
Villain: The Last Dawn

"Reborn in shadows, a villain’s guise, Alex seeks to break his fate’s cruel ties. With knowledge past and power’s call, He’ll rise, defying the gods’ own thrall." In the world of Gaia, where heroes and villains clash, Alex Reinheart, a young noble, finds himself thrust into a second chance at life. Once destined to play the role of the ultimate antagonist in a tale of war and magic, Alex now possesses the knowledge of his past mistakes. Determined to change his fate, he navigates the elite Gaia Academy, a school where the most gifted warriors and mages are trained. "Villain: The Last Dawn" is a gripping journey of redemption, power, and the relentless pursuit of a different destiny.

Roxim · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

 Chapter 21: The Showdown (2 in 1)

The forest, once a serene and lush landscape, was now a chaotic blaze of fire and smoke. The flames crackled menacingly as they spread across the treetops, consuming everything in their path. Alex moved with a predator's grace, his eyes cold and calculating as he hunted down the other students. He had already eliminated several, each one falling to his sword with ease.

His movements were precise, each strike deadly. He seemed to blend into the shadows, appearing and disappearing like a wraith. His opponents barely had time to react before they were struck down, their bodies vanishing as they were eliminated from the VR simulation.

After what seemed like hours of stalking his prey, Alex found himself standing in a small clearing where the fire had not yet reached. The trees around him swayed as if bowing to the approaching inferno. His eyes scanned the area, assessing the situation, when he heard rustling from the nearby bushes.

One by one, familiar figures emerged from the smoke-filled forest: Leon, Lila, Sophia, Ethan, Mira, and Victor. They all came to a halt as they saw Alex standing there, his blade dripping with virtual blood.

Ethan's eyes immediately darted to Mira, concern etched on his face. He quickly crossed the distance between them. "Mira, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Where's Liana? Have you seen her?"

Mira shook her head, her expression uncertain. "I haven't seen her since the fire started. I don't know where she is."

Ethan's concern deepened, but before he could say more, a movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned just in time to see Alex eliminate another student with a swift, brutal strike. The student's avatar shattered into light before disappearing entirely. The realization hit Ethan like a ton of bricks. His sharp mind quickly pieced together what had happened.

"Wait…" Ethan said, his voice filled with a growing sense of suspicion. He locked eyes with Alex, his gaze hardening. "Are you the one responsible for this? Did you start the fire to eliminate the other students?"

Alex met Ethan's stare with an almost bored expression, a smirk playing on his lips. "And what if I am?"

Ethan's hands tightened around his spear, his posture tensing. "You bastard…" He turned to the remaining students, his voice rising as he addressed them. "He's been playing us all! We should take him down together, before he picks us off one by one!"

The other students exchanged uncertain glances, the tension in the air growing thicker by the second. They all knew Alex was dangerous, but the idea of teaming up against him was equally daunting. Still, Ethan's words stirred something in them—fear, anger, desperation.

Alex, noticing the shift in the student's stance, let out a low chuckle. He then turned his gaze to Leon, who stood a few steps away with his sword resting casually on his shoulder. "Yoo," Alex called out, his tone mocking yet challenging. "Wanna fight me?"

Leon scratched his head, his usual easygoing demeanor unaffected by the tension. "Nah," he replied, a grin tugging at his lips. "I'm not too heartless to betray my master." He said the last part in a mockingly exaggerated tone, earning a few confused stares from the others.

Alex rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in them. "Figures."

Leon then turned to Lila and Sophia, who stood close by. "What about you two? You gonna join in on the fun?"

Lila didn't hesitate, her voice firm and resolute. "You two are my friends. I will always stand by your side." Her words were simple but carried a deep sense of loyalty that seemed to radiate from her.

Sophia, feeling Lila's hopeful eyes on her, let out a small sigh. She wasn't one to be swayed easily, but something about Lila's unwavering support and the situation at hand made her relent. "Okay, you win." 

The air around them grew thick with anticipation as the sides were clearly drawn. On one side stood Alex, Leon, Lila, and Sophia, each of them prepared for the battle to come. On the other side, Ethan, Mira, Victor, and the remaining students stood ready.

As the tension reached its peak, Alex made the first move. With blinding speed, he closed the distance between himself and Ethan. Before anyone could react, Alex's fist connected with Ethan's chest, the force of the blow sending Ethan crashing back into a tree. The impact was so intense that the tree shook violently, leaves and bark scattering from the force.

Ethan gasped, struggling to catch his breath as he slumped against the tree. The shock was evident in his eyes; he hadn't expected such raw power. Mira and Victor, who had been standing beside him, were momentarily frozen in place, their minds struggling to process what had just happened.

But Alex didn't give them time to react. With a swift motion, he turned his attention to Lila and Victor. He dashed forward, his movements a blur, and aimed a powerful kick at Lila. Sensing the attack, Lila instinctively tried to form a magical shield. The translucent barrier began to materialize in front of her, but it wasn't fast enough. Alex's kick shattered through the half-formed shield, the force of the impact sending Lila flying backward, where she crashed into the underbrush, the wind knocked out of her.

Victor fared no better. Just as he raised his sword to defend himself, Alex was already upon him. A swift, brutal kick landed on Victor's side, the impact propelling him into a nearby boulder. Victor let out a pained grunt as he slid down, momentarily stunned by the force of the attack.

The remaining students, seeing their comrades dispatched so effortlessly, hesitated, their fear evident. But Alex's eyes were cold, his sword gleaming in the firelight as he advanced on them. In a series of swift, lethal strikes, he cut through the group with precision, each student vanishing from the simulation as they were eliminated.

Leon chuckled, cracking his knuckles as he stepped forward. "Well, I guess it's our turn to join the fun, huh?" Without waiting for a reply, he launched himself toward Victor Stone, who was just beginning to recover from Alex's attack.

Victor, regaining his composure, barely had time to raise his sword before Leon was upon him. The clash of metal rang out as their weapons collided, sparks flying from the sheer force of their strikes. Leon moved with fluid grace, his swordplay a dance of power and precision, each strike pushing Victor further back.

Meanwhile, Sophia's eyes locked onto Mira. The two girls exchanged a brief, tense glance before Sophia dashed forward, her dual daggers gleaming wickedly in the flickering light of the fire. Mira quickly summoned a magical barrier, the shimmering energy forming just in time to intercept Sophia's first strike. The impact sent a ripple through the barrier, but it held.

Undeterred, Sophia pressed her assault, her daggers moving in a blur as she launched a flurry of attacks. Mira struggled to maintain her barrier, each strike from Sophia causing cracks to form in the magical shield. Despite her best efforts, it was clear that Sophia's relentless offense was overwhelming.

The clearing had transformed into a chaotic battlefield. Leon's duel with Victor was a furious clash of steel, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Sophia's relentless attacks against Mira's defenses created a symphony of shattering magic and clashing steel. And amidst it all, Alex stood as the instigator of this chaos, his cold gaze surveying the ongoing battles with a detached interest.

Victor launched a heavy overhead strike, aiming to break through Leon's defense. Leon sidestepped with ease, letting the blade whistle past him before countering with a quick slash across Victor's side. Victor grunted, feeling the sting of the cut, but didn't falter. He spun on his heel, his sword arcing in a wide sweep aimed at Leon's midsection.

Leon ducked, the blade narrowly missing him as he surged forward, closing the distance between them. He delivered a swift punch to Victor's gut, followed by a knee strike that sent Victor staggering backward. Victor tried to regain his footing, but Leon was relentless, pressing the attack.

With a swift upward slash, Leon knocked Victor's sword from his grasp, the weapon flying out of his hands and embedding itself in the ground several feet away. Victor's eyes widened in shock as he realized his disadvantage. But Leon wasn't finished. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between them, delivering a powerful spinning kick to Victor's chest.

Victor was sent sprawling to the ground, gasping for breath. Before he could recover, Leon was on him, his sword poised to strike. Victor looked up, sweat dripping down his face, his mind racing for a way out. But there was no escape. 

With one swift motion, Leon brought his sword down, the blade slicing through the air. Victor vanished, his form disintegrating as he was eliminated from the simulation. The area where Victor had stood was now empty, save for Leon, who stood victorious.

Leon took a deep breath, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he scanned the battlefield. Victor had been a formidable opponent, but in the end, Leon's speed and precision had won out. He glanced over at Sophia, who was engaged in her own battle, her movements just as swift and deadly.

Sophia and Mira faced off a short distance away. Mira's hands glowed with magical energy, her barrier shimmering as it absorbed the impact of Sophia's relentless attacks. But the barrier was weakening, cracks forming along its surface as Sophia's daggers struck with unyielding force.

Sophia's movements were a blur, her dual daggers slicing through the air with deadly precision. She darted around Mira, striking from every angle, her blades leaving trails of silver as they connected with the weakening barrier. Mira, struggling to maintain her defenses, knew she was running out of time. She needed to find a way to turn the tide, and fast.

"Enough of this!" Mira shouted, her voice tinged with desperation. She channeled her mana into a powerful spell, the air around her crackling with energy. With a cry, she unleashed a torrent of fire, the flames roaring toward Sophia in a blazing inferno.

But Sophia was ready. With a swift motion, she crossed her daggers in front of her, the blades glowing with a pale light as she channeled her own energy. The fireball met her daggers, and for a moment, it seemed like the flames would consume her. But then, with a surge of power, Sophia cut through the flames, the fireball splitting in two as it passed harmlessly around her.

Mira's eyes widened in shock. She barely had time to react before Sophia was upon her. With a burst of speed, Sophia closed the distance, her daggers flashing as she delivered a series of rapid strikes. Mira tried to summon another barrier, but it was too late. The first dagger sliced through her defenses, cutting across her arm. The second plunged into her side, the force of the blow sending her staggering back.

Mira gasped, her strength failing as she clutched her side. Sophia didn't hesitate. With a final, swift motion, she brought her daggers down, crossing them in an X across Mira's chest. Mira's form flickered, her body disintegrating as she was eliminated from the simulation.

The battlefield crackled with tension as Alex stood among the fallen, his sword dripping with the fading essence of eliminated students. His eyes were cold, devoid of any emotion as he methodically hunted down his prey. The flames from the fire he had ignited danced in the distance, casting eerie shadows across the clearing.

Suddenly, a fierce battle cry pierced the air. Ethan, fueled by anger and desperation, launched himself toward Alex. His body moved with a burst of speed, fist aimed straight for Alex's face. The force of his punch was impressive, a testament to his training and determination.

But Alex remained unfazed. With a casual movement, he caught Ethan's fist in his hand, stopping it dead in its tracks. The impact of the punch sent a shockwave through the air, the force of it rattling the nearby, but Alex didn't even flinch. He met Ethan's furious gaze with a look of cold indifference.

"Is that all you've got?" Alex's voice was low and mocking, his grip tightening around Ethan's fist.

Ethan gritted his teeth, rage boiling inside him. He couldn't accept this. With a roar, he wrenched his hand free and swung his other fist toward Alex's face. But Alex was faster. He deflected the punch with a swift movement, then countered with a powerful strike aimed at Ethan's chest.

Ethan barely managed to block the blow with his forearm, the force of it sending him skidding back several meters. His arm throbbed with pain, but he refused to back down. He reached into his inventory and pulled out his spear, the weapon gleaming in the firelight. 

The two faced off, their weapons gleaming. Ethan's grip tightened on his spear as he charged at Alex again, his movements fluid and precise. He lunged forward, aiming the sharp tip of his spear at Alex's heart. But Alex was already moving, his sword meeting the spear in a clash of metal.

The sound of their weapons echoed through the clearing as they exchanged blows, their speed blurring to the eyes of any onlookers. Ethan fought with everything he had, his spear dancing in his hands as he tried to find an opening in Alex's defense. But Alex was a wall, his movements calculated and effortless as he blocked and parried each of Ethan's attacks.

Ethan's frustration grew with every failed strike. He poured more mana into his spear, channeling his energy into a powerful thrust aimed directly at Alex's head. But Alex sidestepped at the last second, his sword flashing as he slashed across Ethan's right arm.

Ethan's eyes widened in shock as he felt the searing pain. His right arm fell limp, the spear slipping from his grasp and clattering to the ground. Blood poured from the wound, staining the grass beneath him. But Alex wasn't done. With ruthless precision, he swung his sword again, severing Ethan's left arm with a single, clean cut.

Ethan staggered backward, his body trembling from the pain and blood loss. He stared at Alex, his vision blurring as he realized the hopelessness of his situation. Alex's cold eyes bore into him, devoid of any mercy.

A mocking smile curled on Alex's lips as he looked down at the fallen warrior. "This is the best you can do?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

Ethan's knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, his strength failing him. He could barely keep his eyes open as the world around him began to fade. But before he could even process his defeat, Alex stepped forward, raising his sword one last time.

With a swift, merciless motion, Alex brought his sword down, severing Ethan's head from his body. Ethan's form flickered and disintegrated, leaving nothing but the echo of his final breath in the clearing.

Alex stood over the spot where Ethan had fallen, his sword still raised, its edge glinting ominously in the flickering firelight. His expression was calm and cold, devoid of any emotion as he surveyed the aftermath of the brutal duel. The battle was over. 

As he lowered his sword, the weight of his victory hung heavily in the air. The other students, who had witnessed the savage fight, stared at him in stunned silence. Their eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and disbelief, unable to comprehend the sheer ruthlessness with which Alex had dispatched Ethan. 

The firelight danced across his blade, casting eerie shadows on the ground as he slowly turned away. The students remained frozen, their breaths caught in their throats, too afraid to move or speak. Alex's presence was overwhelming, a force of nature that had just demonstrated the terrifying extent of his power. 

Without a word, he began to walk away, ready to continue his hunt. The other students could only watch in awe and fear, knowing that crossing Alex's path would mean a certain defeat.

Tomorrow is my OOP Lab Final...Please pray for me...

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