
Villains Harem

A/N: The synopsis is WIP, I wrote it after writing the first chapter. It will change in a few chapters as more details are revealed about the story. _______ One fateful night, Kaylus fell from the sky, striking a large creature. Getting up Kaylus dusted himself off before being awoken to the reality that he was no longer on the earth he knew, by a loud roar by an enraged creature he had struck moments prior. After a brief fight with the creature, Kaylus had pushed the creature to its edge. Feeling threatened, it used its last Hail Mary attack. Kaylus planned to avoid the attack but in the last moment he had spotted a young fox eared girl who had collapsed on the forest floor. He rushed in front of her, blocking the creature's attack. Turning around and seeing the girl was alright, Kaylus collapsed. As he woke up he found himself in a luxurious room. Not long after someone had walked into the room before running back out. Then light footsteps could be heard running towards the room and the fox eared girl from earlier showed up, and revealed her name which is Maya. The two ended up chatting for a while, but throughout the entire conversation Kaylus couldn't help but feel like the little fox was up to something. Come and read as Kaylus discovers more about the new world he is in, his place within it and what the crafty little fox has in store for the future. --------- The cover art is of Maya.

NotASheep · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

A streak of light flew across the night sky illuminating the forest beneath it.

The streak flew closer and closer towards the ground until it struck something knocking it towards the ground and tumbling itself across the ground before stopping at a tree.

"Ugh" a groan came from where the mysterious streak had crashed. As the dust cleared their appearance became more clear and visible.

The cause of the mysterious streak or rather the streak itself turned out to be a young man. From the looks of it, he couldn't be over 18 years of age.

He had long blonde hair and red eyes while wearing a black shirt and trousers with a golden belt and silver trim on the clothing.

Over that he was wearing a slightly torn and tattered white robe with red trim. On the back of his robe and clothes was a big melon-sized hole.

Getting up the man grabbed his head as he mumbled under his nose.

"What's going on, where am I?"

He shook his head slightly and started to gain his bearings on things.

He looked around and realized he was in a forest, the surrounding area was slightly destroyed, with trees having been broken all over the area.

He finally looked down at his clothing and noticed that something was off. He wasn't wearing the standard jeans and hoodie he was used to.

"Huh? What are these clothes?..." he thought to himself as he familiarized himself with his clothing.

Being a bright individual he quickly realized what his situation was.

"Either I'm hallucinating or I got the wish of every weeb out there and got transported into another world"

He chucked to himself before continuing his thought process.


Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to think as suddenly a loud roar interrupted any thoughts he might have been having.

Standing in front of him was a huge 5 meters tall white creature. Its body was that of a bear with huge claws and arms and legs the size of tree trunks while its head was that of an owl.

Alongside having thick fur it also had a protective layer of feathers near its head and neck. The feathers were around a footlong and looked extremely tough while their razor-sharp edges glistened under the moonlight.

The beast looked as if it had just been fighting something, its head looked as if it were injured and there were some signs of blood on its claws.


The force from the roar caused the young man to stumble backwards.

A smile appeared on his face as the adrenaline started pumping. He could feel himself getting excited.

He didn't know why but for some reason he wasn't afraid as if his body instinctively knew he would be fine.

Either way, he knew that he had no chance of outrunning this creature so that left him with only one option which was to fight.

He had no clue as to how he would accomplish the feat of defeating a beast of this size with no prior experience but at this point, he had nothing to lose.

The creature, seeing the determination in the tiny human's eyes roared once more before rushing at him.

Being only around 20 or 30 meters away the creature got close enough to take a swing at the human.

It swung its claw at the man's head and torso, fortunately, he narrowly managed to avoid it. The shockwave from the attack had caused a shockwave that caused a few trees that were in its direction to shatter and explode.

"Ha ha, you're really trying to kill me aren't ya, ya oversized plush toy?" Cold sweat went down his spine as he became more determined.

The owlbear started to swing its other arm this time aiming from the top.

The man rushed forward in this instance kicking himself off the ground and moving up towards the owlbear before striking it in its stomach.

The strike sent the owlbear flying backwards a few meters before tumbling across the forest floor.

The beast got up and looked enraged, the force of the punch was enough to cause some internal damage. While not enough to be threatening it was definitely enough to enrage the beast.

It got up again and ran at the man on all fours with its speed surpassing what it was before. In a blink of an eye, it was swinging once again at the man.

Its attack had connected but the man had managed to block it with his arms. He was pushed back a few feet, his arms were sore and his sleeves were slightly torn.

This didn't stop a smile from appearing on his face.

"Ugh, that really hurt" He managed to get the words out through the pain.

He started to worry that he couldn't survive this ordeal and seemingly out of nowhere, he had an idea he picked up a long stick and started to swing it around slightly.

The beast curious as to what was going on halted its attack and cautiously circled the man.

Something inside him told him what to do, so despite it seeming insane, he chose to follow the little voice in the back of his head and placed the stick in the palm of his hand and imagined it floating.

An invisible force started to surround the stick, slowly the same force went towards various broken branches and sticks scattered around the nearby vicinity.

They all started to slowly rise in the air. As this happened the ends of them were suddenly snapped off creating tens of small wooden spears.

All in a moment's notice the owlbear found itself in a predicament. Being an intelligent creature it knew that it was in trouble. The wooden sticks, now makeshift spears were floating around it in large numbers emanating energy that felt intimidating to even such a large and dangerous creature.

It now regretted not attacking the man while he was behaving curiously, as the saying goes. Curiosity killed the cat, or in this case the owlbear.

The owlbear got into a defensive position with it its feathers pointing outwards.

The man and the owlbear looked into each other's eyes, both knowing that the next move would be the last.

"Any last words?"

*ROAR* as if the owlbear understood what the man had said it roared one last time before pawing at the ground and snorting furiously.

The owlbear sent its razor-sharp feathers flying in all directions. Hundreds of feathers were flying in each direction.

Simultaneously hundreds of sticks fashioned into spears flew directly at the owlbear, primarily aiming at its weak spots that lacked feathers.

The man wanted to try and somehow block or avoid the feathers but at the last moment, he spotted something out of the corner of his eyes.

"A fox? No… a woman?"

He saw what looked to be a woman with white hair and fox ears. He could make out a few tails too however he had no time to count them. The ends of her hair, ears and tails all had a slight baby-pink hue.

She was sitting on the ground on the edge of the fight. Her hair looked dishevelled and her clothing appeared to be dirty, torn and out of place.

Without thinking he dashed forward sending himself in front of the woman almost instantly.

The feathers had almost reached the spot where she was however just in time the man got in the way.

He closed his eyes while bracing himself for the onslaught of feathers.

He managed to block most of them however a few happened to cut him.

Blood started to flow down his arms, body and legs as he started to breathe heavily.

He turned his head to look at the person who he risked his life to save. He had to know who could possibly be in such a dangerous place and not make a sound throughout his fight with the owlbear.

Turning around he was greeted by the face of a beautiful young woman. She had a panicked look on her face but other than that and a few scratches she looked fine.

With a sigh of relief, the man smiled as the exhaustion and pain from his fight with the owlbear caught up with him.

He ended up giving in to his exhaustion and passed out right there. As he started to fall and his eyes closed he saw the young girl panic to catch his unconscious body.

Sometime later the man found himself in a familiar yet new situation.

He woke up to find himself in a large bed. Both the bed and the surroundings appeared extremely luxurious.

Various paintings were hung on the wall in luxurious ornamental frames. A small table and a set of chairs sat by a small window that showed a beautiful view.

Outside the window was a small pond within the centre of which was a cherry blossom tree sitting on a small island.

He looked at his body and it looked as if someone had switched his clothes. Looking around he couldn't see the clothing he was wearing originally meaning that someone had also taken them.

"Heh, given how dirty and destroyed they were it wouldn't surprise me to see them incinerated." He told himself.

He continued to look at his body and check it for injuries, but to his surprise, there seemed to be none as if he had healed overnight.

As he sat up he heard the door opening. He saw another woman with fox ears, however, this time her hair, tails and ears were black with a bit of white on the ends.

The woman gasped in shock and immediately turned around, closing the door behind her and running off somewhere.

The man was left feeling briefly puzzled however a moment later he heard footsteps rapidly approaching the room.

Then the door was quickly and loudly opened as the familiar face of the panicked fox girl appeared in the door frame.


A/N: Hey, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. If you liked it then please be sure to add it to your collection!

This chapter was supposed to be fairly vague, all the details about the characters, plot etc, will start being revealed as chapters are released. At the moment you can consider this the prologue which most likely will end when the planned [R-18] chapter is released.

So make sure to add this to your collection if you'd like to see it, no matter how bad my regular chapters might be, my [R-18] chapters won't disappoint.

I wanted to use the first chapter to introduce the setting. The MC is unaware of what sort of world he is in, and he is unaware of his powers.

While he does have an instinct when it comes to using them he doesn't know much, as the story moves on in the next few chapters we will find out a bit about the world, the MC will learn to use his ability and what it is and he will also find out about the body he is in and more specifically his family and their situation.

In the next chapter we will also have a better look at our first girl and her foxy personality. Will our MC fall into her claws or will he be the one to wrap her around his finger? Only time can tell but one thing is for sure, the next few chapters should be exciting.

Also if people would be interested in seeing character art as characters get introduced then please let me know. I'm thinking of starting a discord for this webnovel so there could be a place to discuss new chapters, ideas, theories and all sort of other fun stuff.