
Villainess Becomes The Knight

Abigail Essendson, the prideful daughter of George Essendson, Duke of the Forchestire Empire, had everything, money, respect, a strong image in high society, and loving and caring parents. But she made a mistake, she accepted the proposal for marriage by the archduke, Gerard Wiltshire, cousin of the crown prince. The man wanted nothing but money to strengthen his power so that he could attack the crown prince, which eventually he did and took over the empire. And that was the fall of Abigail’s family too, who was loyal to the crown. Her whole family was killed in the massacre. Her brother sacrificed his life to save hers. She blamed herself for everything as she was the one who chose Gerard over the crown prince. She trained hard, as a strong knight she was. She tried to kill Gerard by herself, but alas, she wasn't that strong to handle his whole army. "Even if you will ever be reborn, you will never be able to defeat me. You and your family will die from my hands." Gerard laughed as she was taking her last breaths. "I will. I will come back later to take revenge and will snatch everything back from you." These were her last words when she died. But not like the books she read, she did not go back in time. Instead, she was born again in the 21st century as a doctor, but the guilt never left her alone. One day, as she tried to save a little girl, she got hit by a truck and was transmigrated back to her previous life as Abigail. At last, God finally listened to her pleas. After she woke up, she was back in her previous life when she was 16. Would she be able to fulfill her wish this time?

nishidurani · ย้อนยุค
275 Chs

Glimmer of hope

"Hey girl, don't run that fast, let your mother come first.'' I yelled at the girl who was playing and running around.

"Doctor. Abigail, you can go home, I will take care of the child" offered the nurse, but I could see all her attention was on her mobile.

I shook my head, "its okay, call her parents to come soon, we are doctors not parents here.'' I replied as my eyes continued to follow the steps of the little girl. Did I tell you I hate kids? They were pain in the ass, always rumbling and running around. I wish they were operated from batteries so that we could plug it out whenever needed.

"Alright" said the nurse as she walked back to the hospital to call her mother, who had pleaded to me to take care of daughter as she had to collect a report and the daughter was not ready to go to the hospital because she was afraid of it.

From no angle did the girl look afraid to me, it was clear that she wanted to have fun here.

"Hey, don't run there" I shouted again, as she walked towards the main road, where vehicles were running at faster speed.

My eyes widened when I saw a fast truck coming towards her. No matter how much I hate kids, I could not see one dying in front of me. So i ran faster only to push her away at the end moment, but i was not that lucky, the truck hit me straight and i end up flying in the air only to get hit by a tree at the side,

My body was badly injured and my senses were numb. All I could feel was a metallic taste filling my mouth and wetness in my hands. I coughed a bit and a gush of blood came out.

The girl who was playing around came to me and kneeled in front of me. I wanted to scold her, but I had no voice.

When her eyes met mine I was so stunned that I even forgot all the pain I was feeling just a moment ago, her eyes were silver and shining, and she had that unearthly aura around her that I could not believe that she was the same girl.

"You did good, Abigail" she praised me but her voice was nothing like a young girl. I felt eerie but at the same time all the pain of losing my body, as if I was floating in the air, I was feeling lighter.

"Tell me, what wish do you have?" she asked again when i did not reply.

Wish! From the past 24 years years, I had only a wish, that was to return back to my previous life, which I was never able to forget and take revenge for my family which died because of me.

"I.. I want to return in time, and save my family from the disaster they had faced because of me. I want to go back to my previous life." i did not know what took over me, as i was telling a small girl about my deepest secret, my desire.

It might be I was desperate, it might be I was dying without telling anyone the pain I had borne all my life or it might be her voice and eyes that could see my soul, but I did tell her the truth she asked me for.

The girl smiled, "so, you don't want to save yourself from this death." she asked, putting a hand on my cheek. It was colder than ice and I shivered.

But it did nothing to break my resolve as I shook my head.

"Why are you not happy here? I have given you a happy family, my child." it would have looked bizarre and i would have laughed if a girl would have said that to me in normal circumstances but what was normal right there, as i looked around all the vehicles, persons had turned into a statue, as if the time was stopped for just the two of us.

And the way she was telling me this, there was no doubt that it was the truth.

"I have lived a happy life here, but the guilt never left me, my young sister was just 12 years old when she died because of me. My brother took the attack of the sword to save me. I want to save them to repay the debt I had ``I told her as tears started flowing from my eyes, but instead of feeling my pain she smiled.

"You have learnt your lesson well, my child, but what if you still fell in the trap of time and repeated your mistakes." she asked as if a mother asked the kid who had done nothing but mistakes all the time.

"Then keep my memory intact for past life.'' I added, though all this looked like a dream, there was no way it could be real but even if it was just a joke, my destiny was playing on me, I did not want to give up the chance of returning.

The girl laughed eerily as she shook her head, "you are asking for two wishes for my child, but you have saved only one life." she replied and then shook her head.

I furrowed my brows as I replied, "All my life, I had done nothing but save lives as a doctor. Was that not enough?" i had been a great doctor and neurosurgeon in this life, how had i not earned good deeds form it.

"You did that for money. Money you spend on yours and your family luxury" she mocked and i closed my eyes, she was right, i had done nothing from the need but lived a life as a proud woman.

"But there is a way, if you will save one more life, I can send you back with your memories intact." she replied and my eyes shot open again, there was a glimmer of hope and determination to do anything that was needed to get my life back