In a world where Rei, a powerful spiritual energy, is the key to harnessing Tama, mystical jewels that defy reality, a young half-vampire named Lucien "Lucy" struggles to cope with the tragic loss of his mother, Akane. Consumed by anger and a thirst for revenge, Lucy's actions become increasingly ruthless, testing the limits of his humanity, making him awaken the Furyujin body. However, when he discovers that a chance encounter with his sworn enemy has resulted in an unexpected pregnancy, Lucy is forced to confront the consequences of his actions and reevaluate his priorities. As he navigates the complexities of his relationships and the impending arrival of his child, the world teeters on the brink of catastrophe. The Yōkai no Mon, portals to realms of dark fairy tales, have been unleashed, threatening to spill unspeakable horrors into the world. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Lucy must choose between his desire for revenge and his growing sense of responsibility. Will he find redemption, or will the darkness consume him?