
Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines

1323414 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 43: Real men should play hard!

Holy Gun Club, the only gun club in Jiangcheng.

Many people come here every day, in addition to the local rich second generation, there are also some wealthy businessmen from other places, big business circles, and so on.

The club adopts a membership system, and it is not easy to get a membership card.

The cheapest bronze members have to pay a lump sum of one million yuan, and then 100,000 yuan in annual membership fees.

Silver members pay five million in one lump sum and an annual membership fee of 500,000.

Gold members make a one-time payment of 10 million, and an annual membership fee of 1 million!

Diamond members make a one-time payment of 100 million, and an annual membership fee of 10 million!

Such a high price still attracts many people.

However, high-level members are rare, and diamond members are definitely not more than five fingers.

There are also the highest-level Zijin members, which can not be obtained with money, but specially invited talents are eligible.

Li Yan bought such a club for 3.5 billion at a time. How could it not be shocking?

You know, to open a gun club, you must not only have money, but also have power.

Li Yan's ability to buy it is enough to prove her skill.

Because the identity of the person who founded this club is certainly not simple, the club is also a golden mountain, who would be willing to sell it?

But she really bought it!

The club occupies a large area, with a full three thousand acres of land.

Although it is a relatively remote place, the value of this piece of land is already terrifying.

It can be bought for 3.5 billion, and the money for the land has already been earned back.

How Li Yan reached the deal is unknown.

When I arrived at the club parking lot, someone had already been waiting there.

When the two got out of the car, they saw a middle-aged man hurriedly walked over and said respectfully, "Welcome President Li to come and give guidance. This is Tao Shengtao, the general manager of the club."

"Well, Manager Lau Tao has introduced the situation of the club."

"Yes, yes. The club covers an area of ​​3,000 mu..."

Palla Palla, Chiliquala...

After the introduction, I finally got a certain understanding of the club.

At present, there are more than 1,000 members, most of them are bronze members, and there are very few silver members, let alone gold ones.

After all, the people who come here to play, except for some rich second-generation people, are those who want to take the opportunity to expand their contacts, and go to golf for the same reason.

Although I don't really understand the appeal of golf...

But it is defined as a noble movement, attracting countless people (pretending to be persecutors).

All kinds of guns in the club are very complete, pistols, submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, etc., almost familiar guns can be seen here.

There are even guns that are rarely seen.

"Okay, let's introduce here first, arrange a shooting range for me and Chu Shao. What gun does Chu Shao want to play?"

Manager Tao looked at Chu Xuan, naturally knowing the identity of the other party.

Chu Xuan thought about it for a moment, and laughed: "Real man, of course I want to play Barrett!"

Barrett sniper rifle?

Manager Tao shook his head secretly. Many young people who came here like this one, but it is really fun, but I haven't seen it yet.

Because this thing has a big recoil.

If you are not careful, your shoulders can be scrapped for you.

The person was brought by Li Yan, so he naturally couldn't just ignore it, and said quickly: "Young Master Chu, the Barrett sniper rifle has too much recoil and it may hurt you by mistake. Are you sure you want it?"

"Of course, recoil doesn't matter."

Chu Xuan smiled. With his current physique, can the recoil of a gun affect him?

Manager Tao had no choice but to look at Li Yan.

Li Yan knew that Chu Xuan was not a reckless person, and definitely had absolute self-confidence, so he ignored it.

Seeing this, Manager Tao could only take the two to the shooting range.

At the moment, there were a dozen people playing on the shooting range, some with pistols, some with submachine guns, and one with a sniper rifle.

"Young Master Chu, this is the Barrett you want, look?"

"Okay, let's play with it first."

Chu Xuan looked at the big black guy with excitement in his eyes.

Of course real men want to play with guns, this is the toy that really belongs to men!

Picking up the sniper rifle with one hand, Manager Tao's eyelids jumped as he watched.

What the hell!

This sniper rifle weighs at least 14 kilograms, so it turns out to be picked up with one hand?

Just this arm strength is already very strong!

When Chu Xuan picked up the sniper rifle, all the information about the gun appeared in his mind, even the internal structure, front sight error, ballistic error, etc. were also clear.

God-level firearms skills are really fierce!

Li Yan is playing with a regular pistol. Today, her purpose is to see if Chu Xuan can walk around.

If there is no problem with spear skills, at least his own safety can be guaranteed, so there is no need to worry about him too much.

"Quite appropriate."

Chu Xuan smiled, and immediately set up Barrett and took aim quickly.

Manager Tao saw his movements and was dumbfounded.


Younger, are you sure you are here to make a joke?

Barrett uses a standing posture, this can't give Bengfei his head?

"Young Master Chu..."

Manager Tao hurriedly tried to stop, and at this time Chu Xuan had already pulled the trigger.

boom! ! !

The thunderous sound echoed in the shooting range in an instant, shocking many people to look over. *