

* * *

I thought as I brushed off the demon's blood from my sword.

X is done. The situation is not good.

I tried to immerse myself in the situation and character by saying the lines from 'Yuri-an' in the story, but it wasn't easy.

'I wanted practical experience, but the hurdles were too high.'

I looked at the two-legged demon looking this way from a not far distance.

Although the host was human and walked on two legs, it looked like a monster that had already escaped the human realm.

He is nearly 3 meters tall, has two horns growing on his head, and has muscles that seem to explode. The mucus dripping from the mouth made the viewer frown.

'One of the Blue Lion Knights is unable to recover. It is unclear whether the remaining one will survive against Lee Gak.'

I am the only one in this field who can confront that thing.

It's just me, 'Yurian Kraipart Prason'.

'Can I do it?'

Of course, there is no need to do it.

If Eileen successfully repairs Gongmyeongseok, that alone will end this situation.

'It takes at least 7 minutes to replace the resonance stone.'

In other words, you have to hold on to that monster that knocked out a knight with human-level combat power in one blow for more than 7 minutes.

'I have to do it.'

Still, I have no choice but to do it.

Even if you run away from this situation and survive alone, it will only be for a moment.

Literally a desperate situation.

Still, one good thing is that Yurian's body is stronger than imagined.

Eileen recalled how she cut down the demon she was targeting with a single sword.

'It was cut cleanly.'

It was also proof of the tremendous strength possessed by 'Yuri An'.

I even had a rough idea of how to swing the sword thanks to the <Natural Swordsman> trait.

'you can do it.'

I felt hope.

The hope that we might be able to overcome this situation somehow.

I grabbed the handle of the sword and approached Lee Gak.

One step at a time, the closer I got, the more I felt like my eyes were bloodshot from the pressure that I might die.

At the same time, I felt my spirit being lifted.

In the midst of all this, Yurian's body was feeling some kind of joy.

'Because this kid was a battle fanatic.'

It felt like a hot fire.

If I had always hated the character 'Yuri An', I would have excluded this terrible feeling.

But now I have decided to throw myself into this flame.

Otherwise, you can't survive here.

As well as actions and speech.

Even his abilities are perfect!

"Yu, Lord Yurian!"

Pern's urgent cry was heard.

When I raised my head at the sound of that voice, I saw the evil right arm of the two-legged demon.

Nevertheless, it was clearly visible to my eyes.

Where is this headed, what is the purpose,

And where should I take the sword to stop it?

<Amazing intuition>

<A natural swordsman>


As I blocked the demon's hand, an ear-piercing metallic sound echoed around me.

"Ma, I blocked it!"

"I, I blocked this monster's attack!"

I was surprised too.

I never thought I could block it like it was so obvious.

I once again realized that Yurian's physique was so monstrous that ordinary people could not come across it.

<Incomplete Moonlight Sword>

I concentrated my mind and infused the sword with aura.

Then, the light of Yurian's patented 'Moonlight Sword' began to emerge.

"That… … "Moonlight Sword."

Even if they didn't see it in person, there were people who looked into the 'Moonlight Sword' because they had heard rumors about it.

However, it was not satisfactory by my standards.

Because only half of the sword, not the entire body, was bathed in moonlight.

Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the 'Moonlight Sword' was amazing.

From bottom to top. When I swung a vertical cut at this demon, mucus-like blood flowed from its body.


The guy let out a groan as if he was boiling in pain.

Being intelligent enough to command a demon means having a certain amount of reason.

This means that unlike other mobs such as the unconscious and the one-eyed, they can feel pain.

With that in mind, the moment I put pressure on the sword handle.


My body floated away with a dull sound.

He belatedly spit out a handful of blood out of his mouth.

It didn't take long to figure out what was going on.

The guy used the blind spot to kick me in the abdomen.

'It fucking hurts… … !'

At that moment, I cursed under my breath without realizing it.

If it were 'Lee Si-hoo' who lived an ordinary life, the pain was so great that he would have fallen to his knees here.

However, my head was calmer than I imagined.

The obsession of 'If only I had been Yurian' began to change me little by little.


The sound of the air being split by a powerful force struck my ears several times.

Vicious attacks that, if allowed even once, will result in fatal injuries.

It was very difficult to avoid that and swing the sword at the demon's body.

"Wow, that's ridiculous… … ."

"This is the glass eye of 'closed eyes'… … ."

But it was possible now.

I don't know why. I don't even know the principles.

I just swing the sword as my body tells me to.

Every time I cut into the demon's body, slime splattered everywhere.

Because this guy had overwhelming regenerative power, his wounds healed in an instant. However, as the intense pain was steadily accumulating, his body began to gradually become sluggish.

'It doesn't matter if you're strong or weak. 'Because we have no choice but to hesitate in the face of pain.'


A 'purple haze' began to appear above the guy's head.

It is a clear feeling of fear.

"Gong Myeong-seok's repairs are complete! "The barrier will work again soon!"

At the same time as Eileen shouted, I approached the Igak Demon.

As he approached, step by step, his emotions became more vivid.

Eventually, purple light covered the guy's entire body.

Perhaps because of its protective instinct, the Lee Gak Demon kicked the ground and lunged at me.

And that was an opportunity.

The situation was different from before.

A scared guy is definitely not someone to be afraid of.

If you want to kill it in one hit, cut it here.

Just like when I cut down the wooden man at the mansion training ground, I took the blade to the sword road.


⇒ A new attribute, "Perception" has been acquired.


Then, as if the struggle earlier had been a lie, Lee Gak Demon's body was easily split in two.

The soldiers, knights, and Eileen who were watching looked at me in surprise.


Of course, I was surprised too.

Episode 13. Behind the scenes (1)

"Well, the demons are running away!"

After Eileen completed the repairs to the Gongmyeongseok and the Lee Gak Demon who was in charge of it died, the rest of the miscreants began to run away to the outside of the barrier.

"thank god… … ."

"We survived!"

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I glanced at Yurian.

As before, there was no fear of the notoriety of the 'smiling execution squad'.

There was respect and gratitude for the hero who saved everyone from danger.

"Soo, thank you for your hard work. "Lord Yurian."

The eyes of Pern of the Blue Lion Knights were also quite different from when he left the capital.

Although he still regarded 'closed eyes' with disdain.

But I thought differently about the glass in front of me.

The rumors that were hard to believe were true.

Even the elegance that flowed through his body was so noble that it was difficult to dismiss him as a secondary character.

"I will leave it to Lord Perne to sort out the situation. "I'm not used to this kind of thing."

"All right."

"Thank you. Then I guess I'll have to wipe the blood off my sword. "Before stopping here, I found a nice lake."

"Okay, then I'll send a soldier to help."

"No, you don't have to."

"Hehe," Yu-rian said with a short smile and took a step forward.

Fern suddenly remembered that he had been fighting for control of the mission against such a monster.

It was really stupid.

Because it was a meaningless thing like hitting a rock with an egg.

'He killed a monster called Lee Gak Demon single-handedly, and his expression didn't change at all… … .'

Could it be that my heart is made of steel?

Without realizing it, Fern came up with absurd thoughts.

* * *

"Huh... … ."

I sighed as I looked at the narrow-eyed face reflected in the lake.

'I thought I was going to die.'

No, to be exact, I came close to dying.

This is the first demon I've ever seen in real life.

And I never imagined that I would face a monster of the level of 'two angles'.

Anyway, I'm glad I survived in the end.

When I think about that time, I feel bewildered as to what I did.

I put my hand into the water to wash my face.

'The actual battle is more brutal than I thought.'

The feeling of cutting down the demon still lingered in my hands. At the same time, the dizzying emotions I felt at that time began to wash over me.

Evil-looking demons, disgust for them.

Fear of death.

A sense of despair arose upon seeing the powerlessness of this demon.

However, in the reflection of the lake, Yurian was smiling softly with narrowed eyes.

It seemed as if this was nothing, a natural thing to do.

'Does this mean that in order to perfectly digest the glass eye, we have to take this situation for granted?'

impossible. afraid. I want to run away.

Normally it would have been normal to have these feelings, but now I was very calm.

I was even confident that I wouldn't be too upset even if something like this happened again.

Suddenly, I hit my mouth with my hand.

My body was gradually getting used to it, but it seems like the polite language that comes up every now and then is still there.


▶ Characteristic, "See through"

Grade: Unique

▷ You have a very good sense of vision and can easily identify the weak points of your target.

▷ You can more easily recognize the other person's emotions.

▷ You can inflict additional damage to enemies who have feelings of 'fear' towards you.


I washed my hands with water and called up the UI to check my newly acquired characteristics.

The final blow that took the Lee Gak Demon's life away.

The sword road seen just before that.

Perhaps it is thanks to this trait called <Seeing Through>.

It seems that my 'knowledge' and Yurian's 'experience' have become one and appear as a characteristic that shows the other person's weakness.

'If it were a perfect Yurian, it would be easy to defeat the Lee Gak Demon… … .'

I wouldn't have been able to cut it with a single knife like before.

But this trait called <Seeing Through> made it possible. Even I can't use all of Yurian's abilities yet.

'With this, we can embody Yurian's force to some extent.'

I got a good hand.

Because I will be able to perfectly portray the strength that 'Yuri An' possesses.

In that case, it would be nice to worry a little less about the suspicions around me.

"after… … ."

Once my mind was somewhat organized, my heart, which had been pounding for the first time in real life, now calmed down.

And the first thing that came to mind was the perfection of the <Moonlight Sword> used in the battle with the Lee Gak Demon.

When I pulled out the sword, I saw many small but numerous cracks in the body of the sword.

This is a crack that occurred due to infusing a lot of mana all at once.

If I swing it like this a few more times, it's sure to break.

'I guess it means that the power and stability are still not up to the original level.'

However, I did not feel regretful about that fact.

What I learned through this actual battle was not just 'how to fight.' I was also able to figure out how to complete this incomplete moonlight sword.

After sheathing the sword again, I thought.

'If I go back, the first thing I need to do is get ready.'

* * *

Heland, the third son of the Kraipart family, one of the four most prestigious families of the empire.

He swallowed his saliva as he looked at the vicious gazes directed at him.

Noble council of elders.

It is an organization of the nobility that was established to represent the nobles and protect their interests for a long time.

Executives from various families were listed here.

Herand's hair stood on end as he received their gaze.

If you say even one wrong word, your life could be lost.

"So, he figured out our plan?"

"Well, I guess so."

Herand bowed his head and responded to the stern voice.

The noble elders clicked their tongues and pointed their fingers at Herand with faces full of dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it because you were so incompetent that you couldn't hide it properly?"

"S-sorry. Right ball... … ."

"If it weren't for the current family head's bloodline, someone like you would have been kicked out a long time ago."

Orn Kraipart, who currently serves as the chairman of the noble council.

Herand, who received his gaze, lowered his head.

"What is that?"

"This means that when we conduct the 'closed eyes' entrance test in the future, we will not hold the instructor responsible."

Ornn listened carefully to what the other elders said, then frowned.

But the story isn't over yet.

"He also added that even if there were casualties, any act of holding someone responsible should be strictly prohibited under the name of the imperial family."

"Uh huh… … !"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sighing groan came from the mouth of another elder.

Because I frowned so much, my forehead, which was already wrinkled, became even more prominent.

Some didn't even try to hide their displeasure, and some even cursed in low voices.

"If you say it was posted on 'closed eyes,' doesn't that represent Yu-rian's words?"

"you're right. Naturally, it seems that the secretary's office was rejected before being appointed to the imperial family."

Until now, 'Closed Eyes' has never once gone against the royal rules or wanted to modify them.

This is the first time such a proposal has been submitted.

Plus this timing.

It was clear at a glance what the purpose of this proposal was.

"Then, this is…" … ."

"Yes, I think it's probably Yurian's warning."

Orn stroked his beard as if he was dumbfounded by what the others said.

He knows everything.

If you use any more useless moves, I won't sit still.

The reason for submitting that proposal to the secretary's office was probably to issue a warning like this.

"This damn collateral bastard… … "It's not enough to tarnish the name of other nobles and the Kraipart family with your notoriety, so now you're planning to threaten me?"

"On the subject of the imperial dog… … Who dare warn... … ."

"But, right ball. "Isn't it actually a better opportunity?"

Perhaps in an attempt to calm Ornn, who was raising his voice, a middle-aged man suddenly joined the conversation.

"Lord Aiden, what do you mean?"

Aiden, who was considerably younger than the other elders, spoke in a calm tone.

"It is not normal for Yurian, who has only listened to orders from the imperial family, to issue a warning like this. He can now think and move on his own. "If you make a hasty move here, you could end up in trouble."

Yurian's principle of action only required understanding the imperial family's intentions.

But now, if he makes his own decisions and moves, there are many variables to consider.

"So, how about we watch for a while?"

"Are you saying we should just sit back and watch!?"

"What is that! How much of a disgrace would it be to the name of Crypart if we neglected that monster of human depth... … !"

"Be quiet!"

He looked at Aiden's face with a snake-like gaze.

"Please continue speaking."

Aiden nodded politely at Ornn's words and continued speaking.

"It's just my prediction, but there may be a way to use it that's much more useful than driving Yurian to the northern front. "The imperial sword, which used to have no thoughts, has now started to think."

A strong will was felt on Aiden's face as he said that.

* * *

"Old man, your eyes are still straight."

After finishing the elders' meeting, Aiden got into the carriage heading back to his mansion and muttered.

Cold sweat ran down his back.

It was because I had received a snake-like gaze from Orn just a moment ago.

Aiden made a gesture and the carriage began to run.

'The noble council is such a mess.'

The noble council of the Adratan Empire.

This organization was created by executives from numerous families to protect their interests from the imperial family's checks.

However, it was no exaggeration to say that the current noble council was under the control of the Kraipart family.

A single word from the current chairman, the Orn Kraipart, made most of the elders tremble, and there were many cases where every decision resulted in the benefit of the Kraipart family.

Aiden was dissatisfied with the current situation of the council of elders.

Therefore, they did not want the person named 'Yurian' to return to the northern front.

Yurian Kraipart Frasson.

This is truly one of the few tumors that the current Kraipart family has.

"It appears that the rumor that Lord Yurian has lost his memory is a lie."

"It seems so."

"Then, is it okay if we proceed with the recruitment of Lord Yurian again?"

"Well, let's do that. Anyway, if the rumor about him losing his memory is false, he probably remembers what happened. So, let's proceed right away without any unnecessary procedures."


The coachman politely bows his head and answers.

Looking at him, Aiden fell into thought again.

'A monster that can kill even high-ranking demons on its own. If we can bring such a monster to our side, there is nothing more reassuring than that.'

A question arose for Aiden.

The condition given by Yu An's doctor.

The only people who knew about it were members of the Kraipart family.

Nevertheless, the rumor reached the ears of the nobles as if it had wings. As if someone spread it on purpose.

As he thought about it, one possibility occurred to Aiden.

'Maybe it was Yurian himself who spread that rumor.'

When he thought about that, Aiden got goosebumps.

Decorating traps with bait is one of the basics of hunting.

But no hunter sets a trap with himself as bait.

If you do something like that, your life could be in danger.

However, if the guess is correct, Yurian was looking for prey using himself as bait.

Hearing the rumor that he was weakened, he wanted to eradicate all the beasts that would barge in with their teeth.

"He might be crazier than I thought."


"No, it's nothing."

Episode 14. Behind the scenes (2)

The day after completing the mission of escorting Gong Myeong-seok and returning to Jedo (帝都).

I went straight to work at the imperial palace.

I felt like I wanted to rest for a long day, but I was employed by an institution exclusive to the imperial family.

No matter how much Yurian lived, he was loyal to his 'closed eyes' work, so he decided it was right for him to go to work here.

Actually, that was natural.

I passed through the first gate of the Imperial Palace, Gyeongcheonmun (敬天問), and headed towards the Closed Eyes building.

As soon as I arrived at the office, I placed the flower pots I brought in the room.

"This is much better than before."

In the past, the office was decorated with an indescribable aesthetic sense of glass.

After removing all the decorations and putting in a pot of orchids, the place became a little more human-smelling.

Orchids are really good.

In the old days, I couldn't understand this noble hobby.

But as time passed and I came to my senses, I realized that I had taken up this hobby.

Really, no one knows what happens to people.

After looking around the calm office, I walked to the window where the sunlight was shining well.

To my eyes, I could see the imperial palace, which was so artistically artistic that it was selected as one of the seven most spectacular views of the empire, but at the same time, I could see the resonance stones placed here and there and the red-colored magic arts installed on the outskirts.

It is a bloody barrier that turns any intruder, including demons, into ashes.

'How to complete the Moonlight Sword.'

Looking at this, I thought about how to complete Yurian's patented 'Moonlight Sword'.

It certainly showed excellent performance against the Lee Gak Demon, but it was not enough.

'That's why the sword couldn't hold up.'

My eyes turned to the scabbard on the table.

A sword used in escort missions.

It was in such miserable condition that it broke after being used a few times.

Of course, I couldn't use a sword like this, so I brought a new sword from the mansion.

'Although I defeated this demon, it is inevitable that I will encounter stronger enemies in the future. Therefore, completing the Moonlight Sword is the top priority.'

The fortunate part is that I vaguely realized the method through this practical experience.


As I was looking at the flower pot I had brought with a happy face, someone knocked on the door.

When I asked them to come inside, Lazrot, the apprentice of 'Closed Eyes', appeared.

His voice was still very frightened and his expression was contemplative.

It's sad to see him shrinking to the point where people feel sorry for him.

No, I think I did something wrong.

"As you requested, I brought you jewels from the inner chambers of the imperial palace!"

"Well done."

I smiled lightly at Lazrot's words.

After that, he gestured and instructed me to put it on the table.

He whined and placed the box containing the jewels on the table.

Jewels that shine softly as if asking for recognition of their worth.

I reached into the case and started checking each gem one by one.

"By the way, Lord Yurian… … "What are you planning to do with all these jewels?"

When I glanced at Lazrot, who was curious, his eyes wavered back and forth, unable to figure out what to do.

"To find a gem that matches my mana wave."

I told Lazrot the reason.

Because it was something that didn't need to be kept secret.

"You mean the wave of mana?"

"yes. The mana flowing in the body has different properties for each person. "Even if you're an apprentice, you probably know that much, right?"

Lazrot nodded.

Then he searched inside his chest, took out a notebook and pen, and started writing down what I said.

"That's why each wizard's specialty is magic, and each knight's auror ability and color are different."

Lazrot nods and writes down again.

It felt like he was giving a lecture, even though he was simply explaining the settings in the game.

While receiving longing glances, I took out a piece of jewelry.

"Every substance in this world has the ability to accept mana. Among them, these gems have the highest mana conductivity and capacity."

As the mana was infused, the ruby's color began to stand out more.

"Well, I see."

"However, this is what happens if it has the opposite quality to your mana."


The ruby infused with mana began to crack.

"Ah, ah!"

A sigh escaped Lazrot's mouth when he saw the crack.

I was surprised and at the same time felt like it was a waste.

"That's why wizards call the properties of mana elements and classify them into five colors. So that we can understand the nature of mana more clearly and clearly."

While explaining, I found a gem in the box that was as blue as moonlight.

I picked it up and infused it with mana as well.

The blue glow of the moonstone began to stand out.

However, there were no cracks like Ruby did.

This is probably the gem that has the most similar properties to the mana in the glass.

"Just as wizards can use gems to use spells, knights can also use gems. "Mana blood" is engraved on the sword so that you can use the auror more easily."

"Well, then me too… … Will I be able to use Aurors!?"

"That would be possible."

Lazrot's face brightened at my words.

"If only I had that much mana."

But soon his face darkened.

Yurian's body possessed enough mana that he could be called a wizard.

Thanks to that, it was possible to use this method, and it was clear that it was a method that other knights could not even think of.

The reason why the current <Moonlight Sword> is lacking compared to the original is probably because the mana of 'Yurian' cannot be perfectly transferred to the sword.

In that case, if a path called 'Mana Blood' is created there, it will be able to be delivered much more easily than before.

I put the moonstone back in the box.

This is an item borrowed from the imperial palace.

So I had to send it back.

"Then, please return all these jewels to the store."

"I understand, Lord Yurian."

While giving instructions and thinking about how to secure new moonstones.

"But Lord Yurian… … ."

Lazrot remained in his seat, looking at me with a disapproving expression.

"This ruby… … "It's broken, what should I do?"


It was a ruby that cracked during the first experiment earlier.

But that doesn't mean I have the ability to fix the shattered jewel.

"Take that instead."


Can not help it. We have no choice but to provide replacement items.

I pointed to the crafts stuck in the corner.

Artworks with a strange aesthetic sense that Yurian used to decorate his office. That was it.

"Will my and my employees accept this?" … ?"

Lazrot seemed unconvinced, but these items were true luxury goods.

Yurian was born with an ego that showed off himself and used most of his salary to purchase luxury goods.

There are certainly things that are worth more than jewels.

If you still don't believe it, let me add one thing.

"Yu, what is the name of the glass glasses?"


* * *

Yurian Kraipart Frasson.

I actually had no idea how great the position this name had in 'Closed Eyes'.

It was thanks to a conversation with none other than the leader, Oddwin, that I realized his position.

I am in a position where I have to leave the place for a while to save the moonstone.

When I told this to Oddwin, the answer I got back was shocking.

"When did you say something and then disappear…?" … ?"

What kind of life have you been living, Yurian?

And what kind of life has Odwin, who speaks as if he were aloof, been living?

In any case, rather than pity, the priority is to complete the 'Moonlight Sword' in order to survive.

But before that, there was a place to stop by.

'Before you leave, please stop by the imperial secretariat. I don't know what the reason is this time, but they said they wanted to hear the report on this mission in person.'

The imperial secretariat said that they would like to hear directly about the circumstances of this mission.

There is one thing I can guess about the reason.

Speaking as a member of the general 'Closed Eyes' crew, it was impossible, but 'Yurian' was an exceptional person even in this imperial institution.

To put it in a good way, it is a companion, and in a bad way, it is a good dog to use.

So, they want to check with their own eyes what the condition is like.

Again, again, again──.

The corridors of the imperial palace were cleaned so well that faces were reflected on the floor.

"This is the glass eye of 'Closed Eyes.' "I came to see Lord Seden Orvian in the secretary's office."

Those in positions such as the imperial secretary had higher power than most nobles, so there was a separate building assigned to them.

When I told the secretarial staff the name of 'Sedon Orbian', the imperial secretary who called me, she smiled and said:

"Currently, Seden is away due to a passenger. He said it wouldn't take long, so he asked me to wait in the waiting room for a little while if Sir Yurian comes."

"All right."

As I headed to the waiting room with guidance from the staff, the first thing that caught my eye was the interior of the gorgeous room.

It could be said to be a classic splendor, quite different from Yurian's aesthetic sense.

"… … "What about that?"

Meanwhile, a sword sheath placed in the corner catches my attention.

Contrary to the sophisticated atmosphere, the rugged scabbard shape gave a strong feeling of being out of place due to the contrast.

"I think it was probably an item that the passenger's companion had with him."

I guess that person had a companion.

By the way, what is a sword?

I tilted my head and slowly approached the sheath that was ruining the atmosphere of the waiting room.

"That sounds familiar."

My first impression was that this sword was very familiar to me.

As I lifted the sheath, the strange feeling of déjà vu that tickled my memory grew even stronger.

"A strong body lives in a strong mind."

When I read the words written on the edge of the sheath, I was able to understand the identity of the 'déjà vu' that had been bothering me from a while ago.

"Let go of that sword right now. "You pervert."

A venomous voice suddenly came from behind me.

There was a guess as to who the owner of this scabbard was.

Even without looking back, I could tell who the owner of the voice was.

When I turned my head to confirm my guess, my prediction turned into certainty.

Long hair with sophisticated golden hair hanging down her back. And, eyes reminiscent of emeralds.

Although there was a hint of displeasure in her eyes, it was impossible to fade her appearance.

"It's been a long time, Rinne Rondvel."

Linne Rondvel.

She is the daughter of the Rondvel family, one of the prestigious knight families of the Adratan Empire, and, like Yurian, one of the greatest disciples of the sword master Haydn Reich.

And, in the DLC trailer, he is the main character who dies at the hands of 'Yurian Kraipart Prason'.

Episode 15 Rinne Rondvel (1)

There are many words to describe the character Rinne Rondvel.

If I had to pick just one of them, it would be this.

Gyeonggukjisaek (傾國之色).

Linnaeus' appearance was outstanding.

The appearance flowing from the whole body attracted the man's heart.

Thanks to her personality of following the main character 'Haydnreich', the player's representative, she always ranked high in popularity polls among players.

The actual appearance was also significant.

If I wasn't Yurian, I would have tried to become friends right away.

But I can't.

Because I am a disciple who is similar to his teacher.

Naturally, there was no way he would have a friendly relationship with her, who followed his teacher, Haydn Reich.

Anyway, the reason she appeared was easy to predict.

The scabbard I am holding in my hand belongs to 'Haydn Reich.'

"It's okay to say hello. Please return Master's sword."

I knew it.

Rinne was disgusted and made a gesture asking for the sword to be returned.

"It looks like Master stopped by the imperial palace?"

"What does that have to do with you?"

"I was just asking, Rinne. Sir Haydn is also my teacher."

I returned the sheath to Rinne.

I had no intention of getting it, I just checked it out of curiosity.

After that, I sat down and waited to be called.

'It stings.'

The stares coming from the opposite end are very stinging.

He crosses his arms and looks elsewhere as if he doesn't care, but I can feel his gaze glancing in my direction from time to time.

I'll try my best to pretend it's not happening, but I'll be very nervous.

Linnaeus was prouder than anyone else of being a disciple of Haydn Reich.

It is no exaggeration to say that for her, Haydn Reich is everything in her life.

However, doesn't Yurian completely deny Haydn's thoughts and teachings?

'The good news is that we are not as ignorant of the situation as we were with Eileen.'

Linnaeus' emotion seen through <The Color of Denial> was red, meaning 'anger.'

It was my first time experiencing emotions other than fear, but I wasn't embarrassed.

The explicit feeling of knowing the situation is in some ways reassuring. Anyway, I am well aware of the limits of her attitude and actions that begin with those emotions.

'I won't move unless I cross the line first.'

In that respect, Linnaeus is not something to be wary of.

He definitely shows hostility towards me, but he is literally just a dog barking with a leash attached.

Of course, the leash is Haydn Reich.

As long as Rinne is by his side, even if I don't like him, I can't lay a hand on him.

'Because Haydn Reich wouldn't want that.'

Although he is described as an outstanding person who will surpass Yu An in the future, he is still only a rookie.

"Linne Rondvel, Lord Haydn Reich is calling."

The one-sided hostility in silence was ended by the secretarial staff.

Rinne stood up, hugging her sword sheath.

It was obvious that he was in a hurry, as if he didn't want to be here even for a second.

Linnaeus said goodbye in the same harsh tone as the first time.

"Don't be too cold. "Don't we have the same teacher, Miss Linnaeus?"

Rinne gave me a cold look at my answer.

It looks like Yu-Ran's acting was spot on.

She left the waiting room without any answer.

* * *

The reason why the Imperial Secretary personally called me was as I expected.

In addition to the mission report, it was to confirm it with my own eyes.

Maybe that's why the mission report was a formality, and we only ended up talking about trivial things, such as whether I was okay and how my injuries were.

After finishing my business, I left the imperial palace and headed to Jedo (帝都).

'It would be better to finish it now.'

As the weapon had not been able to support it until now, it was necessary to adjust the weapon at this time.

Currently, the most effective method is to use gems to carve mana points into the sword blade.

Of course, just any gem won't work.

As I confirmed previously, I needed the moonstone that best suited me.

As far as I know, moonstones are handled by precious metals dealers. If you ask there, you might be able to get it.

'It's crowded.'

The Adratan Empire was one of the most populous on the continent, so the islands were crowded with people. Finding your destination among these is not easy.

'I'm glad I have directions.'

Take out the directions given to you by the user, check them, and start walking.

Yurian, who was very self-aggrandizing, was as interested in jewelry as he was in crafts. There seems to be a jewelry store that I have been frequenting for a long time, and I was able to get a map showing the location from the store owner.

"Lord Yurian, long time no see! "Are you okay?"

As I entered the jewelry store, a middle-aged man wearing a monocle greeted me with a smile.

Judging by the reactions, it seems like they are definitely regulars.

"I would like to purchase a moonstone."

"You mean the moonstone?"


The jewelry store owner was embarrassed.

"that is… … "We do not handle moonstones."

"Is that so?"

Too bad.

But I was convinced.

In this world, moonstone was difficult to obtain, but it was an item with little demand.

Letting out a slightly sighing sigh, the store owner broke into a cold sweat and grinned.

A 'purple haze' shimmered above his head.

"Well, if it's Lord Yurian's request, I'll do my best to get it."

"Is that possible?"

"yes… … It may be difficult, but I will take care of it."

In times like these, notoriety can be helpful.

Anyway, it's a good thing.

To be honest, if I try to save it on my own, I will have a hard time.

After finishing my business, I returned to the office.

"What is all this?"

There were many documents piled up on the desk.

In addition to business documents to be processed, there were also personal documents taken from the mansion. A management fee bill, a registration fee for a weird art association, etc.

'What kind of art association is this? … .

I threw the useless documents into the trash can.

At that time, Lazrot came inside with a knock.

"Lord Yurian! Oh, Captain Oddwin is calling!"


I didn't know what the reason was, but I answered that I understood and headed to the manager's office.

"Yurian, it's a mission."

also? How long has it been since you came back?

When I asked her what was going on, she said that information had come in that a demon had appeared in the 'regime slums'. She was ordered to investigate.

I felt strange there.

"Is there any reason why we should care about the lowly poor?"

He asked in a deliberately harsh tone. Since when did the imperial family start paying attention to that?

Demon appearance information is a problem, but it does not appear immediately and cause problems. An actual investigation could have ended in suspicion.

Especially since that place is a slum.

It is a place where the imperial family does not care at all.

Even if it moves, it will only move after the actual demon appears.

"I thought that was strange too, so I asked. Because the imperial family doesn't care about slums."

I think I already asked Oddwin if he thought the same way as me.

Slums are like remnants created when an empire annexed another country by force.

The eastern slums are where people who do not believe in the empire's mainstream culture or religion, and who are even of different races, gather and form after being denied entry into the system.

"If the imperial family reached out to the slums, there would be so many people who would object. "It doesn't seem like he has any intention of doing that in the first place."

"It seems that Lord Haydn Reich asked for it. "They are asking the imperial family to send someone to confirm the truth about the rumor about the appearance of a demon."


When the main character's name came up, I sighed inwardly.

It's not a good idea to get involved with him at this point.

Even though Yurian is not a complete person, getting involved with the main character of a drama is more harmful than good. Plus, the relationship isn't that good.

'But I can't just refuse.'

Once a formal request has been received, it is not a good idea to refuse it.

To begin with, if it were Yurian, he wouldn't have cared much whether the main character was involved.

"Sending a knight would be too noticeable, so we decided to send one from 'Closed Eyes.' "I don't think Lord Haydn will come in person."

"Is it by any chance that someone other than Master is coming?"

"Maybe. "It seemed like that would be the case based on the information I received from the secretary's office."

Oddwin's words made me feel a little at ease.

Our main character was not a person who moved in an organized manner with someone under him.

That means… … .

'Are you planning on letting Rinne gain experience?'

Probably for sure.

After disowning Yurian, he appointed Rinne as his best disciple and was putting all his effort into training her.

Suddenly, I remembered what she said when we parted ways.

'I'll go first, Lord Yurian. Let's make sure we don't run into each other again.'

Since you said that, isn't this how we'll meet again?

* * *

"It seemed like he was telling me not to see him again."

Linne Rondvel speaks in a loud voice.

"How can life go the way you want it to?"

"I don't want to hear it. I don't need you on this patrol mission. You don't have to follow me. No, don't follow me."

"This is something that the Master personally asked me to do. Are you saying we should break that?"

"Well, that's… … "

Her brusque attitude deteriorated.

When the main character falls, he can't say a word.

It truly was a magic word.

I left Rinne behind, who had become quiet, and checked the contents of the order again.

The location is a slum, and the appearance of a demon is suspected, so investigate. It's the same as what I heard before.

"But why is it just the two of us? "If it's a demon suppression mission, shouldn't soldiers also come along?"

"To be precise, this is an investigation, not a subjugation. "It's probably because I don't want to cause any fuss."


I suddenly became speechless and turned my head.

"I never thought you could talk normally."


No, the image was that bad?

How self-indulgent is this that you react like that to such an obvious opinion... … .

I sighed slightly and started walking, and Rinne followed with a dissatisfied look on his face.

'Anyway, I hope this mission ends with the investigation.'

It is yet to obtain proper force.

The situation is the same as the last escort mission, but since Rinne, who is the protagonist's student and is hostile to me, is by my side, I have to be more careful than before.

To be honest, I hope that it will not be a situation where we have to go to the extent of 'subjugation'.


While I was checking the location written in the instructions, Rinne passed me and started to run ahead. She saw the sign ahead and decided to turn right.


"It's not that way. The streets of the slums are jumbled and twisted due to unauthorized and illegal expansion. "If you trust the signs, you will get lost."

He stopped and looked at me intently.

There is a clear look of suspicion.

I smiled to give him confidence, but it didn't take long to realize it was a mistake.

"Then why is this sign there? "I think it is at least more accurate than what Lord Yurian, who is not from here, said."

In front of the villain's smile, Rinne's hostility grew even stronger.

"I know that you want to surpass Master's reputation. So, I guess you participated in this mission as well. "I want to spread the word that I trampled on the best disciple of the current sword master."


"You need to be able to distinguish between public life and life. "What do I do if I bring selfishness into my work?"

With those words, Rinne began to walk.

Even if I tell you, I won't believe you.

Anyway, the road is on the left.

This eastern slum area is a wailing wall that players of <Let's Kill the Demon King Now> will feel at least once.

I saw many users giving up here because of the maze-like twists and turns.

Of course, as someone who has been there several times, I know this place well.

'It was really cute from Haydn Reich's perspective.'

It was really cute to see her prick up her ears whenever she did something and write down a story.

Of course, from my point of view, I'm an obnoxious person who tackles you every time you say something.

As I watched Rinne walking away, I stroked my hair once.

And slowly started walking after him.

Episode 16. Lind Rondvel (2)

The streets of a slum are dark, with old stains visible here and there, and lighting that is not properly turned on.

Rinne looked at the man who was following him.

The squinted-eyed man was showing off his elegant and simple appearance.

But Linnaeus knew that it was a mask to hide his true nature.

The man's name is Yurian Kraifat Frasson.

He is a degenerate who abandoned the teachings of his teacher, Haydn Reich, and became the imperial dog.

When Rinne saw that he was following her, she clicked her tongue inwardly.

'Even though I said that, you still don't understand me?'

Just now.

Rinne signaled to Yurian to stop blushing and do their own thing.

Of course, there was no way that cunning human could not have understood the signal.

"Aren't we all serving the same teacher? "Please don't be too cold-hearted."

Another sound that I didn't even know.

Rinne snorted inwardly.

He is a man with a strong desire for self-expression.

I extremely disliked the term 'Haydn Reich's disciple' that followed me like a shadow. At the same time, he also had a stronger wish than anything else for being 'Geomseong (劍星)', the title of the highest swordsman.

To put it mildly, when Haydn excommunicated Yurian, he even spoke of life and death.


He wanted to overcome the barrier of his teacher, 'Haydn Reich.' Even if it means turning your teacher into an enemy.

But for a person like that to talk about a priestly relationship is laughable.

In the end, Rinne frowned and spoke.

"Miss Linnaeus, it would be difficult for me to say that. "It's a mission, right?"

Seeing that smile sent shivers down Rinne's spine.

I had no idea what he was thinking behind that creepy smile.

Never mind.

Rinne ignored it as if he had not seen it and read the instructions again.

'There are signs of a demon haunting the slums, so investigate.'

The location is Area 034A.

The mission began with arriving at a section of the slums.

Rinnaeus walked through the dirty streets of the slums with refreshing steps.

Soon, a tricky sign caught my eye.

"uh… … ?"

However, the number written on the next sign is 011C.

If it were in order, area 032A should have appeared, right?

Linnaeus was very embarrassed.

Immediately a voice came from behind.

"Hehe, I told you, right? "Due to illegal expansion, signs do not serve as landmarks in this slum area."

Yurian's voice.

The tone of voice was no different from usual, but due to the situation, it felt more obnoxious than usual.

"Don't meddle for nothing. And, if you know so well, why don't you go alone instead of following me?"

After speaking sharply, she tries to move on.

However, rather than getting closer to the destination road 034A, the signs that appeared one after another gradually moved further away.


When they finally returned to the starting point, Rinne stamped his feet and got angry. Meanwhile, Yurian was following behind.

If we continue like this, we may not reach our destination before the end of the day.

When that thought occurred to Rinne, he glanced at Yurian, who was following him.

From the way he spoke, it seemed like he knew the geography of this place. If so, wouldn't it be possible to reach your destination if you wait quietly and follow it?

'I don't want to die.'

But that doesn't make him stand out as the only disciple of his master. Especially, I can't lose to that traitor even if I die.

Yurian, he is a person who possesses such incredible talent that even 'Sword Master' Haydn Reich recognizes him.

I hate to admit it, but Rinne knew it too.

Clean strides that are not used carelessly, perfect breathing, and a ferocious killing power that can be recognized automatically by anyone who walks the path of the sword.

It is not something that is 'acquired', but something that is 'born'.

'Even if I die.'

Therefore, Rinne, a disciple of the 'Sword Saint', was always compared to Yurian.

If it had been him, he would have done it.

If it were him, it would be natural.

If it had been him, if it had been him.

After she began walking the path of the sword to take revenge on the church, the words she heard over and over again, 'If only it had been him', touched her pride like a bug.

'I will do it alone. Even if I fail the mission, I won't open my hands to you.'

Maybe that 'smiling execution platform' is waiting.

To break your pride and open your hands to yourself.

I thought that 'Yurian' could do that.

Because he was a man with a terrible heart.

At that time, a shirtless man lying on the street spoke up.

Judging by his shabby clothing and appearance, and his uncomfortable posture, it was clear that he was incompetent.

"I can't show you the way because I'm physically uncomfortable, but as soon as you pass that road, turn left at the first alley you see and you'll find the building. "If the people there don't know much about the surrounding area, ask them."

"… … "Is there a guide in this town?"

"Because it's such a complicated place."

He barely supported his body with his limping foot and pointed in the direction.

In this difficult world, there is no favor without expectation of reward, and there is no giving without reason.

Linnaeus also knew that one should not easily trust the good intentions of strangers.

However, the thought that she should not be looked down upon by 'Yuri-ian' continued to urge her.

"thank you!"

For a moment, a flame of desire burned in the beggar's eyes, but Linnaeus did not notice.

"You saw it, right? "I can complete this mission without your help."

"Miss Linnaeus, you are amazing."

Yurian shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Rinne speaking triumphantly.

Rinne almost frowned, but when he saw the place the old man had explained to him a moment ago, he hid his expression as best as he could.

* * *

There are three large criminal organizations in the Adratan Empire.

Among them, the name of the organization that mainly operates in slums not managed by the imperial family is 'Six Fingers'.

Including human trafficking, assassination, smuggling, theft and gambling.

As expected from a criminal organization, there was a gathering of people without blood or tears who would do anything to make money.

'Stupid bastards.'

The slums, which were far from the reach of the empire's high public power, had correspondingly poor public security.

Even if one or two people disappeared, there were people who didn't think it was strange and even pointed fingers at them for not being able to protect themselves from danger.

It worked the same way for people coming in from outside.

Anyone who enters this maze-like place for the first time is likely to get lost, and quite a few people go missing as a result. Naturally, most of them were carried out by criminal organizations.

'As for the man… … It's okay, but the woman... … .'

Vaden smiled inwardly as he looked at the blonde woman, Rinne.

Her appearance is so beautiful that the phrase "Gyeonggukjisaek (傾國之色)" comes to mind.

The desire to knead that pure white skin with his hands seemed to be boiling in Baden's stomach.

"Uh huh… … ."

At Rinne's words, Baden let out a short sigh. Then he casually took out three cups and poured coffee.

Of course, the cups were specially ordered, except for Baden's.

It was a special cup that made water from the sleeping plant gush out from underneath when hot water came into contact with it.

Baden drank his coffee first to avoid suspicion. And then he continued speaking immediately. It doesn't give you time to think nonsense.

"If you go to road 034A, it will cost 300 won as a guide fee. Do you have the money?"

Human beings are extremely sensitive to good intentions without a clear purpose, but their response becomes somewhat dull to good intentions that seek a certain reward.

Because you can clearly see what the other person is aiming for.

In other words, it is about knowing what the other person is thinking and feeling reassured.

"300 nars… … , all right."

The reason you act defenselessly is because you think it is a 'contract' where the other person wants 'money' as compensation.

But Baden's purpose was not 'money'.

It was her, 'Linne' herself.

Bayden swallowed his saliva as he looked at Rinne's face as he raised the cup to his mouth.


Meanwhile, a hand suddenly intervened and snatched Rinne's glass and placed it roughly on the table.

Just as Baden was frowning.

The narrow-eyed man walked slowly and grabbed the handle of the kettle.


He just threw it at Baden.

"W-what are you doing, you bastard!"

Baden, covered in the contents of the boiling kettle, cursed harshly.

"This, this, crazy…" … !"

"Lord Yurian, what are you doing now!?"

Hearing the man's name, Baden stiffened like a corpse.

'In glass? 'You're Yurian now?'

Cold sweat began to trickle down Baden's back.

Smiling execution squad.

As the imperial dog, he is a vicious nobleman who cuts down both nobles and commoners without discrimination.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no one in the empire who does not know its notoriety.

'No, even if that were the case, could it be that the smiling man in front of my eyes was on the scaffold?'

Baden thought so.

"I thought there were impurities in the drink. "It was a confirmation process."

"It doesn't seem like there was any tampering with the drink, it looks like there was tampering with the cup."

"Well, what is that…" … ."

"If not, try drinking from the cup you gave us."

The narrow-eyed man picked up the cup and handed it to Baden.

"uh… … ?"

As he hesitated, doubt appeared in Rinne's eyes.

Baden cursed under his breath and made up his mind to call the gang members stationed nearby. That moment.


The squinted-eyed man quietly took out a coin from his wallet and placed it on the table.

"You said the guide fee was 300 Nars, right? Otherwise... … ."


The amount piled up on the table was 1200 Nars.

"Do we also need to calculate the share of the three guards stationed nearby?"


His tone of voice was as quiet as a lake illuminated by a moonlit night.

There is more than just one meaning implied in a short word.

A sense that allows you to instantly recognize secretly placed members of an organization. And the courage to enter this house even though you knew they existed.

It is probably clear that he is extremely confident in his abilities.

'Well, that means… … .'

They say that the man in front of them may be the person with a terrifying and terrifying reputation.

"What would you like to do?"

A quiet voice.

The money in front of you is not just a 'request'.

This is no money.

These are the 'lives' of the four people who are here now.

"my… … What should I do?"

Vaden gave in.

The only way to live was to accept it.

"Location of Road 034A, information about recent incidents that occurred on Road 034A."

It was impossible to find charity in a gentle smile.

What you can see is a deep abyss.

A swamp that you can't escape from.

Vaden trembled.

I sincerely hope that this situation will end.

"And please turn yourself in. "It's simple, right?"

Episode 17 Rinne Rondvel (3)

A splendid institution reminiscent of a night city.

If you turn to the east of the center, there is a huge slum not far away.

The reason for the creation of this slum was that the Adratan Empire annexed other countries by force rather than by agreement.

Excessive war of conquest.

Although most of them were victorious, this was the place where the bloodshed that occurred in the process and the subjects who could not adapt to the empire's culture and system after the war gathered away from the center of the capital.

Perhaps, this social structure will not change while this emperor is on the throne.

With that thought in mind, I looked at the sign right next to it that said Road 034A.

'Is this place?'

This is a road that has been reported to be haunted by demons.

After reading the sign, I took out the directions I had received from a man named 'Baden'.

The slums are areas where the imperial family is not heavily involved.

A man named 'Baden' was a member of a criminal organization that ruled this slum.

They knew most of what happened in this slum intimately. Of course, I seemed to have a vague idea of what was happening on this road, 034A.

The map briefly described incidents and accidents that occurred in this area.

"How did you know?"

As I was briefly looking at the map and trying to check the places I had been eyeing before coming here, Rinne, who had been following me, spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"That means there are other people hiding in that house."

Rinnaeus' emerald eyes were filled with doubt. At the same time, she also has a reluctance to ask herself anything.

"Are you curious?"

She nodded surprisingly honestly.

Linne Rondvel.

She believes that everyone has something to learn from.

No matter how infamous Yurian is, his skills are real.

She, who prioritizes 'phenomena' over 'people', asked Yu-rian, whom she hates so much, to learn from her.

I didn't like that attitude.

Of course, it would be better if there was no hostility.

"Mana detection."

"Mana… … detect?"

"All life, all objects, all phenomena, and all things are bound to contain mana. And, mana tends to react greatly to other mana."

"Mana… … "It reacts to different mana."

"Before entering the house, I used 2 'major blood vessels' out of 38 'mana blood vessels' to send calm mana to the surroundings. That's how we were able to confirm where the other person was hiding."

"Like ultrasound waves in bats?"

"I wonder if such a method is possible…" … ."

Looking at her muttering to herself, I laughed to myself.

In fact, this method is mainly used by 'wizards' rather than the method used by 'Yurians'.

Since I had some knowledge of the setting of <Let's Kill the Demon King From Now>, I knew that I could sense my surroundings through this method.

'I didn't know it would be this easy.'

Perhaps it is possible because there is so much mana in the glass that it overflows.

Originally, knights used their unique intuition or intuition to determine the location of hidden enemies, but now I was not a perfect 'Yuriian'. So, we have to make it possible in this way.

"But you asked the man earlier about his housing situation, not about the accident that happened on Road 034A, right?"

As if the questions weren't over yet, Rinne opened her mouth again.

My gaze was focused on the 'map' I was holding.

"I guess we came here to investigate not who lives on Road 034A, but whether a demon has appeared here or not?"

"Of course it is for that purpose."

"… … For that?"

When I smile, she frowns instead.

"How much do you know about <demonization >?"

"… … Who do you think is a fool? "If the thoughts left behind by the Demon God Barbatos become parasitic on a non-human organism, that person becomes a 'demon,' right?"

"Who said that humans cannot be 'demonized'?"

"Because that's the social norm. "I've never seen anything like that before."

"It will be hard to see. "It must be a very rare case."

Rinne kept his mouth shut.

I continue talking.

"No matter how much it is a slum, it is a place adjacent to the capital where Gongmyeongstone is plastered all over the place. For a demon to arise in such a place, natural occurrence would be impossible. "Small animals won't have an easy time growing up due to their small size."

As Rinne continued speaking, Rinne's expression hardened.

"What do you want to say? According to what you say, are you saying that there is no natural or parasitic occurrence? "Is it because there is no one in the slums that can serve as a host for a demon?"

"It can't be. "Aren't the things scattered around here hosts?"

As Rinne took a look around, bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

"That means, Lord Yurian, there is currently a human in this area who is undergoing <demonization >. "Is that what you want to say?"


"That's ridiculous!"

Judging by Linnaeus's loud denial, it appears that it has not yet been revealed that humans are also subject to <demonization > at this time.

"Humans do not become <demonized >. You said that it is a social norm, but that is a 'groundless expectation' that it would be good to continue."

"… … Let's say so. So what does that have to do with housing conditions?"

It was a little annoying to have to explain everything one by one, but since it was a fact that hadn't been revealed yet, there was definitely a need to explain.

"Humans who have begun to undergo <demonization > experience high fever. "What is written on this map right now is the organization that controls this road, 'Six Fingers,' and it lists houses that have taken fever reducers."


I waved the directions in my hand.

"I went to three places in one week. You just have to look around these places. "It's something that can be done in one day."

Rinne's dissatisfied face is followed by the question, 'What if not?'

"If not, we will act separately from the next day as Miss Linnaeus wants."

This girl is really annoying in one way or another.

* * *