
Villain: The Last Dawn

"Reborn in shadows, a villain’s guise, Alex seeks to break his fate’s cruel ties. With knowledge past and power’s call, He’ll rise, defying the gods’ own thrall." In the world of Gaia, where heroes and villains clash, Alex Reinheart, a young noble, finds himself thrust into a second chance at life. Once destined to play the role of the ultimate antagonist in a tale of war and magic, Alex now possesses the knowledge of his past mistakes. Determined to change his fate, he navigates the elite Gaia Academy, a school where the most gifted warriors and mages are trained. "Villain: The Last Dawn" is a gripping journey of redemption, power, and the relentless pursuit of a different destiny.

Roxim · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 18 : The Survival Run 4(Edited)

Alex glanced down at his hand band, checking his accumulated points. The number "18" blinked back at him. He had gained 12 points from eliminating four students and added another 6 from the various monsters he had encountered. As he moved through the dense forest, the sounds of battle echoed faintly in the distance, but Alex remained focused on his path, indifferent to the chaos around him.

After a short while, Alex's sharp eyes caught sight of a scene that stirred a faint curiosity in him. Two human girls and a demon boy were standing in a small clearing, surrounding a trembling demi-human girl. The girl, with ears resembling a rabbit's, looked terrified as she was berated by the trio.

"Why haven't you done our homework yet?" one of the human girls sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "Do you think you're special because you got into Gaia Academy? You're nothing but a commoner."

The demon boy laughed cruelly, adding, "Maybe we should teach you a lesson. It's time you understand your place here."

The demi-human girl's eyes welled up with tears, but she didn't have the courage to fight back. Even though the academy had strict rules against bullying, fear held her tongue. She knew that reporting them would result in punishment for the bullies, but she couldn't muster the bravery to stand up for herself.

Before the situation could escalate further, Alex stepped into the clearing. His presence was immediately noticed by the group. The trio turned to face him, but because of darkness, they didn't see his face, confusion flashing across their faces.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" one of the girls demanded, but her voice wavered slightly.

Alex didn't bother to answer. Without a word, he moved with lightning speed, his sword slashing through the air. The first girl didn't even have time to react before she was eliminated, her body disappearing into pixelated light. The other two barely had time to gasp before they met the same fate, vanishing as quickly as they had arrived.

The demi-human girl stared at Alex, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe. She hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, her voice shaky. "Th-thank you… You didn't have to do that."

Alex turned his blank gaze toward her, his expression unreadable. "It's okay. I'm just here to collect extra points," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

The girl blinked, confusion crossing her face. "Points…?"

Before she could say another word, Alex's sword was already piercing her chest. The girl's eyes widened in shock as she was eliminated, her form dissolving into light.

Alex watched dispassionately as the girl disappeared, then sheathed his sword and continued walking. 


The scene then shifted to Lila, who was walking cautiously through the forest. The trees around her rustled, but she kept her focus on her surroundings. Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her.

"What should we do next?"

Lila turned to see the speaker. She was a striking figure, with brown skin, white hair that cascaded down her back, and two small horns protruding from her forehead. Her sharp, intelligent eyes observed Lila with interest. She had an aura of quiet strength and calmness, a stark contrast to the chaotic environment around them. She was a demon, and her presence was both intimidating and intriguing.

A flashback played in Lila's mind. Earlier, when she was collecting herbs, she had the unsettling feeling of being watched. She had started to run, her heart pounding in her chest. But no matter how fast she ran, the sense of being pursued didn't leave her. Then, suddenly, someone had grabbed her from behind.

She screamed in fear, struggling to break free. "Please, show mercy! Don't kill me!" she had begged, her voice filled with terror.

But instead of a cruel laugh or a fatal strike, she heard a soft, gentle voice. "Hey, want to team up?"

The kindness in the voice had caught her off guard, making her pause. When she turned around, she was met with the sight of the same demon girl, her expression calm and reassuring.

Flashback ended.

Back in the present, Lila smiled softly at her new companion. "I don't know… What do you think?" she asked, her voice light.

The demon girl, Sophia, shrugged casually. "I don't know either," she said, her tone matching Lila's.

"I'm Lila," Lila introduced herself, her smile widening.

"Sophia… Sophia Abaddon," the demon girl replied, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corners of her lips.


The forest was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves underfoot. Sophia, with her dual daggers at the ready, moved like a shadow, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

Suddenly, without warning, a blazing fireball hurtled toward Lila from the shadows. The intense heat of the approaching attack caused Lila to freeze, her mind blank with fear. But before she could react, Sophia shoved her aside with a swift, powerful motion. In the same fluid movement, she crossed her daggers in front of her, slicing the fireball in half. The two halves dissipated harmlessly into the air, the embers flickering out as they scattered.

Sophia's golden eyes narrowed as she turned in the direction from which the fireball had come. Emerging from the shadows was a figure, her form graceful and composed. It was Liana Evangeline, standing alone with a confident smirk playing on her lips. Her long silver hair gleamed under the dappled light filtering through the forest canopy, and her violet eyes locked onto Sophia with a challenging gaze.

"Someone like you," Liana said with a cold, dismissive tone, "shouldn't be teaming up with a commoner like her." Her words were like sharp blades, cutting through the tension in the air.

Lila, still recovering from the shock, found herself in a daze, Liana's words piercing deeper than she wanted to admit. For a moment, the old feelings of inadequacy and fear bubbled up within her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile confidence.

Before Liana could continue her taunts, Sophia's expression darkened, her irritation clearly visible. Without a word, she dashed forward with blinding speed, her daggers glinting menacingly as she aimed to slice Liana in half. But as her blades made contact, Liana's form shimmered and then vanished, revealing itself to be nothing more than an illusion.

Sophia skidded to a halt, her sharp eyes scanning the area. She knew Liana was good at illusions and traps, but she hadn't expected her to be this deceptive. A mocking laugh echoed through the trees as another Liana emerged from behind a nearby tree, her expression full of contempt.

"I offered you friendship, Sophia," Liana said, her voice dripping with condescension. "But you rejected it. Now you'll regret it."

Sophia's eyes flared with anger. She hated being toyed with, and Liana's games were starting to grate on her nerves. Without wasting a moment, she leaped forward, her daggers flashing as she struck at Liana's new position. But once again, Liana's form flickered and disappeared, leaving Sophia slicing through empty air.

Liana's voice echoed from all around, her illusions playing tricks on Sophia's senses. "You're strong, Sophia, but brute force alone won't help you here. This forest is my domain, and you're just another prey caught in my web."

Sophia grit her teeth, her frustration mounting. She knew she had to change her strategy. Closing her eyes, she slowed her breathing, tuning out Liana's taunts and the deceptive visuals surrounding her. She focused on the subtle shifts in the air, the faintest sounds of movement, and the nearly imperceptible fluctuations in mana.

Suddenly, Sophia felt it—a faint pulse of mana, barely noticeable but distinct in the way it disrupted the natural flow of energy around her. Without hesitation, she spun on her heel and threw one of her daggers with deadly precision toward a seemingly empty spot in the forest.

The dagger cut through the air with a high-pitched whine, and as it reached its target, there was a gasp of surprise. The illusion around Liana shattered like broken glass, revealing her true position. Sophia's dagger had grazed her arm, drawing a thin line of blood.

Liana's eyes widened in shock, realizing that Sophia had seen through her tricks. But before she could react, Sophia was already upon her, her remaining dagger slashing with brutal efficiency. Liana dodged and weaved, trying to regain her composure, but Sophia's relentless assault left her with little room to maneuver.

Liana attempted to summon another illusion, her hands weaving complex patterns in the air, but Sophia was too quick. She closed the distance in a blink, her dagger slicing through Liana's defenses and cutting deep into her side. Liana cried out in pain, stumbling back as blood soaked through her clothes.

Desperation flashed in Liana's eyes as she tried to summon one last spell, but Sophia's hand was already at her throat, pinning her against a tree. The cold steel of Sophia's dagger pressed against Liana's neck, and for a moment, the forest was deathly silent.

"You underestimated me," Sophia whispered, her voice cold and unyielding. "That was your mistake."

With a swift motion, Sophia drove the hilt of her dagger into Liana's temple, knocking her out cold. Liana's body slumped to the ground, unconscious but alive, her illusions dissipating completely.

Sophia stepped back, breathing heavily as she wiped the blood from her dagger. 

Lila, who had been watching the fight in awe, finally found the courage to step forward. Her hands were trembling slightly as she approached Sophia, but there was admiration in her eyes. "You were amazing, Sophia," Lila said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've never seen anyone fight like that before… You're so strong."

Sophia glanced at Lila, her expression softening slightly. "Thanks," she muttered, though her tone was still a bit guarded.

Lila reached into her bag and pulled out a small vial filled with a shimmering, green liquid. "Here," she said, holding it out to Sophia. "It's a healing potion. You got hurt during the fight… Let me help."

Sophia hesitated for a moment, unused to accepting help from others. But the sincerity in Lila's eyes was hard to ignore. With a small nod, she took the potion and drank it in one swift motion. The cool, soothing liquid worked its magic, healing the small wounds she had sustained during the fight.

"Thanks," Sophia said again, this time with a bit more warmth. Lila's kindness was unexpected, but not unwelcome.