
Villain: Rebirth of the Primordial Evil

“Little man, remember these words. Evil is an art, beautiful because natural. Rage, love, hatred, they’re all embellishments. Evil, at its truest, needs no reason beyond the pursuit of self-gratification.” When the powerhouses of the Demon Realm sacrifice a broken boy in an ancient forbidden ritual, they succeed in materializing humanity’s darkest aspects, strengths, abilities, emotions, and desires in the form of another boy, the Incarnation of Evil: Huan Yi. But while the successful incarnation of the prophesied Demon Child should have sparked the revitalization of the Demon Realm, when Huan Yi rejects the Demon Realm’s hopes and expectations to embark on a quest to find the three missing Primeval Tools, the lords of the Demon Realm realize that the ritual had malfunctioned. The Demon Child was…incomplete. Equipped with the Manuscript of Forbidden Secrets and the ability to control Karma, will Huan Yi mature into the overlord needed by the Demon Realm to conquer Heaven, or will he fall to the Righteous Path experts’ attempts to convert him into their very own savior? Join him to find out. Author Alert: This story was written by a wonderful psychopath, for wonderful psychopaths. You've been warned.

Demonic_Paradise · ตะวันออก
203 Chs

Are You a Man or a Bitch?

As the Yin Dynasty's top experts chased their rogue prince's trail, alongside

Huan Yi, Taotie and Zi Shou appeared at the entrance door of a tall red building. Decorated by extravagant gilded statues, colorful luminous orbs and sophisticated garlands, even in the magnificent capital of the east, this tall building stood out like a rare marvel, snatching the attention of all that passed by.

It was the number one pleasure house of the Yin Dynasty: the Dream Mansion.

In other states, the number one brothel was typically located in the capital. But in the Yin Dynasty, to prevent the royal scions from being drawn into vice and decadence, the third king of Yin banned all such activities in the royal capital and nearby areas, forcing the high-end pleasure houses to reestablish themselves in the four provincial capitals.

And as the wealthiest of the four provinces, over time the eastern province naturally became home to the number one brothel of the Yin Dynasty.

"The Dream Mansion? Then…" Seeing the large golden sign above the Dream Mansion, Zi Shou shivered, glancing left and right at the nearby passersby. An abundance of people, mostly men, went up and down the street, others forming impossibly long lines at the Dream Mansion's white entrance door. But as Zi Shou dreaded that someone in the crowd would recognize him, the Yin prince soon realized that not a single person on the scene noticed their presence.

Better, instead of bumping into them, the pedestrians passed right through their bodies, as if they no longer existed in the physical world, and instead belonged to some isolated spectral dimension. Shocked by this eye-popping feat, Zi Shou turned towards Huan Yi, staring at him with a mix of awe and fear.

'Despite what his appearance suggests, he must be a thousands of years old powerhouse. Most likely…a Saint!' Remembering how effortlessly Huan Yi had crushed the royal guard squad captain, Zi Shou made a bold assessment.

While large gaps existed between each cultivation level, for Huan Yi to have been able to reduce a third-level Dharma Body expert into blood mist with just a gentle push on his head indicated that, at the very least, his body had reached the Perfected Warrior realm. But if his body refinement level stopped there, Zi Shou didn't believe that Huan Yi would dare to mess with the Yin Dynasty.

After all, Perfected Warrior realm experts might rarely appear, but clans like the Zi had several such experts hiding in the shadows, typically resting in isolated crypts while waiting for events or wars that required their might. If Huan Yi only had strength of that level, he wouldn't have dared to challenge the Yin Dynasty.

Only a Six-Path Saint possessed the strength to get away with such actions.

One must know that, in most nations of the Extreme Plateau, Ninefold Transcendence warriors were myths. Six-Path Saints represented the peak of martial cultivations, revered as the absolute rulers of the martial world. Many nations didn't even have a single saint. And for a dynasty to maintain itself, it needed the support of at least one.

For that reason, when the last Saint of the Zi clan perished and Wen Tianhua rose to prominence, many believed that the Wen clan would soon replace the Zi as the undisputed ruler of the Yin Dynasty. However, it soon became clear that Wen Tianhua had no such ambition, content to serve as Grand Preceptor of the Yin Dynasty, and even going as far as to encourage intermarriage between the Wen and Zi so as to promote brotherhood and harmony between the two clans.

Had Wen Tianhua not been such a loyal official, the Zi clan would have most likely vanished by now.

"Take this. It will help you change your appearance and maintain a disguise that few in this world should be able to see through." Presenting Zi Shou with a silver flame filament, Huan Yi broke the silence.

Believing that, if he wanted to harm him, Huan Yi wouldn't need to resort to tricks, Zi Shou didn't hesitate, taking the silver-flame filament from Huan Yi's hand—it burst into particles of light, fusing with Zi Shou.

Instantly, even without Huan Yi's guidance, Zi Shou joined his hands in a prayer sign. Bright silver rays coiled up his form, and as the light dispersed, the Yin prince turned into an effeminate-looking scholar, dressed in the white and blue robes that Linzi scholars wore to attend school and various literacy events.

Huan Yi's appearance changed as well, but whereas Zi Shou turned into a completely different person, the Demon Child just dyed his hair black, also turning his eyes into the ordinary brown color of the region's humans. In that form, the Demon Child just looked like a more handsome version of the original Huan Yi.

As for Taotie, she changed her clothes and hairstyle, now dressed in a skin-tight black dress embroidered with pink floral patterns. Open at the chest, the dress not only exposed Taotie's large cleavage, but also perfectly highlighted her magnificent curves. Her hair now freely flowed at her back, stopping right above her large bubble butt.

If before, the restaurant cook clothes somewhat occulted Taotie's assets, now that she dressed for success, Zi Shou couldn't restrain himself, gulping as a bulge formed on his pants.

"Oh, really?" Huan Yi said in a calm voice laced with mild amusement. Yet, as the Demon Child's eyes locked on him, Zi Shou's heartbeat spiraled out of control, pounding so fast that the prince feared a heart attack. His knees went weak, nearly causing him to kneel on the spot.

"Hehe…hahaha…s-senior, may I ask why we're here?" Desperate to change the topic, Zi Shou asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Why do men come to this kind of establishment? To explore and refresh their manhood. Your Highness, you strike me as a bitch, so in the coming days, I will determine whether I should make a man out of you, or help you come to terms with the bitch inside of you." Huan Yi casually replied, and as the Yin prince's face paled at his words, the Demon Child stepped forward.

By now, the three had reappeared in the physical world, but to Zi Shou's surprise, Huan Yi didn't wait at the end of the line, bypassing it entirely as he walked towards the head of the line.

'Doesn't he know that, even if you need information, you can't just bypass the line?' Zi Shou asked himself, obviously scared that Huan Yi's actions would cause a commotion.

The Dream Mansion only catered to warriors, with all its patrons being wealthy citizens of the eastern province, and some that even came from all over the Yin Dynasty to discover the renowned establishment.

This wasn't a place where status alone guaranteed preferential treatment. So Zi Shou naturally feared that Huan Yi would use force to impose his will, thereby drawing the attention of all across the street.


"Halt! Didn't you see all those people lining up at the entrance? Who are you that you think you can just…wait, wait, wait…" At first, seeing someone cut all the way to the head of the line, the lady tasked to welcome the guests was furious. So furious that her brain didn't immediately register that the one disturbing the peace didn't look older than 12.

"Little brother. It's not that I'm looking down on you, but you need to be at least 16 to enter this place. Those are the rules." As she stared into Huan Yi's mesmerizing eyes, the lady softened, and for reasons she couldn't understand, she felt the urge to pull that boy into her arms and love him tenderly.

If not for the dozens of people nearby, perhaps she would have lost her bearing and committed an unspeakable crime.

"Three VIP tokens," Huan Yi said, and snapped his fingers, causing a small spatial pouch to appear in the lady's hand.

"It's not about…" Joining Huan Yi alongside Taotie, Zi Shou was about to interfere when, intrigued by the vast concentration of energies she felt inside, the lady opened the spatial pouch, causing a flurry of scarlet stones to fly into the air and line up before her.

Thousands of scarlet stones assembled, causing the eyes of the lady, Zi Shou, and all the men lining up to stretch to the limit.

"Oh, fuck me dead! Nine…nine thousand Blood Stones!"