
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

1323414 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 56: The protagonist brushes the toilet and takes out all the handicrafts!

Ye Fan's mentality really exploded!

Especially when the cleaner brought him a brush, his mentality exploded.

Are you going to flush the toilet now?


"Mr. Ye Fan, please start, work hard, and try to pay off the debt as soon as possible."

Chu Xuan said warmly, that attitude made Ye Fan even more furious, grabbed the brush and walked to the bathroom with his head buried in it.

"Child gang masters have to be well monitored, lest someone steal and play tricks."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that things seemed to be over, Tong Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If Chu Xuan is targeted, then he can basically be finished.

There are only a thousand people in the Qinglang Gang, so they are nothing in front of the Chu family of Nuoda?

When the Chu family spoke up, Jiang Chengcheng directly acted, and his more than 1,000 people were just abolished?

Many of the more than 1,000 people are just horses. When they see the police, they are docile kittens, and they immediately disarm and surrender.

When he came to the bathroom, Ye Fan stumbled and almost fell, and the stench that came upon his face was extremely sour.

"This... what's the bathroom?"

Unbelievable, the ground was wet, and some toilets had a lot of filth.

Vomiting, urine, and even Baba!


Seeing that someone was coming from behind, Ye Fan gritted his teeth, squatted in front of a toilet, endured nausea, closed his eyes and brushed vigorously!

[Shocked, shocked! ]

[Why did the man squat in front of the toilet in the bar late at night and sweat like rain? ]

[Oh, it turns out that the protagonist works part-time to brush the toilet to pay off the debt! ]

[Fuck it, you even used the thirteen needles that kill you? Don't say it, shine bright! ]

Chu Xuan was really shocked when he saw the afterimage of that technique.

Brushing the toilet is really a life-long skill, can you use the thirteen needles that kill you to brush the toilet?

Sure enough, nothing can stumbling the protagonist!

After flushing one toilet, Ye Fan moved to the next toilet, squatted down and took a deep breath, his expression grim.

"Thirteen kills!"

The technique is as fast as lightning, the phantoms are thousands of layers, and the brushes are almost on fire.

"So fast, so fast! Look, this is called professionalism!"

"This young master would like to call him the strongest toilet worker, crown him the king, and quickly flush the toilet king, it's so terrifying!"

Chu Xuan sighed outside, Tong Ye and others went black, and Ye Fan was even more ashamed and angry.

The shame of today will be reported in the future, wow!

After watching for a while, Chu Xuan left.

Anyway, it's just a mentality, and if the protagonist's mentality is not destroyed, can he still be regarded as a qualified villain?

Don't worry about how the plot will collapse, the system brother has a correction function, and the general direction will not be wrong.

Xiao Muqing also followed and left, and after the two separated, she couldn't help laughing so hard that her stomach hurt and she bent down.

The dignified protagonist was forced to flush the toilet, which really shocked her for a hundred years.

"It's too bad to be so tricky."

Xiao Muqing laughed until her tears almost came out. She glanced in the direction where Chu Xuan was leaving, and then got into the car and left.

And many female protagonists who heard their hearts were very speechless at the moment.

Su Yanran remembered that Ye Fan had been entangled many times, and she always felt a stench coming from her face, and her stomach began to rebel.

Li Yan Shi Shiran made a call.

"Arrange dozens of people to go to the Shamrock Bar, drink whatever you want, and the only requirement is to make a trip to the toilet. Well, try to find some people who have colitis, hemorrhoids, frequent bleeding, etc., in short, they can make the toilet dirty. people. Yes, go."

On the other side, Wen Xiaoxiao, who was coming out of school and preparing to go home, silently picked up the phone.

"Cousin, there is someone you can help me pay attention to."

In the Tongjia villa, the bodyguards all looked towards the meniscus stairs.

clang clang! ! !

A muffled sound came, and the bodyguards began to twitch.

I saw a 1.65-meter tall girl in a red dress with a hot figure walking down the stairs, dragging a mace behind her.

"Miss, what do you want?"

"Follow me to the Shamrock Bar!"

Tong Xin gritted her teeth, her eyes burning with anger.

I thought she was just a drama follower, but I didn't expect that she was actually in the drama!

Are you still with that bastard?

In the future, if you kill your father, you still have to fool yourself with him?


"Miss, you've already made trouble with clover twice this month, so there's no need to..."

"Shut up, or I'll kill you!"

Tong Xin glared angrily, this time she was going to do business, these people really have no eyesight!

Ye Fan, this bastard, must teach him a profound lesson!

And Chu Xuan, the bastard, can't you reveal the plot?

It really made her want to know how the process was going.

Why was his father killed, yet he was still with Ye Fan.

This is the most incomprehensible to her.

She obviously loves her father very much, right?

Father's kindness and daughter's filial piety is definitely not a joke.

The bodyguards had no choice but to drive her to the Shamrock Bar. *