
6.4 Mythical Dragons

Lu Yizhou stared at unconscious Jillian with a perplexed look, his fingers sending bursts of energy into his wound that illuminated the whole forest with a soft blue glow. Even when his half-transparent body flickered back and forth, threatening to disperse into thin air, he didn't relent and kept healing Jillian's wounds until not even a scratch remained.

[666: Host, Host, STOP!!! Do you want to die?!]

[Gods can't die.] Lu Yizhou deadpanned. [They only go to sleep.]

[666: T—Then, do you want to go to sleep?!] Why did that sound so weird? QAQ Not menacing at all!

Lu Yizhou only retracted his arm after he was sure that Jillian's wounds had faded into nothing. Even then, the young Duke's face was ghastly pale with deep frowns between his brows. Lu Yizhou reached out intending to smooth the lines away only for his fingers to go through Jillian's face. His pupils constricted and he slowly pulled away, fingers loosely curling into a fist.

[666: Host…]
