
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

1323414 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 66: Qin Shou: Brother, I have encountered a pervert!

What a disgusting man!

The female protagonists are messed up, and Ye Fan is so thirsty that he even drinks urine!

And it's still hot, how scary is that picture?

It's hard to imagine how distorted the former Dragon King's psychology was before he chose to drink urine?

Could it be that he wanted to show off his ability to survive in the wild?

Some protagonists like the King of Soldiers, in order to show how hard-working they are, they even regard drinking urine as an honorable thing!

In fact, when fighting in the field, some people did drink urine if they had to, and everything was for the success of the mission.

But you are in the city now, is it really appropriate for you to drink urine?

It is impossible to imagine whether his mind has been twisted.

In the bar, Chu Xuan had returned to the booth, Qin Shou sat there first, holding the wine glass in both hands, trembling.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Xuan suppressed a smile and sat down.

"Brother, I have to tell you something. I, I have encountered a pervert!"

"I was in the bathroom just now, and there was a toilet man drinking my urine!"

"I seem to see desire in his eyes. I'm afraid he not only cares about my urine, but also my bird! Woohoo~ Why are there any perverts?"

Qin Shou was really terrified. When he encountered a lot of psychopaths in battle, he could handle it calmly.

But in the face of this situation, he really couldn't hold it.

I was supposed to be happy when I came to the bar for a drink, but now I've been treated so much that I have no emotions.

Chu Xuan couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha~ Young Master Qin still has something to be afraid of? When you meet a perverted person, won't you be over with one punch?"

"Hey? It seems to make sense!"

Qin Shou just realized that he didn't punch the bastard just now. What happened?


If he knew the existence of the protagonist's halo, he would probably doubt his life.

In the original book, he was Ye Fan's pawn, how could he attack Ye Fan?

At this moment, it is also affected by the protagonist's halo, and only knows to run out.

After drinking for a while, Qin Shou forgot what happened just now and enjoyed the wine happily.

However, Chu Xuan was paying attention to what was happening in the bathroom. Ye Fan drank his urine. Judging from his temperament, he would definitely not let Qin Shou go easily, and maybe he would kill him directly.

{Kill you, must kill you! }

{Damn bastard, how dare you humiliate my Dragon King like this, you must die! }

{I, I must kill your whole family, kill your whole family! }

In the bathroom, Ye Fan, who had vomited for a while, finally recovered.

Thinking of the man just now, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

The other party came to the toilet just now, so it should be a guest of the bar. Should he still be in the bar at this time?

Thinking of this, he broke off the brush, leaving a sharp handle hidden in his sleeve, and walked outside with a sullen face.

Glancing around, he quickly locked Qin Shou's position.

But when he saw Chu Xuan next to him, he was a little stunned.

Why is there that bastard everywhere?

The person who made him drink urine is actually a friend of Chu Xuan?

No matter what, what about my friend, he must pay the price for making him so humiliated today! Even if he had to leave Jiangcheng, he would admit it.

The dignity of the Dragon King does not allow anyone to be humiliated!

Thinking of this, he shuttled through the crowd and walked towards the deck step by step.

But the embarrassing thing came. As soon as he entered the crowd, the crowd quickly separated, covering their noses.

"Fuck, what's the matter with this guy?"

"Wow~ can you stop panting? What did you eat in the toilet, it smells so good?"

"Please shut up, vomit~ Did it fall into the cesspool?"

The guests backed away one after another, like avoiding the god of plague, and even more annoyed.

They came to the bar to have fun, but now such a disgusting thing has appeared, what does it mean?

When the bar security saw Ye Fan coming out, he immediately recognized him and was about to come over.

But this time Chu Xuan gave them a wink, and a group of security guards stopped just like that.

Ye Fan looked around, only he was empty, a little embarrassed, as if he had been exposed?

Fortunately, the man turned his back to him and didn't notice the situation here.

As for Chu Xuan, he completely ignored it.

What kind of power can an incompetent rich second generation have?

I'll take care of that disgusting man later, take care of Chu Xuan by the way, and leave Jiangcheng!

He planned very well, walked slowly towards the deck, and then turned to look elsewhere.

[Fuck, this deliberate disguise is too much! ]

[Do you think everyone is blind? Gan! What's hidden in the sleeves? Murder weapon? ]

[Hehe, can't help but want to kill people in public? The guts are really fat! ]

Chu Xuan's voice made several people's hearts raise. Especially when I heard Ye Fan's voice just now, I was even more sure that Chu Xuan's voice was not deceiving anyone.

Ye Fan really couldn't help but want to attack Chu Xuan!

Damn, it's obviously his own problem, but it's someone else's fault?

It was clear that he was thinking about someone else's fiancée, but he was embarrassed to think that someone else was taking love with a knife?

As the protagonist, it is too self-confident.

Do you really think the whole world has to revolve around him? Would the earth be impossible without him?

Li Yan, who was in Villa No. 2, stood up immediately, and jumped out from behind the boss's desk with a little foot. In a blink of an eye, he was outside the door. He picked up the key and hurried to the Clover Bar.

She is also an ancient warrior, and her strength is definitely not low!

Su Yanran frowned, took out her phone and called the police, and at the same time rushed to the Clover Bar.

Inside the police station, Xiao Muqing drove the police car to the Clover Bar without saying a word!

In the Liu family, Liu Yiyi was so frightened that he broke an antique cup, which made Mr. Liu wonder.

"What's wrong, Yiyi? Didn't you hurt?"

"Grandpa, if someone wants to harm Chu Shao, it's that Ye Fan!"*