
Villain: The Last Dawn

"Reborn in shadows, a villain’s guise, Alex seeks to break his fate’s cruel ties. With knowledge past and power’s call, He’ll rise, defying the gods’ own thrall." In the world of Gaia, where heroes and villains clash, Alex Reinheart, a young noble, finds himself thrust into a second chance at life. Once destined to play the role of the ultimate antagonist in a tale of war and magic, Alex now possesses the knowledge of his past mistakes. Determined to change his fate, he navigates the elite Gaia Academy, a school where the most gifted warriors and mages are trained. "Villain: The Last Dawn" is a gripping journey of redemption, power, and the relentless pursuit of a different destiny.

Roxim · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 2:Hidden Dungeon

After the headmaster finished her speech, some other teachers also presented their speeches.

Afterward, the headmaster retook the microphone and began speaking.

"So, for the final speech, I am inviting the first ranker of this year, Alex Reinheart."

"Please come to the stage."

One minute passed, and two minutes passed, but no one came to the stage.

The students started whispering.

"Who is the first ranker?"

"You idiot, don't you know about the Reinhart family?" a student replied.

"You mean the first ranker is from the Reinhart family?" another student asked.

"There was a rumor that this year the heir of the Reinhart family would be admitted to the academy."

"So, the rumor is true."

"Silence, everyone," the headmaster said with her commanding voice.

This silenced the students. After all, they were just children. They couldn't handle the pressure of an Archmage. Even the geniuses were not able to handle this pressure.

"I guess the first ranker is not able to attend today."

"So, I am inviting the second ranker to give the closing speech."

"Second ranker, Elena Ezra, please come to the stage."




Before everyone's eyes, a beauty with white skin like milk, green hair, and green eyes, and an oval-shaped face walks to the stage. She is Elena Ezra, the princess of the Elven Kingdom, and the youngest among all her siblings.

Witnessing her beauty, the young souls were struck with awe.

"She is so beautiful," a boy said.

"I wish I had a girlfriend as beautiful as her," another one said.

"She is like a fairy," a girl said.

As an elf, Elena has good hearing ability. She heard all their whispers, but she ignored them. It was common for her. As a princess with royal blood flowing in her veins, she is a top-class beauty in this world. So naturally, wherever she goes, she garners attention. She is used to it.

After coming to the stage, she gave her speech. When it ended, everyone started clapping.

Meanwhile, Alex is climbing a mountain called the "Hill of Paradise." There is a myth that this mountain is a fallen hill from heaven because the first saint of the goddess Saya awakened his power on this mountain. It is said that when his enemies attacked him, he chose to hide in a cave on this mountain. In a desperate situation, he prayed to the goddess Saya, and his prayer was accepted.

There were five continents on the Gaia planet. These five continents were ruled by five different races. However, this doesn't mean that only humans lived in the human continent or that only elves lived in the elven continent. After the world government was established for a thousand years ago, couples emerged from different races. Their children inherited characteristics from both of their parents' races.

The academy is located in the human continent's capital, Rayah City. Thanks to teleportation technology, traveling is a matter of minutes. This is also very beneficial for students from other continents because they don't need to travel for months.

"Ah... ha... ha... It took all of my strength to climb this mountain," Alex said to himself, struggling to catch his breath.

"It was really hard to persuade Maya to leave me alone."

"It's not that I don't trust her. But she's loyal to my mother. She'll inform her about everything."

Why did Alex come here, you ask? It's because his body has a unique heart disease. There's no cure for this disease on this planet. Because of this disease, in the game timeline, Alex was in a near-death situation the night before the first class due to mana corruption. But Maya arrived in time and saved him.

Later, in my first round, I woke up in his body. However, I have no idea how this happened. And it's the same for this time.

"There is a hidden dungeon in this mountain."

"The government has yet to discover it."

"The reward of this dungeon is 'The Tears of Angel.' After consuming it, it will give the consumer the physique of a demigod."

Alex approaches a cave and infuses a bit of his mana into the air. Suddenly, a white light emanates, ripping through the space, and a portal opens. Alex attempts to clear this dungeon alone because it is an E-rank dungeon.

"Let's do this."






Alex's sword cuts down a goblin vertically in half.

Another two goblins run towards him, one from the front and the other from the back. As they approach and prepare to swing their swords, Alex swiftly steps aside and swings his sword with full strength, cutting the goblin in half.

"Haa... it was easy."

As Alex ventured deeper into the dungeon, he encountered a pack of 15 ferocious red wolves. Their eyes glowed with primal fury as they circled him, baring their sharp teeth and growling menacingly. With a steady grip on his sword, Alex prepared for the battle ahead.

As the pack of 15 ferocious red wolves encircled him, Alex felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. With a confident smirk, he tightened his grip on his sword, ready to face the challenge head-on.

"Come on, you mangy mutts," he muttered under his breath, his voice a low growl of determination.

As the first wolf lunged at him, its jaws snapping inches from his face, Alex sprang into action. With a swift motion, he unleashed his technique, the "Moonlight Sword Dance."

The air around him shimmered with ethereal light as Alex's blade danced in intricate patterns, a dazzling display of skill and precision. With each graceful movement, he struck with pinpoint accuracy, slicing through fur and flesh with effortless grace.

One by one, the wolves fell before him, their howls of pain drowned out by the swish of his blade. With a flurry of strikes, Alex dispatched them with ease, his movements fluid and seamless.

"Haaa...it took all my stamina to kill these.", Alex said that while drinking a potion.

As the last wolf crumpled to the ground, defeated, Alex lowered his sword with a triumphant grin. He may have been outnumbered, but with his skill and knowledge, he had emerged victorious once again.


"Life is everything about the next step"

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