
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

1323414 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 50: The character design of the beautiful police flower has also collapsed!

Shamrock Bar is a relatively famous nightclub in Jiangcheng, and it is full every night.

The explosive music, beautiful girls, and occasional catwalks are even more exciting.

As soon as the DJ with a strong sense of rhythm sounds, it seems to make people forget the troubles of the day and dance with the music.

The nightclub is also a paradise for many men. Sometimes they leave late, and maybe they can carry a beautiful girl for a night of puffs and bangs.

On the bar near the restroom, Ye Fan drank beer cup by cup, and he didn't give the liquor girl a chance to take a sip, so he could only watch him pour it hard.


The wine glass was placed heavily on the table, and Ye Fan took a few breaths.

Bitter wine hurts my throat!

Su Yanran, it's really hard for you, but you still have to protect me everywhere!

Ye Fan really wished he could slash Chu Xuan with a thousand swords.

He dared to stare at the woman he liked, he was really courting death.

"Handsome guy, still, do you still drink?"

The wine saleswoman asked cautiously, a case of beer has gone down, can the stomach fit so well?

"Drink, two bottles of Ace of Spades!"

The wine saleswoman's eyes lit up, the ace of spades, a bottle is 8,000!

I really didn't see anything wrong, I saw the most beautiful boy from the crowd at a glance, and tonight's performance will definitely be heaven!

Although I don't know why when I saw Ye Fan, I thought he was rich, so I didn't pay back all the drinks now!

"Beauty, have a few drinks with Laozi."

Ye Fan put one hand on the shoulder of the wine saleswoman, and the other hand was already pinching down dishonestly.

"Handsome guy, don't be so impatient, it's still early~"


Ye Fan couldn't help gasping for air, is there a chance to see it tonight?

Thinking about how many days I haven't touched a woman since I came back, I basically spent it all by handicraft.

If you don't vent any more, the gun will rust.

Although the wine saleswoman in front of her is not as beautiful as Su Yanran and the others, her appearance is also 80 points.

He, Ye Fan, is really not picky when it comes to this kind of thing.

Anyway, it's all a night of romance. If you feel good, you can play it a few more times. If it's not fun, then you can shoot and break up.

In foreign countries, this kind of thing is very, very common.

When I was on a mission before, I didn't know how many such women I had to play with.

Or after a mission, finding a woman to vent is their daily operation.

Euphemistically called, the prevention of post-war psychological syndrome.

Two bottles of Ace of Spades were brought up, and they immediately attracted the attention of several wine-sellers, who all gathered around.

Look, what a handsome Kaizi, if you can give them a haircut, there will be a lot of commission tonight.

{Hey hey hey~ A few of them look good, it's cool tonight. }

{One dragon and five phoenixes, Laozi wants to wear one and five, let you all kneel down and call Dad! }

{his~ This little waist can't stand it at all, why don't you pull it to the toilet first and give it a shot? }

In the face of the wine-seller who was scratching his head, Ye Fan couldn't help it.

I can't wait to pull it into the hotel immediately and fight him in the dark.

At a certain booth, Chu Xuan was drinking Louis XIII leisurely, and there was indeed a young lady beside him.

But this young lady turned out to be Xiao Muqing!

I came here tonight to see if Ye Fan could seize the opportunity, but I didn't expect to meet Xiao Muqing at the door of the bar!

Xiao Muqing is the beauty police flower of the city bureau, and the identity behind her is not simple.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't appear in a place like a bar, but she did.

And what's even more incredible is that he actually dragged him and ran in.

Can't figure it out, what's going on?

[Have these hostess settings collapsed so badly? ]

[Long time to see, the beautiful police flowers have all come to the nightclub! ]

[Alas? Wasn't it because he was reprimanded by the director for beating the criminal suspect again? ]

[Tsk tsk~ Sure enough, the nutrition of the brain is handed over to Yue Hung! ]

[Can you have a long snack? ]

Xiao Muqing's brows jumped, come again?

Can you shut up, you bastard, it's a shame to complain like this!

Glancing at the dog man next to him who was clearly complaining, but still had a gentle smile on his face, he turned his eyes on Ye Fan again.

She has been following Ye Fan these days, in order to find enough evidence to bring him to justice.

Tracking down to the bar tonight gave me a headache.

If she went in by herself, wouldn't she bother to die?

At least he will be stared at by many men and become the focus of the audience. Where can he follow Ye Fan?

It was at this time that Chu Xuan was seen, and he took it into consideration and pulled him in directly.

With a male companion following him, and with Chu Xuan's second-generation aura, no one dared to look around.

It turned out that her guess was accurate. Chu Xuan brought her in. Although it attracted some people's attention, it was at least a lot better.

And after ordering ten bottles of Louis XIII with Chu Xuan, the wine was placed on the table.

Good guy, all the hungry wolf-like eyes are gone.

She had to sigh with emotion, the evil capitalist!

Chu Xuan didn't pay much attention to Xiao Muqing, instead, he was scanning the audience.

Tonight is one of Ye Fan's very important opportunities, and it will cause a chain reaction because of what happened tonight.

It depends on whether Ye Fan can seize the opportunity tonight.

Even if he grasped it, he didn't mind forcibly cutting it off.

After all, Ye Fan's family is now, and even a wise man would not choose to be on his side and choose to oppose him.

Chu Xuan's name is still very easy to use in Jiangcheng. As long as he is willing to raise his arms, there are countless doglegs lining up waiting for him to be called. *