
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

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100 Chs

Chapter 75: Su Yanran's decisiveness must be eradicated! [8/10 Please order first!)

Chu Xuan didn't know what was going on at the bar, you know, was absolutely shocked to the point of plasmolysis.

It is certain that the hostess is broken, but it is hell to be a weak dog.

The others have returned to Villa No. 1, took a hot bath, and slept on the big bed.

Woke up the next day, refreshed and inexplicably very comfortable?

"System brother, sign in.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, rewards: physique +100, strength +100, god-level driving, 100 billion in cash!)

That's right, it's another skill.

The joy of the god-level driver kept pouring into his mind, and it was digested quickly. It seemed that the muscles and bones of the body were also being remodeled.

In just a moment of effort, he had a sufficient understanding of god-level driving.

God-level driving owners, including various motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles, aircraft and other driving skills, have reached the level of gods and are superb.

To sum up in a simple sentence, the old driver drives, the door is welded, the accelerator is stepped on, the direction is locked, and the road is over!

No one wants to get out of the car!

Can't wait to try it out, I hurried to the garage and picked up the modified Pagani Zonda.

The moment I put my hands on the steering wheel, I feel that I have driven this car thousands of times, and I fully understand the various performances.

633-foot floor oil, galloping directly to the second villa.

At the door of Villa No. 2, Li Yan was already waiting there.


The black son of the wind drifted in a handsome 360 ​​degree and stopped in front of Li Yan.

Li Yan wore a red cheongsam today and carried a white handbag, looking elegant and dignified.

"Sister Min, get in the car."

Chu Xuan lowered the car window, Li Yan opened the car door and sat in, curiously asked: "Young Master Chu is very good at driving.

In the past, Chu Xuan also had drag racing, but his racing skills were definitely not so good.

How long has it been since it has been raised to this level, is it possible to practice driving secretly?

Chu Xuan laughed and said, "Of course, I just didn't want to show off before, there is something even more powerful, I have the opportunity to let Sister Yan experience the speed of an old driver.

Li Yan covered her mouth and chuckled lightly, but her eyes looked at it without a trace.

Brat, even my sister dares to molest her?

Really fat!

"Go to the company today or?"

"Well, let's go to the company first, there is nothing to investigate today.

She is also busy during this time, and the stock offered by Chu Xuan is still following up, which has really made her a fortune, counting money every day until her hands cramp. (bad)

However, there is a faint feeling that something is wrong, and the appreciation of the stock is too smooth.

Combined with what he said before, that stock will have some ups and downs, and it will definitely experience some violent fluctuations in the future, so you have to plan well.

"The stock that Shao Chu mentioned last time, the U.S. stock market has risen very much now, just leave it alone?

"Cough, sister Yan is talking about the stock of Zhiyuan Games, right?"

"Yes, my sister invested some money, and now there are more things in the company, so I plan to leave it alone."

Li Yan said with a smile that Chu Xuan didn't answer anything, just thinking about the stock.

[Counting the time, it should have plummeted today? Splash~ A game of US stock capitalists cutting leeks. "

[However, if you leave it alone, you will be able to recover a little later, at least you won't lose money. "

This [wave, Buffett must make a lot of money!)

Li Yan heard her heart and immediately understood.

No wonder it feels a little wrong, and sure enough something is going to go wrong.

The game of US stock capitalists harvesting non-vegetable vegetables is basically carried out through short selling, speculation and so on.

The situation of the stock of Zhiyuan Game is that the major capitalists are bearish and ready to be short.

Short selling naturally involves cooperating with brokers, buying stocks through brokers and then selling them, and then buying stocks from retail investors and returning them to brokers when the stocks have fallen to earn the difference.

To put it simply, a stock is 20 yuan, and the capitalist buys it from the brokerage firm and sells it directly. The difference in dollars.

This is shorting!

In order to make the stock price fall, capitalists will also use various methods, such as the media, such as joint selling of stocks and so on.

In this environment, retail investors have to sell at low prices in order to protect themselves, leading to a rapid decline in stock prices, forming a vicious circle.

The end result is that the capitalists make a lot of money, while the retail investors lose their money.

Li Min learned the general situation and knew that he had to figure it out.

Or else watch the stock price plummet?

Just kidding, how much money is that?

At the moment, she took out her mobile phone and started to operate.

Chu Xuan was driving, but he didn't pay much attention. When he came to the company, Li had already finished the operation, with a charming smile on his face.

In this wave, blood is earned!

"The capitalists wait for me to harvest.

The Su Group, Su Yanran's signature pen scribbled on the notebook unconsciously.

"Here again, here again!"


Why doesn't that dog man say that it is that stock? She also wants to have bad money!

After the last loss of ten million yuan, she quickly adjusted.

The stock is not something she can play!

It is better to quickly get the commercial street ready, then the Su Group can make a lot of money.

Of course, before that, let's take back the equity in the company first!

The opportunity to make big money is here!

There are so many high-level people in the company who have violated Su Tianxiong's positive attitude, and she doesn't plan to keep it.

That kind of person should have been eradicated long ago.

Now she has begun to collect some evidence, waiting for the next board of directors, to get back all the company's equity!

Of course, Su Tianxiong is extremely supportive of his daughter, and he also knows how important the commercial street is.

Once successful, the market value of the Su Group will skyrocket, directly breaking through the 100 billion level:

The equity is completely in his own hands. Isn't he good to be a billionaire?

Chu Xuan has his own office in the company. Although it bears the title of President's Special Assistant, the office is really luxurious, and it is not inferior to President Li Yan's office at all.

Everyone in the company also understands what's going on. After all, this is the Chu Group. They are the only heirs of the group, and the entire company belongs to him!

Lazily lying on the boss chair, although it is a special help, there is really nothing for him to do.

Isn't it a good thing to be a trillionaire in peace?

Just signing in every day makes him completely numb to money.

All kinds of cards add up, at least there are trillions of cash flow, right?

Still ten trillion?

Forget it, I don't remember it clearly anyway, and I'm too lazy to deal with it so much.

Even if the current Chu Group is in jeopardy, he can directly save it with huge cash flow.

[Counting the time, the Death Team should also be in Jiangcheng, right?)

[The protagonist's right-hand man, I really hope that No.1 will know about the affairs between her father and the protagonist, hehehe~"

[Speaking of Ye Fan, did the rotor run to hide and lick his wounds? Bastard, shouldn't you want to skip work tonight?)

[There are so many toilets waiting to be flushed! There is no professional ethics at all!"

Thinking of this, he immediately called Dongye.