nyxxus."

"Great! You won't be dis-" *beep beep* "One second," Damien spoke as he pulled out his communicator.

"This is Damien, who is contacting this emergency signal?"

"....hey boss, I didn't think this would go through honestly."

Both Damien and Ororo's eyes flew open after hearing the sound "Eric is that you? We haven't heard from you since you killed Klaue."

"A lot has happened since then... Invincible, we need some assistance. I wouldn't call if i had any other options it's just-"

"Eric, there is no need to beg, you have always been a friend of OverWatch even if you had took Klaue it didn't really matter too much. Whatever you need you should know we're you're strongest backing."

Inside of a makeshift hideout there were dozens of refugees of all sorts who had managed to escape their prisons after awakening their powers, and some who had been artificially powered up. Eric son of N'Jobu stood in the middle of these people with nowhere to go afraid to make too much noise due to the sentinels around the city searching for them. Shield had offered them some protection but the cost was basically to sign their lives over to Fury and Eric wasn't okay with that.

Clarisse a younger girl with bright pink hair stood opposite of Eric as she heard the conversation with little stars in her eyes, "OMG is that invincible? Eric you know Invincible? Where has he been? Didn't he die? Does that mean we can go off planet like the other metas did before?"

Faced with all the questions Eric could only give a wry smile as the sounds of chuckling passed through the communicator, "Eric sit tight, we'll have someone come to pull you guys out in a meanwhile."

"Wait, that's not the only thing. We found dozens of deeps underground bunkers that were specially made to block out mind waves and in each of them there should be metahumans packed away who never got your message."

The dozens of refugees held their breath as they waited for a sound to come through and it didn't disappoint as they heard a smooth silky female voice coated in anger speak up, "Eric its Ororo, all you have to do is mark the locations, Earth didn't take us seriously before, so this time we'll bring the storm to them."

The communicator hung up as a large map of the Earth popped up holographically on Eric's badge, With a grin on his face he turned to the refugees and yelled "PACK YOUR SHIT AND GET READY THERE"S A STORM COMING AND WE"RE RIDING IT OUT OF HERE!"

Dozens of people both young and old, all started cheering and crying, finally they could leave this Hellish planet. Eric took a look at the badge as he began marking all the locations he, along with Clarisse and Evan managed to find.

Back on Viltrum Natalia was walking Gorgon through their designated Tech Head Hall as their scientists were so eager to work on the ship design and see how it differed from their own, but then her badge started beeping, her instincts told her it was nothing but trouble and work and she should avoid it, but her judgement told her better.

With a heavy sigh and a quick check to make sure these people didn't make her go gray too early, she picked up the comms as Damien reappeared, "Hey Nat, it seems as if you guys missed some metas during your evacuation. But it's fine, the White Lanterns didnt get to do their space walk right? Have Logan take them down to Earth to do some pickups please love."

"Oh? Thats easy enough sure no problem," Nat was relieved that it wasnt more work for her as she would much rather go back home and spend time with Natasha and Daryll.

"Oh one more thing take Gorgon to check out the continent between Haven and the Savage Lands, Attilan will be moving there shortly so we need to do preliminary ground work to make it easier."

Feeling as if more and more work was coming Nat quickly hung up her badge as Gorgon looked dumbfounded next to her.

'Attilan moving? What? Why? Whats happening?'

While all Nat could think was 'Damn this bastard, he spoke such nice words when we met, then all he could do was prostitute my labour, DO I LOOK LIKE A SECRETARY! BASTARD IM THE MOTHER OF YOUR TWINS!

Feeling the murderous air Gorgon felt a shiver down his spine as he slightly distanced himself from the bloodthirsty redhead. "Um could you explain-" he started to say but one look from Nat shut him up. 'Shes almost as crazy as the queen. Surely Gorgon redheads are no good. Lets find a nice brunette to settle down with.' With a quick mental note and a pat on his back Gorgon quickly decided, redhead women are people he can't afford to offend.