
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Beginnings Of A Phoenix

The sun rises outside of a forest green curtain in a dark galaxy purple room, with the beam hitting a black nightstand beside a king size bed where Zylax sleeps with shade both being half naked at the top. with Libraire's wife looking at the two with glazed eyes. "Could be worse, she probably may've been impossible to calm down if Dauze didn't see it coming. Kinda fucked up though seeing how you'll die and accepting it like that." Libraire says looking down. "Yeah, but it was his choice. So we should try to respect that part at least." Melia adds patting her husband on the back

Last Night

Libraire sighed as the door opens he looks down and sees the clock reads 10:48 FF before hanging his coat "Thanks for trying to help Nejo but, I kinda had it?" smirking with his words as the smell of pork chops, smashed potatoes with garlic , and a vegi stir fry cuts his train of thought Smells like Zy's cooking, only he would make this kind of meal. Libreaire and Melia creep their heads around the corner to look into the kitchen. Shade simply waltzes into the kitchen and grabs a bottle that reads "Layla's Selection: Strawberry flavored hydration".

 As Shade exits the kitchen Zylax mutters "Dauze died tonight.". Shade paused with her handshaking viciously as if the air was as cold as an artic breeze. Libraire's eyes grow wide as his breathes release small amounts of steam "Do you know how?" . "I was getting attacked by a woman, we switched to plan B, so he got killed in my place." With Zylax's response shade's mask falls with her as she cries WhyWhy shade thoughts rush as a blaring white noise starts off loud and distant becomes quiet yet close, the thoughts themselves 

telling him to not blame himself is too late. I need to- Libraire's thinking is cut by the sound of a bell, it's Zylax signifying dinner being done "It was my turn to cook tonight. Right?" he says with a forced smile

The sound of silverware on plates fills the air with a hint of sniffling with shade mumbling between each "why" while her mother pats her shoulder. Zylax tracks the digital ticking to the kitchens clock, it reads 11:39FF We've been at this table for damn near an hour. No one has said anything a part from Libraire trying to act casual only for Melia to try to shut him up; and right now that's strangely welcomed. -Sigh- For the first time in a long time I think I'm feeling relieved and a bit pissed; but mainly Relief. While I only have an out due to his death it doesn't feel like going back down this path would seem...Right. It feels as if didn't try hard enough and this is the result, if I continued what- how many more would I lose? Is this a warning? The wind from an open window blows some papers onto the floor.

"Why" Shade repeats with a hollowed breath "was it not you" causing the silence to be broken before looking crazed at Zylax ,who just looks back and gives the same weak smile he did to announce dinner. That same dumbass Smile. The same Smile he does every time he fucks up. Like "Oops I'm the Reason your Best friend is DEAD!" Like this is Just another fuck up! her hands release a dark forest green fire that creeps under the table. "my best friend since elementary school just died and you give me that BULLSHIT SMILE!" Shade says pouncing over the table towards Zylax "GIVE ME A DAMN REASON!".

Zylax quickly inhales as he flips the table up thinking I would let you hit me, but I don't think you nee anymore dead friends. 

 Shade elbows the table with enough force to break it and launch herself. She bleeds, but soon after flames engulf the wound. "Because if you do, you'll just put his death in vain!".

I will make you feel as same hurt I feel! Shade thinks latching her flames to Zylax's feet that quickly engulfs him and binding him to the chair, thus shackling him to the floor. Shit! Not yet, not to you. is the main thought on Zylax's mind as he realizes he has no escape from Shade as she pulls herself at him 

With only a handful of microseconds to think, Zylax pulls himself into the floor, flaring his nose as he falls through the floor into a vacant apartment; breaking the chair and releasing the flames. Zylax pants with a tired stare but a small smile, he pats his back and sees a little blood This is going to hurt like hell when the adrenaline dies down. he hops in place and loosens his neck "I have to end this before I end up killing myself trying to dodge." 

As he dives out the window Shade looks up, still partly dazed in the middle of the street, that dazed look quickly Swaps to anger as she see's Zylax mid flip falling from the window. "You want to continue? Alright then!" Shade locks on Zylax as he falls with spear like flame. Zylax simply points his thumb towards his throat and smiles "Let. It. out! Bitch!" with each pause he deflects a spear with his hands, covering a sizzling sound

Shade dashes to Zylax as he reaches the ground and roundhouse kicks him in the back, knocking him into the empty street before following up with a flying kick, which is dodged with a leap and backflip to the left . As he lifts his face up, shade throws a right hook at him.

Shit! I forget how she turns into a bloodhound when she's angry! Zylax panicky reminds himself with widened eyes as he narrowly dodges the punch, simmering his nose. Flames wrap around his ankles and yank his arms to his sides. With a grunt the flames begin to crumble as quickly as they came, Zylax does a mixture of a hand glide that adds the baby freeze for kicks in Shade's right rib and under her left arm.

If you want to really fight- "I'll give you one!" Shade's eye's still crazed as she punches three small fireballs and one moped sized fireball off of her fist towards Zylax; who narrowly dodges the three small ones.

No time to dodge. Think better, Move Faster! He overhead punches the biggest one making it disperses at the cost of his left arm. I know how you like to fight! That one was designed for me to dodge just so it could explode right behind me! I know that, I've seen you use it. And I always hated the idea of having to deal with it Zylax looks down, seeing more skin than shirt and when he looks up he's met with a fury of fire-infused jabs.

I know how you analyze shit! Don't think for a second just because I'm pissed that my fighting gets drunk! Each punch Shade throws could only be blocked and half parried

I can feel my bones denting with each jab! My body is damn near fully cooked.-Zylax laughs mentally- Alright I have to kick her in the chin with all I have; the next body weighted attack she does! Zylax begins to move his right foot back bit by bit as he slowly tucks in his body

"Why did it have to be Dauze! Why couldn't you have just DIED ON THAT DAMN PODIUM!" Shade says with a dizzying uppercut before smoothly axe kicking Zylax. 

Damn guillotine kick! That should have made her at least a little dizzy or something He dodges by another hair, his arms Noticeably darker than when they were at the table

Just Go, DOWN!! Shade subtly goes for a charged uppercut right as her foot touches the ground. "Why did it have to be HIM!?"

"..." Zylax leaves an audible silence as he rocks his body to the side and jack knife kicks her in the jaw; knocking her out into the lamp post across the street. "I'm not gonna say I wish it was me, but I won't say I don't regret my decision to make him go on that podium." Zylax whispers looking at Shade before going limp. The parents are just looking at the destruction "Shit I'll have to pay for this!!!" Libraire cries into his palm with his wife running past him towards Zylax screaming "MY CHILDREN!".

Once she reaches him she starts grabbing all over Zylax's upper body "Are you Ok?" she asks. "I'm still breathing." He replies with a smirk and chuckle only to get met with a slap in the face. "Why did you kick her so hard!" she says before hugging him then rushing towards Shade "My poor girl. Today has been exhausting for you haven't it?"

"Just so you know I still haven't seen your adoption papers yet so don't get too happy." Libraire says behind Zylax with a smirk. Zylax weakly elbows him in the arm "I would imagine. You can't take two L's back-to-back." Zylax says before whispering "Fuckin got checkmated because of a King." which leads to Libraire getting flustered. "Who in the fires of the abyss uses a king to TRAP ANOTHER KING!" The tall honeydew melon skin colored male yells only to get met with a chuckle.

After a couple of minutes Shade wakes up in her room with her head in Zylax's lap as he whispers to himself. "I can't just say: "Hey Shade we cool right? Anyway Dauze knew that one of us was going to die last night so he chose for me to live because he couldn't see himself getting our job done! YEah he was a Great guy..." Zylax Sighs "Fuckin dumbass, he knows I ain't good with calming Shade down let alone talking to her. I think I should just go, leave the recording he left at his studio here for her." whispering just low enough for Shade to hear.

I loved both of you as brothers, or so I thought I did. . Maybe I saw Dauze as more of an uncle thanks to his white hair, but I loved him as a closer family member, with him now gone it's difficult for me to just accept it and I don't think I ever will. I want to blame you but, I don't know... is it not fair? At the end of the day you did send him to his death... I hate situations like this. My thoughts can't comprehend my emotions. As long as you don't do something stupid, I think I can try accepting it. Shade thinks before slipping back into sleep

Melia (Libraire's wife) is brought back by her husbands voice, "So Who took off Shade's shirt?" Libraire asks his now, smirking, wife. "Who do you think? I may call them my children but that doesn't mean I don't see them having a bit of chemistry, she has a bra on so she'll be fine! Quit worrying." She adds walking towards the kitchen

This damn woman Libraire shake his head with a chuckle before following "So-!"